Alpha Epsilon is the honor society for outstanding agricultural, biological and food engineers. The objectives of the honor society are to promote the high ideals of the engineering profession, to give recognition to those agricultural, biological and food engineers who manifest worthy qualities of character, scholarship and professional attainment, and to encourage and support such improvements in the agricultural, biological and food engineering profession that make it an instrument of greater service to mankind.

Memberships in Alpha Epsilon consist of three classes: honorary, active and alumni. Honorary members are selected on the basis of successful achievement in biological and agricultural engineering. Active members are chosen only from students registered in the upper portion of their engineering class, and who exhibit outstanding qualities of character, leadership, and personality. Graduate members may be chosen from outstanding graduate students in agricultural, biological and food engineering.

The Initiation Ceremony
Once you have submitted your new initiates you can use the these resources to hold your official initiation ceremony. This document contains a suggested script for the ceremony. During the initiation ceremony you may wish to give the new initiates a copy of their speaking parts. The document is designed to optimize paper usage (two copies of their speaking parts are on each page). Simply print the document and then cut it in half. 

Chapter Awards
New Member Intake Procedure
Honor Cord Order Form
Master Member List

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