From the Executive Director

If you have not had the chance to read the May/June issue of Resource magazine and the great “I wouldn’t be me without ASABE” stories, I highly encourage you to do so. They are inspiring!
President Keith Tinsey mentioned in his Resource column the recent Board of Trustees action to bring for vote at the Annual Business Meeting the initiative to create a fifth ASABE council called the Strategic Initiatives Council. Since this requires a change to the ASABE Constitution, if it passes at the Annual Business Meeting, it will then be placed on the ballot with next year’s Society leadership nominees in January. One of the reasons for proposing the new council is to explore and develop opportunities to incubate new strategic cross-cutting initiatives. Please plan to attend the business meeting on Tuesday, July 11, at 1:00 pm, at the 2023 Annual International Meeting, when this will be discussed.
Several people have asked me what will be new at AIM in Omaha. The short answer, a lot! I cannot remember an AIM with so many technical and cultural tours, and a myriad of options to just have fun. We are pleased to offer several family-focused opportunities under the Kids of AIM. This includes providing childcare, a day camp, and the Future Engineers Days where local Omaha students age 14 to 18 will have the chance to learn firsthand about career opportunities in agricultural and biological engineering by visiting AIM. There’s still time to sign up and modify your AIM registration by clicking here.
Over the years I’ve heard many individuals share their “I wouldn’t be me without ASABE” stories and nearly every one of them includes life-changing inflection points from attending AIM. If you are undecided about coming to Omaha, I encourage you to join us. It will change your life!
Darrin J. Drollinger
Executive Director
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Last Call for Online Registration!
Online registration will close on June 15. This will also be the last day to add any CPDs, socials, or tours to your registration that you might be considering. Now is the time to add that CPD or tour that you were considering, if you wait until you arrive at the meeting, it may be sold out or canceled!
For all those who are registered in advance of June 15, watch for an email to arrive about one week before the meeting. This email will have information regarding the app and how to access the videos that will be presented as lightning sessions during AIM. Watching these videos before you get to the meeting will allow you to come to the lightning session prepared with questions for the presenter.
YPC Celebrates 20 Years
This year marks the 20th anniversary of the Young Professionals Community. There will be many events focused on the YPC during the week, with the annual Tuesday evening Foundation Dinner fundraiser becoming a joint YPC Social/Foundation event, sure to be a fantastic time for everyone who attends. The evening will begin with dinner, followed with a guest speaker presentation, "Across the Generations" by Cheryl Mitchell, and end with a chance to showcase your TRIVIA knowledge! Be sure to add this fun evening of celebration and fundraising to your AIM calendar.
Bringing the Kids to Omaha?
ASABE has contracted with KiddieCorp, Inc., a nationally recognized service specializing in tradeshow, convention, and "pop-up" childcare on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. Childcare services will take place in the CHI Health Center, the same location as many technical sessions and the exhibit hall at AIM. For details and fees, check the AIM website. Advanced registration is required to use this service, please register your child before June 12.
Daycamp Deadline June 1!
Another option we have for kids is Wild Adventures Summer Camp at Arrowhead Park. This will take kids ages 8 to 12 by bus from the CHI Health Center to the camp in Neola, Iowa, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. Children will leave at 8 am and return approximately by 3:45 pm each day. The cost is $200 per child. See the camp flyer for full details.
What's In It For Me?
If you've never attended an ASABE Annual International Meeting, you may be asking, Why should I go? What's in it for me? And in any given year, our annual meeting packs a lot of program content that, on first glance, can be a bit overwhelming to a newcomer.
We know those challenges! And we've come up with Meeting Orientation tool to help you zero in on relevant activities. This custom-built web app will pose a few questions to determine your interests and career stage, then identify technical sessions, networking opportunities, and tours that meet your needs. Check it out!
Not to be confused with the AIM Meeting App, which will launch for registrants just prior to the meeting.
Mark Your Calendar for #ASABE24
Anaheim, California • July 28–31, 2024
It may be too soon for you to start thinking about your 2024 summer plans, but planning for #ASABE24 commences in Omaha!
Committees will need to consider topics for sessions for next year and who will fill their program chair roles, issues that are crucial to development of a robust AIM technical program. Program chairs should watch for details on submitting session titles, due August 31. Those interested in submitting abstracts can expect that portal to open in October. Watch the meetings website for details.
My #ASABEstory Winner
Femeena Valappil explains how she's leveraged her time as a member of ASABE to expand her network and make meaningful connections. And she hopes to see you in Omaha!
Nominating Committee Seeks Candidates for 2024 Ballot
With the 2023 elections behind us, and new officers prepared to take their positions in July, at the end of the annual meeting, it is time to anticipate the 2024 leadership ballot.
Nominees are being sought for president-elect and three trustee positions. Nominating committee positions to be filled include EOPD, ESH, PAFS, International, District 1, District 3, and District 5. Members of the Nominating committee have the serious but rewarding task of securing candidates. The slate they prepare is presented in January for ballot by the general ("corporate") membership. The committee comprises representatives from each of the Society's technical and geographic units, as well as the International membership. The staggered terms are for two years.
Those wishing to put forth nominations are encouraged to submit names and supporting materials to a member or members of the Nominating committee by July 1. Current committee members are as follows:
Candi Engler (chair)
Stephanie Lansing (District 1)
Johnny Grace (District 2)
Amy Schmidt (District 3)
Fadi Fathallah (District 4)
David Lanning (District 5)
Ajay Kumar (International)
Joel Peterson (ASE)
Janie Moore (EOPD)
Catie Brewer (ES)
Gretchen Mosher (ESH)
Ning Wang (ITSC)
Noel Menard (MS)
Tiffany Messer (NRES)
Nadia Sabeh (PAFS)
Anthony Doss (PRS)
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Register Now for the Upcoming Member Hours
Find all information on the Events Calendar or click the images below.
Member Hours are free, but registration is required.

Also in the CBS Series
June 14 • 1 pm eastern
Methane Power as a Sustainable Circular Solution from Agricultural Biowaste
Rob Zemenchik, Precision Farming Marketing Manager, CNH Industrial
June 29 • 1 pm eastern
Nutrition for Brain, Body, and Planet Wellness
Charlie Messina, University of Florida
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2023 Tractor Competition Kicks Off Tomorrow
The International 1/4-Scale Tractor Student Design Competition will be held June 1–5 at the Expo Gardens Fairgrounds in Peoria, Ill. Join us as teams from around the world compete in a challenging competition testing design fundamentals and applied engineering!
Find more information is available on the 1/4-scale contest page.
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Search Underway for New Editor in Chief
We congratulate ASABE Journals Editor in Chief Garey Fox on his new role as dean of North Carolina State University's College of Agriculture and Life Sciences. Fox's new position means he will soon be stepping down from the ASABE editorial position that, as the inaugural incumbent, he helped build out.
The vacancy creates an excellent opportunity for a qualified successor to take his place. We plan to post a position description on June 1 with the details. We hope to choose someone quickly and would like to have some time for hand-off at the annual meeting.
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Taking the FE or PE Exam? We're Here to Help
Join our Young Professionals Community and Professional Engineers Institute in a kickoff session for those preparing for the Fundamentals of Engineering and Professional Engineering Exams. We will walk through some study techniques for the computer-based test and ASABE exam preparation resources. This is an opportunity to talk to past test takers and network with ASABE professional engineers and engineers in training.
Registration required.
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Second Series of Podcasts Dropping Soon!
What's on tap for the second round of episodes in "The Lead with ASABE? "
We're bringing you informative, fascinating conversations about diversity in ASABE, the ASABE Foundation, the Nebraska Tractor Test Lab, ASABE's newest journal, and more.
Find us on Spotify, iHeartRadio, and Google Podcasts.
"Explore" Advertising in Careers issue of Resource
We’re gearing up to produce the ninth "Explore" issue of Resource magazine, which will focus on careers in agricultural technology and systems management. The issue will be mailed in September to ASABE members and non-member Resource subscribers. In addition, we’re anticipating an overrun of around 10,000 copies for student recruitment purposes. Copies are distributed via Engineers Week, FFA National Convention, requests for career materials, and other outreach.
View the most recent issue of Explore!
Join other universities and gain additional exposure for your program by advertising in this issue—it only comes around every three years! We’re offering some special packages that include extra copies for your recruitment purposes as you will find on the Explore Ad Order Form. Contact Jill Straub by June 9 if you plan to advertise and the size of your ad. The deadline to submit your ad is July 14.
Details on sizes and acceptable formats can be found in the online Resource Advertising Media Kit.
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Special Collections: Digital Water, Regenerative Ag, Cyberbiosecurity
Consider submitting your next journal article to one of our special collections. Here are the deadlines and details of our upcoming special collections.
September 1, 2023
Digital Water: Computing Tools, Technologies, and Trends. This collection focuses on digital water and its early applications in different areas of water resources planning and management.
December 31, 2023
Regenerative Ag collection. This is a collection of journal papers on a wide range of topics and community contributions. We invite papers that evaluate the multidimensional impacts of regenerative agricultural practices, including but not limited to (1) biophysical impacts, i.e., on the soil-plant-atmospheric continuum, and resource efficiency; (2) environmental, economic, and social outcomes; and (3) technological innovations that streamline and promote adoption of such practices. Experts from within ASABE as well as from other synergistic disciplines are invited to participate.
March 31, 2024
Cyberbiosecurity: Securing Water and Agricultural Systems. This collection presents works that survey, envision, redesign and/or develop methods for water and agricultural systems directly affected by cybersecurity.
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Latest Issue of Resource Offers ASABE Stories, YPC Feature
The May/June issue of Resource features seven “I wouldn't be me without ASABE” stories from some of ASABE’s brightest. We also look at the "Harvest Years" in the YPC 20th anniversary story. Get ready for AIM in Omaha with some previews of what to expect in July. You still have time to register!
Also included in this issue is our annual Guide to Consultants listing.
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DYK? Your Article Enjoys Social Media Promotion
When your article is finalized for publication, you may also provide promotional wording with tags for use with the ASABE social media accounts. In the email from staff to finalize your article, there will be a link to a form that collects the information for use by our social media manager.
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CPD at #ASABE23 Offers Reviewer Certification
Become an ASABE Certified Reviewer!
Continuing Professional Development Session
Sunday, July 9, 2:00–4:00 pm
Join us this summer at the ASABE Annual International Meeting, in Omaha, for a special session to become certified as an ASABE reviewer. Learn about the peer-review process and how to write a helpful peer-review report. Discuss best practices and approaches with other ASABE reviewers.
This CPD is targeted at newer authors and reviewers but is open for all to participate. Participants will receive certificates at the completion of the CPD noting their designation as ASABE Certified Reviewers. There is no charge for this informative session, thanks to generous sponsorships from Kansas State University, Michigan State University, Mississippi State University, NC State University, Texas A&M University, University of Florida, University of Nebraska, and Virginia Tech.
Registration is required.
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Publish Your AIM Paper at Discounted Rate
Further develop your non-refereed 2023 annual meeting presentation into a high-quality, peer-reviewed manuscript.
Submit your paper for publication in ASABE journals and receive a page charge discount of $100 or 10%, if over 10 pages for the final layout.
You must be registered for the annual meeting, present your work at the AIM, and submit your manuscript to Scholar One by October 1, 2023. Note that all manuscripts must go through our high-quality review process to be published in the ASABE journals.
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New Additions to the ASABE Technical Library
Open Access Articles, Special Collection Articles, New Journal Issues
Misra Tapped as New NIFA Director
ASABE member Manjit K. Misra has been named the new Director of the National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA). The NIFA Director leads the agency’s work in advancing agricultural research, education, and extension to solve societal challenges. Misra started his new role on Monday, May 8.
“Dr. Misra is an esteemed scientist and educator whose devotion to studying and sharing his knowledge of seeds with the world will benefit society and inspire generations to come,” said U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack. “I am confident he will bring strong leadership and expertise to USDA as we continue our work to invest in and grow initiatives that ensure the long-term viability of agriculture and food systems.”
Prior to joining USDA, Misra served as a professor of agricultural and biosystems engineering at Iowa State University. For more than 30 years, he was director of the university’s Seed Science Center. The center has administered the National Seed Health System, authorized by USDA's Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, since 2001. Misra also was founding Director of the Iowa State’s Biosafety Institute for Genetically Modified Agricultural Products.
Misra is the recipient of several awards for leadership, including an ASABE AE50 award.
Read the full announcement from USDA.
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2nd Global Evapotranspiration Symposium
October 23-27, 2023
The Penn Stater Hotel
The Pennsylvania State University
University Park, PA, USA
A full list of sessions is available at the website.
Program highlights include keynote speakers, Dr. Lu Zhang and Dr. Jingfeng Wang, along with many presentations from speakers near and far with insights and new ideas for discussion.
An optional tour to Susquehanna Shale Hills Critical Zone Observatory has also been arranged.
This is shaping up to be a great symposium, and we hope you’ll plan to join us. Bookmark the webpage and check back for registration and additional program details.
Interested in being a sponsor or exhibitor at the symposium? We have many levels offered with the ability to customize if you don't see exactly what you want. Sponsorship has perks, like advertising in the program and website, complimentary registration, and optional exhibit space to connect with attendees at the meeting. Let Jessica Bell know if you have questions or are interested in customizing a sponsorship level.
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Standards Activities
Proposed Projects
- X260.6, Design and Construction of Subsurface Drainage Systems on Agricultural Lands in Humid Areas
- XAD10448 WD, Withdrawal of ANSI/ASABE AD10448:1994 NOV2014 (R2018ED), Agricultural tractors — Hydraulic pressure for implements, and place ISO 10448:2021 on the ASABE Recognized Standard List.
In Memoriam
William "Bill" Mayfield
William “Bill” Donald Mayfield, Sr., drowned in a boating accident while fishing on the Tennessee River at the age of 79.
Born February 19, 1944, on the beloved family farm in Silerton, Tenn., he became the first family member to earn a college degree, graduating with honors from the University of Tennessee with a bachelor of science in agricultural engineering. Although he earned his masters of science in agricultural engineering from Mississippi State University, in 1970, he remained an avid University of Tennessee Volunteer supporter and fan.
Mayfield began his career in 1966 as a USDA research engineer at the Cotton Ginning Laboratory in Stoneville, Miss. In 1971, he joined the staff of the Alabama Cooperative Extension Service at Auburn University, where he was a state specialist in farm machinery, including cotton and ginning. He rejoined the USDA in 1981 as the National Program Leader for Cotton with the USDA Extension Service in Memphis, where he remained until his retirement in 1999. During his distinguished career with the USDA, he was instrumental as one of the original organizers and establishment of the national cotton ginner schools in the U.S.
Throughout his career, Mayfield was involved in numerous civic and agricultural organizations. Returning to Silerton and the family farm in retirement, he continued his civic engagement, even serving as mayor of Silerton for ten years.
Mayfield's passion was cotton, the land that produced it, and, especially, the people that worked it. He authored numerous publications, culminating with in his co-authored book, Who Invented the Cotton Gin. He channeled his passion by using proceeds from his trade publications back into the cotton industry through the establishment of ASABE's Mayfield Cotton Engineering Award, given annually in recognition of outstanding engineering contributions.
In 1977 ASABE recognized Mayfield for his early-career achievements, presenting him with the award now known as the Young Extension Worker award. Among his many additional honors were the Governor’s Award for Air Pollution Control and the National Cotton Ginners’ Distinguished Service Award.
A celebration of life service was held on April 29. Memorial donations can be made to Silerton Baptist Church, Silerton Baptist Church Cemetery, or the Mayfield Cotton Engineering Award.
Mayfield was a 57-year member of the Society.
Full obituary
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