In This Month's Issue:


From the Executive Director

The 2022 Annual International Meeting is now in the history books, and it will be remembered for many reasons. It was our first return to an in-person annual meeting after two years of virtual events. And it was hot in Houston! We had multiple days with triple-digit temperatures, and the heat index climbed to 110 degrees. In addition to the heat, the dust from the Sahara Desert (yes, the Sahara, in Africa) and the resulting haze made for an otherworldly experience. 
Most of all, we were reminded that COVID is still with us and will remain with us for the foreseeable future. For those who caught the virus as a result of their visit to Houston, we wish you a speedy recovery. Fortunately, we haven’t heard of any serious illness among our members as a result of attending the AIM.
All that being said, it was an excellent meeting, and nearly everyone I talked with was grateful for the chance to meet in person once again. There was a special energy at this year’s AIM, and you could sense it in the conversations between sessions, at the socials, in the hallways, and over dinner. It was a meeting well remember for years.
Media personality John Phipps provided keynote remarks at the opening session and shared his perspectives as a trained engineer and a member of the agricultural community. His remarks on farmers’ perceptions of engineers, and on the essence of cool, are outlined in his slide presentation, which he has generously shared with us. Be sure to check out the reading list (“Where I stole from”) on Johns last slide.
Past President Paul Heinemann gave an excellent year in review and described the accomplishments and challenges detailed in the annual report. Paul introduced incoming President Keith Tinsey at the awards luncheon, and Keith outlined his plans for the upcoming year. A major initiative will be a Society-wide branding, marketing, and communication strategy, which will begin in the coming months. Watch for details in future communications, and enjoy the rest of the summer.

Darrin J. Drollinger
Executive Director

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AIM 2022: An Exhilarating, Productive Week!

The 2022 Annual International Meeting is a wrap, and what an event it was. Thanks to all who attended, presented, engaged, and made the meeting a spectacular and welcome in-person gathering.

If you attended, you still have the opportunity to watch several sessions on-demand. There were seven rooms that recorded technical sessions each day at AIM. These are now available on the OpenWater platform to registered attendees. Check your email for instructions if you haven't logged in already.

#ASABE23 Call for Sessions
We've barely caught our breath, but we're already planning #ASABE23, being held July 9–12 in Omaha, Nebraska. The call for sessions is open! Contact your community program chair if you have a suggestion for session topics.

In photo: At the awards luncheon that closed the 2022 Annual International Meeting, incoming President Keith Tinsey, at left, presented Paul Heinemann the traditional plaque bearing a gavel that commemorates Heinemann's service to the Society as 2021-2022 president.

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 CBS Generates Energy, Interest at AIM


ASABE's CBS initiative provides a mechanism by which the Society can focus on complex problems requiring interdisciplinary systems approaches and can collaborate across communities, both within and external to ASABE, to provide multiple benefits, including more-sustainable systems. At this year's annual international meeting, leaders of the initiative took advantage of every opportunity to spread the word and increase participation, engaging with communities and hosting a social hour and a workshop. Stickers bearing the CBS logo were distributed freely, and many attendees chose to add these to their badges.

The three-hour workshop drew 86 pre-registrations and ultimately more than 100 in final attendance, approximately a quarter of whom were students or post docs. Each of the five breakout sessions were well attended by members across technical communities, from natural resources, production, processing, and waste management.

Task force members met with a range of committees to update them on progress and promote involvement in the effort. Task force leader Jim Jones presented an invited keynote presentation in the well-attended NRES Distinguished Lecture, while two task force members gave a short presentation to the department heads committee, EOPD-210, to update them on progress and explore ways to more actively involve students and faculty in teaching, research, and extension. These sessions and others held across all communities were instrumental in helping the task force assess progress and plan for their future work.

Following the workshop, productive conversation led to a decision to hold a full day of programming at the 2023 AIM, in Omaha, and a number of ASABE members in different communities have already expressed interest in serving on the program committee. This "CBS Day" will also highlight the completion of task force responsibilities and the recommendation of more permanently including this initiative in the ASABE structure including strong connections of ASABE with sister professional societies and stakeholders.

Watch in coming months for more information on 2023 AIM activities, and follow the new CBS landing page.

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New Additions to the Technical Library

Open Access, Public Access, and Introductions to Collections


AMAA Initiative Advances with AIM Workshop


The Alliance for Modernizing African Agrifood systems (AMAA), a special initiative under the E-2050/AMAA committee structure, held two sessions during AIM 2022. 

The morning session, moderated by Ajit Srivastava and Klein Ileleji, included presentations of pillar strategic plans by each pillar lead.  The afternoon session moderated, by Margaret Gitau and Klein Ileleji, included four breakout groups in which participants discussed and developed action plans to achieve AMAA goals. A report will be posted at the AMAA webpage.

AMAA is also organizing a conference in 2023 in collaboration with the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture in Ibadan, Nigeria on October 15–20, 2023.  Watch for more details in forthcoming newsletters and on the AMAA webpage

The AMAA vision is to promote modernization of African agrifood value chains from production to consumption through development and deployment of modern technologies and methodologies.  It stands on four strategic pillars:

  • Technology, Methodology and Innovation—Pillar Lead: Kumar Mallikarjunan, University of Minnesota
  • Business Development and Entrepreneurship—Pillar Leads: Terry Howell, Jr., University of Nebraska, Lincoln; Klein Ileleji, Purdue University
  • Capacity Building and Workforce Development—Pillar Leads:  Dirk Maier, Iowa State University; Joseph Akowuah, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology
  • IV. Promote Infrastructure and Policy Framework—Pillar Leads: Michael Ngadi, McGill University, Canada; U. Linus Opara Stellenbosch University, South Africa
We invite you to learn more and get involved by contacting the lead member of any pillars that meet your interest.


Bioprocess Startup Competition Elicits Top-Notch Ideas in Inaugural Event

Congratulations to the competitors in our inaugural Bioprocess Startup Competition, held last week at the 2022 Annual International Meeting. The competition required student teams to develop and pitch a comprehensive business plan for an innovative bioprocessing technology.

The “RuEForm” team, comprising Carly Graves, Piyush Patil, Victoria Augostides, Rosie Maloney, and Paige Seibert, from North Carolina State University, took first place for their alternative cattle feed additive that reduces methane emissions. Runners up included the "Howdy Greener" team, comprising Vanessa Rondon Berrio, Luke Szoch, Delani McKee, and Emory New, from North Carolina State University, which pitched a technology for carbon-negative aviation fuel from agricultural residues. Finally, the "Arsenic" team, comprising Zachary Gilstrap and Frank Jefferies from Clemson University, took third place for their bioleaching technology to remediate arsenic from rice fields.

“The oral presentations were engaging and impressive, and left judges and audience members alike thoroughly convinced that the contest has a great future among ASABE’s student competitions,” said event chair Joe Sagues.

The competition guidelines are structured in such a way to educate student teams on technology commercialization and business development, which are important skills for advancing the circular bioeconomy.

Details of the 2023 competition will be announced later this fall. 

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2022 Blue Ribbon Winners Announced

We congratulate the winners of this year's ASABE Educational Aids Blue Ribbon winners, who were recognized last week at the annual meeting. The Society extends its deepest appreciation to the following individuals for their outstanding efforts in developing noteworthy educational materials over the past year.

Electronic & Web-Based Delivery

  • Ehsan Ghane, "Web-Based Computer Program: Drain Spacing Tool,” Michigan State University
  • Laura Christianson, Lauren Lurkins, Luciano Alves de Oliveira, Scott Anderson, Ronnie Chacon, Janith Chandrasoma, Reid Christianson, Kristin Greer, Bryan Maxwell, Austin Omer, Jim Polus, and Niranga Wickramarathne, “Monitoring Magic: Woodchip Bioreactor Water Monitoring Videos for Volunteers,” University of Illinois, Illinois Farm Bureau
  • John McMaine, Anthony Bly; Keely Moriarty, “Streamlines Podcast—Conservation Drainage Season,” South Dakota State University
  • John McMaine; Cable Hardin, “Conservation Drainage—Storing Water in the Landscape video series," South Dakota State University
  • Paul Jones, William E. Field, Matthew Jordan, Will Jackson, Kyle Bates, “AgrAbility: Restoring Hope, Renewing Productivity with Doug VerHoeven,” National AgrAbility, Purdue University, MJ Multimedia
  • S. Dee Jepsen, Justin Pulley, Karen Funkenbusch, “Virtual Reality Tractor Training Course,” Ohio State University, University of Missouri, Victory Enterprises
  • Amy Millmier Schmidt, Mara Zelt, Leslie Johnson, Rick Koelsch, Erin Cortus, Melissa Wilson, Daniel Andersen, “Merits of Manure Content Library,” University of Nebraska, Lincoln, University of Minnesota, Iowa State University


  • Andrea Ludwig, Natalie Bumgarner, Celeste Scott. “Tennessee Smart Yards at UT Extension,” University of Tennessee

Short Publications (less than 9 pages)

  • Gary Roberson, Jason Ward, David Jordan, “Peanut Digger-Shaker-Inverter Optimization,” North Carolina State University
  • Mahmoud Sharara, Maxwell Owusu-Twum, “Sludge Sampling in Anaerobic Treatment Swine Lagoons,” North Carolina State University
  • Josh Jackson, “Using Drones to Monitor Fence Lines,” University of Kentucky
  • Erdal Ozkan, Emilio Gil, “Strategies to Maximize Pesticide Deposit and Coverage for Effective Spraying in Orchards and Vineyards,” Ohio State University, Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Spain

Medium Publications (9-16 pages)

  • Ehsan Ghane, “Shallow Drains,” Michigan State University

Long Publications (17-32 pages)

  • Claire Burnham, Morgan Hayes, Robert Coleman, Staci McGill, “Riding Arena Footing: Materials and Characteristics, Riding Arena Maintenance: Dragging and Watering, Riding Arena Maintenance: Equipment Guide,” University of Kentucky
  • Kristen Conroy, Karen Mancl, "Low Pressure Piping in Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems for Ohio," Ohio State University

Comprehensive Publications (33 or more pages)    

  • Tiffany Messer, Amy Napoli, Jaci Foged, Leanne Manning, Sarah Roberts, Lee Sherry, Jackie Steffen, LaDonna Werth, Becky Schuerman, Karen Wedding, “Water Lessons for Preschoolers,” University of Kentucky, University of Nebraska-Lincoln

High-Impact Extension Methods

  • Paul Jones, William Field, “AgrAbility Virtual State Fair,” Purdue University

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ASABE Branding Kit Available

ASABE Branding Kit cover imageDo you write or present about ASABE? Edit a section newsletter? Push out social media content for your student chapter or community?

If you're producing any communications materials on behalf of your ASABE group, we encourage you to get familiar with the ASABE Branding Toolkit, a resource-rich portfolio of materials that will ensure your efforts align with and amplify the ASABE brand. The kit contains such branding assets as logos, artwork, and template files, as well as an authoritative guide for using the ASABE name and logo. You'll even find a handy tipsheet for writing and layout.

Reserved for use by ASABE members, the toolkit and branding assets can be found by logging in to the ASABE website. Hover over the Committees tab that appears in the blue ribbon at the top of the page, then look for ASABE Logo & Branding under the Tools & Resources heading.

The toolkit is a living resource, with materials added and modified as digital and print needs evolve. If you don't see what you need, if you'd like alternative file formats, or if you have questions about using the materials, contact Dolores Landeck, ASABE director of communications.

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Get Involved in Technical Communities

Updates to ASABE's committee rosters are underway, making this a great time to explore our technical committees and get involved in work that will expand your professional network, augment your professional development, and provide opportunities for you to contribute to your profession.

Head over to the ASABE website to find an abridged, publicly available list of committees involved with standards development. If you'd like to access a comprehensive list of ASABE committees and their members, including non-technical committees, check out the printed ASABE Member Roster or log in to the website and find the Committees tab at the top of the page. Contact the committee chair or ASABE staff to sign on.

Our Technical Communities
We're chock-full of abbreviations, and we know it. But we don't want that to keep you from getting involved, so here's a rundown of our technical communities. Zero in on your own interest area, and consider jumping the fence to check out something new:

ASE—Applied Science and Engineering
EOPD—Education, Outreach, and Professional Development
ES—Energy Systems
ESH—Ergonomics, Safety and Health
ITSC—Information Technology, Sensors, and Control Systems
MS—Machinery Systems
NRES—Natural Resources and Environmental Systems
PAFS—Plant, Animal, and Facility Systems
PRS—Processing Systems

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AIM Presenters Receive Publishing Discount


Convert your 2022 AIM presentation to a journal article and receive a page charge discount of $100, or 10% if over 10 pages, for the final layout.

You must be registered for the 2022 annual meeting, present your work at the 2022 AIM, and submit your manuscript to ScholarOne by October 1, 2022. When uploading to ScholarOne, at the end of "Step 1: Type, Title, & Abstract", be sure to select the special collection "Annual International Meeting (AIM) Discount" and mention the discount and your 2022 AIM paper number in your cover letter.

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AE50 Nominations Open August 1

Do you have innovative products that were first made available for purchase or ordering during the 2022 calendar year?

Today's AE50 winners typically include machines, systems, components, software, and services ranked highest in innovation, significant engineering advancement and impact for the markets they serve. Awards are presented at ASABE's annual Agricultural Equipment Technology Conference. The award-winning products are also highlighted in a special issue of ASABE's Resource magazine.

AEM is once again teaming up with ASABE to present the prestigious Davidson Prize, an elite award presented to the best of the best within the AE50 winners. The top ten AE50 products will be judged by a second panel to determine the winners of the 2023 Davidson Prize. 

Entry deadline is September 25, 2022. For more details, see the guidelines and entry form online at If you have questions about the AE50 Awards program or the Davidson Prize, please contact

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Welcome, New Journal Editors


We're pleased to introduce two new community editors for our journals. Their expertise and commitment will strengthen and advance our technical publications, and we're grateful for their commitment.

Seung-Chul Yoon, USDA Agricultural Research Service, Georgia, 
Information Technology, Sensors, and Control Systems (ITSC)

Shafiqur Rahman, USDA, Kansas
Plant, Animal, and Facility Systems (PAFS)

And we'd like to express our deep appreciation to the outgoing community editors: Naiqian Zhang (ITSC) and Jun Zhu (PAFS). 

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ASABE Journals Offer Free Literature Review Service


Save some time and cite relevant articles from the Society's journals. To receive a free list of relevant articles, use this Google form. There is no obligation to incorporate suggested citations into your article. Questions? Please contact Garey Fox at We look forward to helping you publish your research!

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ASABE Journals: DYK?

We will now list the Community Editor (CE) and Associate Editor (AE) in the article information section of articles published in the ASABE journals.


VisualChallenge12 Invites Photography Submissions  


What do you see? We want to see it, too!

Submit your agricultural and biological engineering images by November 1, 2022. Here’s your chance to convey and celebrate the beauty of your work, your research, or your technical community. It's up to you and your camera, so be creative! Submit as many entries as you want.

All entries should be original work, and the image resolution must be 300 dpi or greater. E-mail your entries, as attachments to Resource magazine editor Melissa Miller. Please include a title and brief description for each image and a name for crediting the image, and written assurance that permission has been granted to submit and publish the image, including any subjects whose images may be captured.

The best images will be selected by ASABE staff and published in the January/February 2023 issue of Resource. Good luck! Have fun! We'd love to see what you do!

Check out the winning entries from previous Visual Challenges.

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Thomasson Elected CAST President  

ASABE Fellow J. Alex Thomasson, head of the Mississippi State University Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering and William B. and Sherry Berry Endowed Chairholder, was chosen as 2022-2023 president-elect for the Council on Agricultural Science and Technology. ASABE is a member of CAST, and Thomasson represents the Society on CAST’s Plant Agriculture and Environmental Issues work group.

Thomasson has been involved in writing two CAST issue papers: "Ground and Aerial Robots for Agricultural Production: Opportunities and Challenges" and "The Role of Agricultural Science and Technology in Climate 21 Project Implementation," and he has served as a liaison on other CAST publications.

Thomasson said, “Within CAST’s position as a scientific authority on agricultural matters, modern means of communicating critical ideas to the public should be explored and adopted where appropriate.” He plans to grow CAST’s membership by engaging and increasing opportunities for young members, such as college students, and encouraging lifetime memberships.

He will officially assume his responsibilities as president-elect at the conclusion of CAST’s fall board meeting in October. In 2023-2024, he will become the 51st president of the organization. Find the full news release here.

Elected a Fellow in 2019, Thomasson is a 33-year member of ASABE.

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Jefferson Science Fellowships: Call for Applications
The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine is pleased to announce a call for applications for the 2023 Jefferson Science Fellowships (JSF). Established by the Secretary of State in 2003, these fellowships engage the American academic science, technology, engineering, and medical communities in U.S. foreign policy and international development.

Fellowships are open to tenured, or similarly ranked, faculty from U.S. institutions of higher learning, who are U.S. citizens. After successfully obtaining a security clearance, Fellows will spend one year on assignment at the U.S. Department of State or the U.S. Agency for International Development, serving as advisers on issues of foreign policy and international development.

Applications will be accepted from August 1 through October 18, 2022

Learn more and apply

The JSFs are administered by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine and supported by the U.S. Department of State and USAID.


Standards Updates


  • ASABE/ISO 12003-1:2021, Tractors for agriculture and forestry — Roll-over protective structures on narrow tractors — Part 1: Front-mounted ROPS 
  • ASABE/ISO 12003-2:2021, Tractors for agriculture and forestry — Roll-over protective structures on narrow tractors — Part 2: Rear-mounted ROPS
  • SAE J974, Flashing Warning Lamp for Agricultural Equipment
Press Release
  • July 15, 2022, ASABE Adopts New ISO Standards for Roll-over Protective Structures
    Press release
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Dolores Landeck - Editor
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