From the Executive Director
The ASABE Foundation and Society are seeking a Development Officer with experience, resourcefulness and initiative to lead the revitalization and expansion of our fundraising and development efforts, and help us to put in place a first-rate fundraising program. ASABE’s development effort is in its growing stages, working to take donor engagement, stewardship, and awareness of the agricultural and biological engineering profession to the next level. This is language from our help wanted add and if you know someone who might be a good fit, please encourage them to apply. We are eager to build a culture of philanthropy within the Foundation and ASABE.
When I think of a time of philanthropy, Giving Tuesday is near the top of my list. The ASABE Foundation is once again matching donations made during the Giving Tuesday campaign by offering dollar for dollar up to $50,000. Student activities remain a suggested area of giving; however, there are many Foundation efforts to select from. Newest on this list is the Circular Bioeconomy Systems Fund, which will support projects and activities that will be catalysts for change, advancing a resilient and environmentally friendly bioeconomy that promotes collaboration across diverse disciplines for a healthier planet. I hope you will join me and consider donating to the ASABE Foundation.
Darrin J. Drollinger
Executive Director
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Join us in California for #ASABE24!
Find all available details on the meeting website,
Call for Abstracts is Open
Get involved at the meeting by presenting in one of more than 120 technical sessions. Submit now through January 20 for your opportunity to present at AIM and include your corresponding meeting paper in the Technical Library.
Get Involved!
Member involvement drives the success of our meetings. Here are some ways that you can get involved:
- Contact one of the Technical Community program chairs, find out if they are still looking for session moderators.
- Join or expand your involvement with our committees and plan to attend any meetings held in Anaheim. All are open door. The committee meeting schedule will be posted in the spring.
- Host a Continuing Professional Development Course. Have a specified skill that you think others could benefit from? Fill out the form here.
- Have a great location for a tour? Let us know! Be the host and fill out this form.
- Are you the chair of your special interest community? Host a social or a business meeting. Contact Jessica Bell to learn more.
- Be a sponsor or exhibitor. We have some great options available!
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Ballot Proposal Would Add Fifth Council
Watch for a proposal on this year's leadership ballot that would add a fifth council to the Society's governance structure.
The proposal emerged from work conducted by a task force that recognized a need for the Society to have a structure in which emerging initiatives with potential for providing strategic growth and increased impact for ASABE. The Circular Bioeconomy Systems Institute and the Alliance for Modernizing African Agrifood Systems provide examples of such initiatives.
The proposed Strategic Initiatives Council would provide space for such initiatives to incubate and eventually become an integral part of ASABE. As with the four other councils—Membership, Meetings, Publications, and Standards—headquarters staff would be provided to support the work of the new council.
The proposal, which will require an amendment to the ASABE Constitution and Bylaws, was presented to the Board of Trustees at its spring meeting and subsequently approved at the Society's business meeting, held at the 2023 Annual International Meeting. The final step in creating the fifth council will be approval by ASABE membership by way of formal ballot, so watch for the proposal among this year's ballot materials, which will be distributed to members in early January 2024.
Direct any questions you may have to any elected ASABE Board member or to Executive Director Darrin Drollinger.
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Giving Tuesday contributions accepted through this week!
ASABE Foundation will match your donation.
In the New Resource: Branding, CBSI, Florida Centennial
What do you think of the new ASABE logo? Learn about the background and launch of our new brand identity in the November/December issue of Resource.
The latest developments in the Circular Bioeconomy Systems Institute, including some background on the proposed Strategic Initiatives Council, are also detailed.
We are pleased to help the University of Florida celebrate their centennial anniversary. And you won’t want to miss Bill Harriott’s Last Word, “From my view, things are looking up!”
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Inaugural AMAA Conference Enjoys Success
The first conference hosted by ASABE's Alliance for Modernizing African Agrifood Systems was held November 14–17 in an all-virtual and bilingual mode. We are pleased to report that it was a success, presenting many opportunities for continued growth toward AMAA's vision of a modern, productive, and profitable agrifood system in sub-Saharan Africa.
The conference began with two concurrent workshops on smart agriculture and entrepreneurship that drew more than 90 participants. Remote satellite locations for these workshops included KNUST, Kumasi, Ghana; UNN, Nsukka, Nigeria; and Makerere, Kampala, Uganda. ASABE President Dana Osborn (photo left) offered opening remarks for the main program, emphasizing the importance of global engagement to address global challenges.
Porter's message was followed by the keynote address, presented by Emmanuel Njukwe (photo right), director of research and innovation at CORAF—the Council for Agricultural Research and Development—in Senegal. Njukwe gave an impactful presentation emphasizing the need to modernize African agrifood systems to address global challenges. Other key speakers included Michael Faborode, president of PASAE; Tola Johnson, Catalyst Gold Agro-Allied Industries Limited, Nigeria; Queen L'Ombaka of Techwin Ltd, Kenya; and Nimna Dieyte, Federation of Maize Producers, Senegal. Technical sessions and a technology showcase demonstrated the current research and innovation underway to improve food security, economic growth, and quality of life.
We wish to give special acknowledgment to the members of ASABE's Young Professionals Community, who volunteered their time in managing the virtual-conference technology—the Whova platform, Zoom links, and recorded presentations. We are very thankful for their time and dedication to the success of this conference.
You can read an expanded wrap-up of the AMAA conference in our new blog post. We hope it inspires you to get involved in AMAA if you haven't already. Join our team and make a difference!
Margaret Gitau
Ajit Srivastava
Conference Co-Chairs
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Giving Back Fund Welcomes Proposals
ASABE members have servants' hearts and can often be found sharing their engineering expertise with vulnerable communities. If you're engaged in or considering a humanitarian engineering project that could benefit from financial support, the Giving Back Fund can help. The fund exists to showcase the expertise and impact of agricultural and biological engineers.
Submissions are due to ASABE headquarters by December 31 of each year.
Contact Dolores Landeck for additional information.
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The Foundation and Society are seeking a Development Officer with experience, resourcefulness and initiative to lead the revitalization and expansion of our fundraising and development efforts, helping us to put in place a first-rate fundraising program. The development effort is in its growing stages, working to take donor engagement, stewardship, and awareness of the agricultural and biological engineering profession to the next level.
A collaborative spirit, enthusiasm for establishing and integrating a donor relations program, providing input and guidance for the creation of marketing tools, and organizing strategic fundraising campaigns are important to expand and strengthen the ASABE initiatives.
Complete details of this position can be found here.
Recruiting a New Editor in Chief
The search continues for a new editor in chief of ASABE Journals. The EIC oversees the entire peer-review process and provides strategic guidance for ASABE journals. Please see the details and description of the position if you are interested in applying.
Send a cover letter and your curriculum vitae to The cover letter should include a description of experiences in journal editorial roles and a vision for the ASABE journals.
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Blue Ribbon Awards
Blue Ribbon Awards are presented each year by ASABE in recognition of outstanding effort and achievement in the development of noteworthy educational materials. If you've produced materials that you believe are worthy of recognition, be sure to submit your entry by January 25, 2024.
For more information, visit the Blue Ribbon Award page.
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Students: Make Note of These Competition Deadlines
Hone your technical and soft skills by entering an ASABE student competition and earn recognition. Check out the list below to find a competition that matches your interests and make plans now to participate.
March 15
Boyd-Scott Graduate Research Competition
April 15
Bioprocess Startup Competition
Ethics Essay and Video Competition
Fountain Wars Competition
May 1
Robotics Competition
May 15
AGCO National Student Design Competition
K.K. Barnes Student Paper Competition
Gunlogson Design Open Competition
For more details on eligibility or competition guidelines, please visit our website.
. . .And Apply Now for Scholarships, Nye Fellowship
The ASABE Foundation is pleased to offer the Nye Graduate Fellowship, Adams Scholarship, and Foundation Engineering Scholarship, each of which provide $2,000 annually.
Entry deadline for all scholarships is March 15. Applicants must be ASABE student members.
John C. Nye Graduate Fellowship
William J. Adams Jr. and Marijane E. Adams Scholarship
ASABE Foundation Engineering Scholarship
Visit the ASABE website for complete details on eligibility and competition guidelines.
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History Books Make Great Gift Ideas
Looking for a special holiday gift? Order from our Amazon store—you'll find it a snap with Prime shipping.
Can’t find what you’re looking for? Call us at 800-695-2723.
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2024 AETC – Back to Louisville!

2024 Agricultural Equipment Technology Conference
February 11–14, 2024
Louisville, Kentucky
Registration is now available at the early bird savings until January 7. Details on the program, registration, student activities, sponsorship options, and more can be found online.
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New Additions to the ASABE Technical Library
Open Access Articles, Special Collection Articles, New Journal Issues
Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health 29(4)
Recent Standards Activities
Approved Projects
- X328.3WD, Dimensions for Compatible Operation of Forage Harvesters, Forage Transporters and Forage Blowers, withdrawal of ASAE S328.3 JUL2003 (R2020)
Press Releases
- October 24, 2023, ASABE Withdraws Standard on Forage Harvesters, Forage Transporters and Forage Blowers (Press release)
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