Strategic Initiatives

Strategic Initiatives Council banner

Engineers Dream Big

Just look at the ASABE visionaries making an impact with the Alliance for Modernizing African Agrifood Systems and the Circular Bioeconomy Systems Institute. Big ideas, big impact.

The New Strategic Initiatives Council Wants to Know

What visions do you have for changing the world? What cross-cutting endeavors might the Society undertake that will help transform our world for the better, into a world where all have what they need to thrive? 

Share your thoughts on ASABE's next big initiative.

Our Strategic Initiatives Council is the newest addition to the Society's organizational structure. The council will play a vital role in achieving ASABE strategic goals by promoting membership-driven, cross-community initiatives and partnerships. The council will
provide oversight of existing initiatives while exploring and developing opportunities to incubate new strategic multiple community initiatives.


Our Strategic Initiatives

AMAA logo

Alliance for Modernizing African Agrifood Systems

Learn, get involved


Circular Bioeconomy Systems Institute

Learn, get involved