February 2023


In This Month's Issue:


From the Executive Director

President Keith Tinsey and I participated in the memorable AETC and related events in California earlier this month. Kudos to 2023 Chair Austin Roepke, the entire planning committee, and the CA/NV section for developing programing that showcased the diversity and uniqueness of western agriculture. Also, congratulations to Karl Klotzbach for being selected as the AETC MVP.

Following AETC, many of us headed to Tulare for the World Ag Expo. It was especially informative to walk the show with Pat Sweeney, senior international trade specialist at the U.S. Department of Commerce, and better understand how DoC helps U.S. companies compete globally. We enjoyed our visit with electric and autonomous tractor manufacturer Monarch (we posed with a tractor, Pat Sweeney is on the right). Monarch is a start-up company founded in Livermore, California, and produces EV tractors in a former General Motors facility in Lordstown, Ohio.
Huge accolades to the ASABE standards community for earning accreditation as a Canadian Standards Developing Organization. This accomplishment took years of hard work and means ASABE can now develop standards in both the U.S. and Canada, allowing for greater commonality in design and safety practices. Many thanks to our Canadian colleagues and partners who helped make this happen.
Please join me in congratulating staff member Sarah Rodriguez in her promotion to director of member engagement with ASABE.  Sarah started with us nearly nine years ago as a membership administrator and most recently was responsible for awards, recognitions and Foundation donation administration. In her new role, Sarah will help us better measure and articulate member engagement, which goes beyond member numbers in the Society.
Make your vote count! If you have not voted in the Society leadership election, March 1 is the deadline. Check your spam folder for emails from ASABE@intelliscaninc.net—and hurry!

Darrin J. Drollinger
Executive Director

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Final Days to Vote—Check Your Email for Ballot Link


Doug Otto Portrait

Balloting closes March 1 and your vote matters!

Members who haven’t yet voted were sent a final email from Intelliscan containing a secure link to the ballot. If you haven’t voted, check for your email message, click on the link, and vote. Thanks to those who have supported the work of the Society and candidates with their vote. 

Please contact Joann McQuone (269/932-7022) if you need special accommodations.

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#ASABE23 banner
The schedule is filling up for #ASABE23. Watch for details to be posted at www.asabemeetings.org for all the technical sessions, socials, tour options and more. This site is where you will also find registration and sponsorship opportunities.


ASABE Receives SDO Accreditation from Standards Council of Canada 

ASABE will now be able to develop and publish National Standards of Canada, after having earned accreditation as a Canadian Standards Developing Organization.

The accreditation was granted by the Standards Council of Canada and supported by a number of Canadian ASABE members after the Canadian committee responsible for the work disbanded. 

Read the full story.

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New Faces: Open to All, Top Award $2000


My #ASABEstory artworkWe love President Keith Tinsey's "ASABE Story," explaining how his membership in ASABE has benefited him personally and professionally throughout his career. We’re betting you have an #ASABEstory of your own. Share it with us in this year’s New Faces of ASABE contest, and it could earn you up to $2000!

And because we know that some of the best stories may come from those with a longer ASABE history, this year we’re adding a second contest division, for those age 35 and up.

Get the full details here.

Our thanks to Deere & Company for their sponsorship of ASABE's New Faces program.

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Submit Your Abstract for CBS Day
Deadline March 15

CBS day banner



Member Hour Banner for Regenerative Agriculture

Our Member Hour schedule is heating up, with two events in the first half of March.

Join us March 1 for presentation on regenerative agriculture, with Bob Quinn, author of Grain by Grain: A Quest to Revive Ancient Wheat, Rural Jobs, and Healthy Food. Quinn is a fourth-generation Montana farmer and leader in organic farming in Montana. 

Then, on March 15, we'll welcome Anurag Mandalika for our next installment of the Producer Series, "Producing Sugar in Louisiana." Mandalika is an assistant professor at the Audubon Sugar Institute at the Louisiana State University AgCenter.

As always, the presentations are free, but registration is required. All Member Hour presentations are recorded and available on our YouTube channel for viewing at your convenience. 

Member Hour Banner for Sugar Production

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Nominate Now for 2024 Class of ASABE Fellows


ASABE Fellows Pins"A Fellow shall be an engineer of unusual professional distinction, with outstanding and extraordinary qualifications and experience in, or related to, the field of agricultural, food or biological engineering.”

Do you know of someone worthy of this prestigious honor? If so, and if the individual has been a member of ASABE for at least 20 years and has actively practiced in, or related to the profession of engineering, the teaching of engineering, or the teaching of an engineering related curriculum for at least 20 years, consider nominating for Fellow of ASABE for 2024. For nominating instructions and eligibility requirements, please visit our webpage.

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Advertise Your Business in Guide to Consultants 


ASABE Guide to ConsultantsAdvertise in our Guide to Consultants, published as a supplement to the May/June issue of Resource magazine.

Engineering consultants can provide invaluable assistance with complex issues and this Guide is a great way to get the word out about your expertise. Deadline is March 10 to submit the order form to Jill Straub.

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AIM Presenters: Use Template to Upload Your Paper


Presenting at the ASABE 2023 Annual International Meeting?

Be sure to use the 2023 paper template and read the FAQ for instructions. If your paper is not submitted by May 1 (midnight eastern time), it will not be added to our Online Technical Library until after the meeting. Email AIMpapers@asabe.org with questions.


 . . . and Enjoy a Discount for Journal Articles


Convert your 2023 AIM presentation to a journal article and receive a page charge discount of $100, or 10%, if over 10 pages for the final layout. You must be registered for the 2023 Annual International Meeting, present your work at the 2023 AIM, and submit your manuscript to ScholarOne by October 1, 2023.

When uploading to ScholarOne, at the end of Step 1: Type, Title, & Abstract, be sure to select the special collection "Annual International Meeting (AIM) Discount" and include in your cover letter your 2023 AIM paper number.

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Last Call for Standards Recognition Nominations


Each year, ASABE recognizes the significant efforts of those teams who devoted time and energy to revision and development of ASABE Standards during the previous calendar year. To be considered for this award, nominations must be submitted by the chair of the committee responsible for the standard by March 1, 2023.

For further information please contact Carla Companion.

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Gender Inequality Subject of March 8 Book Club Pick


"Invisible Women" front cover
The ASABE Book Club invites you to join our review of Invisible Women: Data Bias in a World Designed for Men, by Caroline Criado Perez. 

This book investigates the root cause of gender inequality in research, diving into women's lives at home, the workplace, the public square, the doctor's office, and more. To participate, read the book, then join us March 8 via Zoom to exchange insights. Registration is required. 

The ASABE Book Club is supported by the ASABE Initiative Fund and sponsored by the ASABE Young Professionals Community.

Participants will be eligible for a $25 Amazon credit. Once registered and after participating in the Zoom book discussion on March 8, 2023, the credit will be issued to qualifying members. 


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NRES Terminology Document Open for Collaboration


Do you work in the natural resources, environmental/ecological, or irrigation/drainage areas? Your feedback is needed!

ASABE's Natural Resources and Environmental Systems community is in the process of updating its terminology. Because trends in industry change fast, input from those working in the subject area is encouraged. 

If you would like to suggest new terms that should be included, please submit your ideas with our online suggestion form.

Questions? Contact project editor Derek Heeren

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ASABE Southeastern Region Student Rally


March 15 Deadline for Scholarship, Fellowship Applications


Don't miss out on these excellent opportunities for scholarships and recognition. The entry deadline for all scholarships is March 15. Find all details on eligibility on the respective webpages indicated here:

John C. Nye Graduate Fellowship
William J. Adams Jr. and Marijane E. Adams Scholarship 
ASABE Foundation Engineering Scholarship

March 15 is also the deadline for the Boyd-Scott Graduate Research Award.

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The Central Illinois Section invites you to a Lunch and Learn on March 8, at 1 pm eastern. Featured speaker Naveen Kumar Uppalapati will speak on the role of autonomous robots in sustainable agriculture. Open to all, registration required.

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What is a Journal Abstract Page?

The "abstract" page contains most of the basic metadata about a particular article such as the title, authors, DOI, and abstract. If you use a search engine, it may take you directly to the PDF of the full text and you do not see this page. If you know the DOI for an article, for example 10.13031/ja.15032, you can append it to "https://doi.org/" to get to this page, https://doi.org/10.13031/ja.15032 where you can also see a list of recommended related articles.

Social Media and Your Journal Article

If you're publishing in ASABE journals, we encourage your collaboration in social media promotions. When your article is finalized for publication, you may also provide promotional wording with tags for use with the ASABE social media accounts. In the email from staff to finalize your article, look for a link to a form that collects the information for use by our social media manager.


2nd Global Evapotranspiration Symposium: Call for Abstracts Closes March 15

Evapotranspiration Symposium 2023October 23-27, 2023
The Penn Stater Hotel
The Pennsylvania State University
University Park, PA, USA

Abstract submissions are still being accepted now through March 15 for The 2nd Global Evapotranspiration Symposium. The conference will be held in University Park, Pennsylvania in October 2023. A full list of sessions is available at the website.

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Standards Activities


Proposed Projects

  • X302.5, Design and Construction of Surface Drainage Systems on Agricultural Lands in Humid Areas Systems

Press Releases

  • January 30, 2023, ASABE to Revise Standard on Design and Construction of Drainage Systems
  • January 30, 2023, ASABE to Solicit Input on Water-Related Terminology
  • February 2, 2023, ASABE to Develop Standard on Wind Loads in Relation to Grain Bins 

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Dolores Landeck - Editor
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