Administered by the ASABE Foundation, the Giving Back Fund provides financial support to projects that showcase the knowledge and skills of the agricultural and biological engineering profession through efforts that benefit underserved individuals or groups. Eligible projects may take place anywhere in the world; no preference is given in the selection process for geographic location. The endeavor may involve building, designing, planning, teaching, or other assistance that has tangible evidence of the endeavor.

The Giving Back Fund has money available annually to support one or more projects. ASABE members are invited to submit a video, slide presentation, or other electronic means to seek funding support from the Giving Back .


Submitting an Application


  • The project must involve at least two individuals who are ASABE members, at any member grade, in the year nominated and in the year the funds are presented, and include at least two persons with one or more degrees completed or in process in agricultural engineering, biological engineering, biosystems engineering, or similarly named disciplines/university programs.
  • The initial project or phase submitted must have started within five years of nomination and must be completed within two years of receiving funding.
  • Submissions may be considered by the selection committee for a total of three years as long as the required ASABE membership does not lapse and the project is still pending and viable.
  • Funds can be used for expenses incurred from three months prior to two years after the project award (estimated to be January 31).
  • See the submission procedures for a complete list of requirements

Submission Deadline: December 31.

Direct submissions and questions to Dolores Landeck, ASABE director of communications, via e-mail.



Congratulations to Our Grant Recipients!

Congratulations to our Giving Back Fund award recipients for 2021. 

The University of Minnesota chapter of Engineers Without Borders received an award for their urban agriculture project based in St. Paul, Minnesota. The GBF grant will support the installment of a rainwater catchment and solar energy systems, a greenhouse, and smooth pavers that will make the garden accessible to those with mobility disabiilities. Read about the project in Resource magazine.

2020 Awards

Two awards were given in 2020, one to the UM-EWB group and another for a project at Louisiana State University.

The UM-EWB group was awarded a grant for a project to develop a drip irrigation system, horticultural plan, and associated educational materials for a rural community in Ethiopia. ASABE members Brian Aeling, Lucy DeBoer, Sandra Larson, and Walter Eshenaur are involved with the project.

The second awardee was the Louisiana State University Community Playground Project, directed by ASABE member Marybeth Lima. The project partners LSU students in a first-year engineering design class with local schools to create safe and accessible school playgrounds. The project involves not only engineering design, but also community outreach and collaboration. ASABE member David Constant is also involved with the project.