October 2022


In This Month's Issue:


From the Executive Director

ASABE Sustainable Energy Conference group photo

A huge congratulations and gracias to our friends and colleagues at the University of Costa Rica (UCR) for serving as such wonderful hosts for the recently completed ASABE Sustainable Energy for a Sustainable Future conference held in San Jose, Costa Rica. This conference was years in the making and rescheduled multiple times because of the pandemic. Conference co-chairs Wei Liao and Ajit Srivastava (both from Michigan State) along with the UCR local organizing team of Jose Francisco Aguilar Pereira, Mauricio Bustamante, Juan-Pablo Rojas-Sossa, and Flor Eugenia Solano Montenegro stayed the course and made it happen. And what a memorable conference it was. The UCR team and facilities are world-class, and I came away deeply impressed with how their work in biosystems engineering is making a positive difference in Costa Rica and the world. We’ll have additional reports from the conference in future newsletters, but in the meantime, if you have an opportunity to visit or partner with UCR I highly recommend it.
The coming year will mark the 20th anniversary of ASABE’s Young Professionals Community, or YPC, and they have a lot of exciting plans for next year. To help fund these efforts, they are requesting members consider giving “$20 for 20 years of YPC.” I can think of few other groups who have made as large of an impact on ASABE than YPC. An anonymous donor has issued a challenge grant, matching dollar-for-dollar donations up to $5,000 if given by the end of this year. Please consider supporting the YPC and making a donation.

Darrin J. Drollinger
Executive Director

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It's Time to Engage!

We’re pleased to introduce

ASABE Engage


The collaborative hub of the ASABE global community


What Can You Expect?

Single Sign-On
to seamlessly navigate between Engage and asabe.org

Contact requests and direct messaging

A digital library
for storing committee documents

Individual, group, and committee communication capabilities

Security and privacy controls


Engage will replace the current Forums communication tool

Login at www.engage.asabe.org using your member login

Contact EngageSupport@asabe.org for assistance


New Series of Member Hours Launches November 17

Member Hour Banner

Mark your calendar for November 17 and plan to join us as we launch the next series of Member Hours, "The Producer Series."  Appropriately timed just ahead of the Thanksgiving holiday in the US, the first installation will focus on turkey production in Illinois, with Jason Yordy of TurkeyTrac.

This presentation is free to attend, but registration required. Register here

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October 31 Deadline for Major Awards Nominations


Here's a reminder that today is the deadline for submitting nominations for our major awards.

ASABE is proud to offer a broad portfolio of awards that honor outstanding contributions across the full technical scope of agricultural and biological engineering. All awards are presented each summer at the annual meeting.

Find full details and a complete list of ASABE major awards online.

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Present your research at #ASABE23.The call for abstracts for is now open.
Visit asabemeetings.org, where you'll also find registration, sponsorship, and event information as it is confirmed.

Interested in hosting a social, tour, or CPD? Interested in hosting a social, tour, or CPD? The submission forms are now available.


Magee Honored by USDA NIFA


Charles Magee Portrait

ASABE member Charles Magee, Florida A&M University was recently inducted into the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture Hall of Fame.

Magee’s induction recognized his dedication to the values and mission of both USDA and NIFA. While his impact on the food and agriculture system is evident in many ways, his greatest impact has been to address the challenges of underrepresented populations in STEM careers.

The NIFA Hall of Fame recognizes individuals who have made significant contributions to NIFA and the land-grant university system who have supported USDA’s Strategic Goals and Priorities and demonstrated a continuing commitment to advancing the nation’s food, agriculture, natural resources and human sciences enterprises.

Read the full announcement.

Magee was one of the first individuals of color to receive a PhD in agricultural and biological engineering, and he shared recollections of his experience in an oral history captured in an interview for ASABE.

He is a 37-year member of ASABE.

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Promoting the Profession at FFA


Many thanks to the ASABE members who spent hours on their feet last week at the 2022 FFA Expo, in Indianapolis, conducting outreach. Some familiar faces were spotted on the show floor, including those who were staffing the ASABE booth that promoted careers in agricultural and biological engineering and technology. 
Special thanks to those who made ASABE's booth a popular attraction: Josh Jackson, University of Kentucky, and members of the South Dakota State University 1/4-scale team, who made the long haul to bring their tractor and the trophy from Brookings.


AMAA Embarks on a Successful Scoping Trip to Nigeria


AMAA Conference Scoping TripAMAA logoASABE members Klein Ileleji (Purdue Univ), Michael Ngadi (McGill Univ), Mobolaji Omobowale (Univ Ibadan, Nigeria) and Folarin Alonge (Univ Uyo) took part on a partnership-building and conference-scoping trip in Nigeria in late September.

The group, traveling on behalf of ASABE's initiative Alliance for Modernizing African Agrifood Systems (AMAA), visited three cities, Abuja, Ibadan, and Lagos meeting with USAID and several prime contractors on USAID projects in Nigeria, Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, the Nigerian Institute of Agricultural Engineers, Pan African Society of Agricultural Engineers, Sahel Capital African Food Changemakers, the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) and some companies working in the ag mechanization space.

The trip enabled AMAA to convey its mission to potential stakeholders and plan out its 2023 Agricultural Innovation and Technology Conference and Exhibition scheduled to take place at the IITA in Ibadan in October 2023.

Watch for details about the conference as they are firmed up over coming months. 

AMAA is an initiative of ASABE that aims to promote modernization of African agrifood value chains from production to consumption through development and deployment of modern technologies and methodologies. AMAA's vision is of a modern, productive, and profitable agri-food system in sub-Saharan Africa that ensures food security, provides economic growth, and improves quality of life in a sustainable, equitable, and responsible manner. 

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NABEC Draws Nearly 100 for July Gathering


NABEC 2022 Award WinnersHaving been postponed for two years because of COVID, the NABEC conference in July welcomed 80 members and students and 16 guests to an in-person gathering in Edgewood, Maryland.

During the technical conference on Monday and Tuesday, 78 oral papers and posters covering a wide range of topics were on the program. In addition, three keynote speakers spoke on topics of agricultural energy use, northeast climate change and climate change impacts in the Chesapeake Bay. The meeting also included a reception, a historical tour, and a picnic at a nearby state park. A technical tour took participants to a Maryland dairy farm that uses both solar and methane generation of electrical power. 

In addition, an awards banquet honored student awardees, as well as the 2022 Young Engineer of the Year Prasad Daggupati, Guelph University, and 2022 Distinguished Service recipient Valerie Orsat, McGill University. Milestone members were recognized also, for their years of membership.

Read the full wrap-up

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New Mexico Section Hosts October Meeting

New Mexico Section Meeting

ASABE's New Mexico section recently hosted a meeting at the Southwestern Cotton Ginning Research Lab, in Las Cruces. It was the first time the group had met since 2019. The program included technical presentations, refreshments, and a technical tour.

Read more about the event on the section webpage.

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Educational Aids Blue Ribbon Award Entries Open

Blue Ribbon Awards are presented each year by ASABE in recognition of outstanding effort and achievement in the development of noteworthy educational materials. Nominations for next year's awards will be due January 25, 2023.

For more information, visit our website.

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Congratulations to Student Oral/Poster Competition Finalists

Congratulations to all of the finalists of the ASABE Student Oral/Poster Presentation competition, held during the 2022 ASABE Annual International Meeting. Each finalist received a $250 prize check.

For more information on the competition, please visit our website.

Applied Science and Engineering Community

Reza Serajian, “Designing a feed-back control system for optimizing a novel low-dust almond pickup machine”

Education, Outreach & Professional Development Community

Agustin Olivo, “Engaging High School Students in Assessments of Agriculture Environmental Sustainability Through Whole Farm Nutrient Mass Balances”

Energy Systems Community

Poulami Roy, “Understanding the Synergistic Effects of Feedstock Blending and Catalyst Support on Hydrotreatment of Algae HTL Biocrude with Non-Edible Vegetable Oil”
Lillian Lower,“Thermophilic Anaerobic Digestion of Lemnaceae for Biogas Production”
Gabrielle Myers, “Cost Assessment of Centralizing a Swine Manure and Corn Stover Co-Digestion System”

Ergonomics, Safety, and Heath Community

Aaron Etienne, “Development of a Public Database for Lone Agricultural Worker Incident Reporting”

Information Technology, Sensors, and Control Systems Community

Hanwook Chung, “Development of a Modeling Tool using CFD and Deep Learning for Agricultural Engineering Applications”
Shelly Hunt, “Environmental Parameterizations for Predictive Agriculture”
Mohamed Ali, “Active-Laser Scanning and Intelligent Picking for Automated Loading of Agricultural Commodities to Processing Machines”
Rubab Ajmal, “Path Detection in Orchards Using CNN-Based Semantic Segmentation”
Liyi Luo, “An Annotation-Efficient 3D Deep Learning Network for Plant Shoot Segmentation Using Point Clouds”
Karla S. Ladin, “Development and Calibration of Pressure-Temperature-Humidity (PTH) Probes for Distributed Atmospheric Monitoring using Unmanned Aircraft Systems”

Machinery Systems Community

Taylor A. Cross, “An Analysis of Sensor-Based Fertigation Management Determined by Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in Corn Production”
Behnaz Molaei, “Investigating Practical Artificial Hot and Cold Reference Surfaces for Improved ET Estimation using the UAS-METRIC Energy Balance Model”
Mark J. Schrader, “Thermal Analysis of Heated Spray and Implications for Agricultural Spray Technologies”

Natural Resources and Environment Systems Community

Lindsey Hartfiel, “Spatial Pollutant Interactions within a Dual-Chamber Denitrification Bioreactor”
Vinicius Taguch, “Understanding Phosphorus Dynamics in Urban Stormwater Ponds”
Eric Wilkening, “Cyclic Failure of Water Pressure Regulators in Variable Rate Irrigation Applications”
Emily Leupp, “Evaluating Maintenance Requirements and Water Quality Benefits of Alternative Linings in Roadside Swales”
Gabriel M. Johnson, “Nitrate Removal in Saturated Riparian Buffers In Iowa”
Kalyani Ananthakrishnan, “Co-Production of Biogas and Hydrochar from the Mixture of Sawdust and Brewer's Spent Grain”
Maria Jose Oviedo Ventura, “Evaluation of Geospatial Data for Livestock Operation Location and Estimate Manure Nutrient Utilization Capacity in Five Nebraska Counties”

Plant, Animal and Facility Systems Community

Matthew Herkins, “A Review of Best Available Technologies (BATs) to Control Pathogenic Microorganisms in Commercial Poultry Production Facilities”
Abass A. Oduola, “Growth and Aflatoxin Producing Potential of Model Aspergillus flavus NRRL 3357 Subjected to Radiant Infrared Heat Treatments”
Peiyang Li, “Continuous Air Cleaning by Filtration and UV-C Treatment of Airborne Pathogens and Particulate Matter in Indoor Spaces”

Processing Systems Community

Deandrae Smith, “Development of a Radio-Frequency Heating Technology for Rice Drying”
Amir Malvandi, “Sustainable and Accelerated Drying of Fruits and Vegetables Using a Novel Sub-Pilot Ultrasonic Contact Drying System”
Faith Achieng Ouma, “Effect of High-Power Short-Time Microwave Heating on Inactivation of Microbes on Rough Rice”
Surabhi Wason, “In-Package Pasteurization of Dried Basil leaves Using Radio Frequency Processing”

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New Additions to the Technical Library

Open Access or Introductions to Collections

Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health 28(4)
Table of Contents or visit the Journal homepage


Renew Subscriptions to Enjoy Uninterrupted Access

Journal of the ASABETechnology is changing rapidly and ASABE journals can help you keep pace with important developments that affect your career. Renew your ASABE journal subscriptions now, so that you don't lose access to these valuable resources.

For 2023 prices, visit our website or contact Subscriptions@asabe.org.

Journal of the ASABE
Applied Engineering in Agriculture
Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health

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ASABE Book Club November 9: American Icon

ASABE Book Club Event on American IconAre you interested in networking and discussing interesting and timely topics with your fellow ASABE members? Join the ASABE Book Club as we host our second book review.

To participate, read or listen to American Icon: Alan Mulally and the Fight to Save Ford Motor Company by Bryce G. Hoffman. Then, on November 9, meet with fellow participants online, to exchange insights. Registration is required.

The first 100 ASABE member-registrants will be eligible for a $25 Amazon credit. Once registered and after participating in the Zoom on November 9 the credit will be issued to qualifying members.

The book is available on Amazon and other booksellers.

The ASABE Book Club is supported by the ASABE Initiative Fund and sponsored by ASABE Young Professionals Community.

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Last Chance to Enter This Year's VisualChallenge!

Did you grab some great photos in recent months that show the beauty, impact, or diversity of the profession? We'd love to see them. Submit your agricultural and biological engineering images by November 1.

Full details

featured video

fao science and innovation forum
side event on circular food and agriculture systems

asabe recently co-hosted a webinar on circular bioeconomy systems at a united nations food and agriculture organization forum. "the circular food and agricultural System," was presented as one of the side events held in advance of the UN FAO's Science and Innovation Forum, which took place October 17–21. 

the webinar features asabe members rabi mohtar (texas a&m univ) and presenters angela green-miller (univ illinois), bruno basso (michigan state univ), and ziynet boz (univ florida).

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students: last day for scholarship, survey opportunities

CNH Industrial logotoday is the last day for asabe undergraduate members to apply for the asabe–cnh industrial scholarship. it's also the last day for your chance to win $100 in the student survey.

the deadline for the scholarship application was extended to october 31, with the extension announced earlier this month in a message that went out to all student members. if you could you use an extra $2,500 for your education expenses, get your application in today for the apply for the asabe–cnh industrial undergraduate scholarship. winners will be notified in mid-december. find more details online.

Group of college studentsand don't forget to fill out our student survey. you're a valuable member of the society, and we want to ensure our programs and opportunities for engagement are meeting your unique needs.

complete the survey today, by midnight eastern time, to be eligible for a $100 e-gift card. 

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ASABE History Books Make Great Gifts

asabe history books—a great gift idea!

order a unique gift from our amazon store quickly with prime shipping.

can’t find what you’re looking for? call us at 800-695-2723.


erosion research symposium: early bird rates until december 14

Soil Erosion Research Symposiumsoil erosion research under a changing climate symposium
with agroenviron 2020 in 2023
punta borinquen aguadilla, puerto rico
january 8–13, 2023

registration is now open for all attendees. register before december 14 to save over $100!

the registration link, program details, and other information is available on the event website. the program spans a full week beginning january 8.

sunday—welcome reception at 5:30 pm local time
monday—technical programming and lunch at the punta borinquen resort. keynote speaker: jane willenbring, stanford university
tuesday—all-day field trip to key erosion sites in western puerto rico
wednesday—technical programming and lunch at the university of puerto rico, mayaguez. keynote speaker: rafael bras, georgia institute of technology
thursday—technical programming, lunch, and dinner at the punta borinquen resort. keynote speaker: robert stallard, smithsonian tropical research institute
friday—technical programming and lunch at the punta borinquen resort, closing the symposium by 2 pm local time. keynote speaker: grizelle gonzalez, usda-forest service

find information on our speakers here.

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aetc 2023 hits the road for california

AETC 2023agricultural equipment technology conference
fresno convention & entertainment center
fresno, california
february 12-14, 2023

take a road trip with us as aetc heads to sunny california! a draft schedule and opportunity to be a sponsor or exhibitor is available at the website, as well as the reservation link to the doubletree by hilton where there is a block of rooms available. more information will be posted as we have it confirmed.

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recent standards activities

proposed projects
  • x341, procedure for measuring distribution uniformity and calibrating granular broadcast spreaders
  • x573.1, procedure for evaluating variable-rate granular material application accuracy of broadcast spreaders
  • x613-1.1, tractors and self-propelled machinery for agriculture — air quality systems for cabs — part 1: terminology and overview

new standards
  • ansi/asabe s660 sep2022, procedure for evaluating the distribution uniformity for large granular broadcast applicators
  • asabe/iso 6689-2022 oct2022, equipment for harvesting - combine harvesters and functional components – vocabulary
  • asabe/iso 8210-2022 oct2022, equipment for harvesting - combine harvesters - test procedure and performance assessment standard withdrawn
  • ansi/asae s343.4 jun2015 (r2019) terminology for combines and grain harvesting ansi/asae
  • s396.3 jun2016 (2020) combine capacity and performance test procedure

press releases
  • september 21, 2022, asabe to revise nomenclature for erosion-control planning (press release)
  • september 28, 2022, asabe replaces national combine harvester standards with iso adoptions (press release)
  • october 3, 2022, asabe publishes new testing standard for large dry-fertilizer applicators (press release)
  • october 11, 2022, asabe hosts iso plenary meeting in saint joseph, michigan (press release)
  • october 20, 2022 asabe to revise agricultural cab environment standard (press release)

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asabe members enjoy a discount! 

november 1-2, 2022
long beach, california

the resilient harvests conference brings together multidisciplinary leaders interested in a resource-efficient future for controlled environment agriculture to build consensus on government regulations, utility and efficiency program support, and technology integration.

asabe members qualify for a registration discount.

more here


submit member news to 
dolores landeck - editor


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