In This Month's Issue:

From the Executive Director

I know it’s back-to-school time when I see Resource magazine’s special issue on capstone design projects. Watch for the September/October issue. ASABE member Mark Dougherty and his co-authors at Auburn University sum up these projects well: “Senior capstone courses are often chaotic and daunting to students—precisely because designers bring order out of chaos. However, the experience also provides a great sense of satisfaction.”

The capstone course gives undergraduate seniors a chance to apply their newly acquired engineering skills to solve real-world problems. And the student projects are as diverse as the students themselves.

Here’s my favorite capstone project, as reported in the September/October issue of Resource. A team of students at UC Davis developed a method for providing musical enrichment for horses. Horses respond differently to different types of music, so the students created a device that allows horses to express their preference and select specific music. While the Resource article doesn’t say which type of music the horses liked best, I suspect that country and western was popular

Sticking with the back-to-school theme, I learned that earlier this week ASABE member Bruno Basso gave an inspiring message to the incoming freshmen at Michigan State University. He challenged them to tackle the world’s greatest challenges, including producing more food sustainably by using digital agriculture. Click here and scroll down to the Monday video. Bruno’s comments begin at the 42.19 mark.

Finally, please read and share the student information in this newsletter. I’m especially excited that CNH Industrial is once again offering four undergraduate scholarships of $2,500 each. Check out the details here, and good luck to the applicants!       

Darrin J. Drollinger
Executive Director

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AE50 Nominations Now Open

Do you have innovative products that were first made available for purchase or ordering during the 2022 calendar year? Nominations are now open for the 2023 AE50 awards.

Today's AE50 winners typically include machines, systems, components, software, and services ranked highest in innovation, significant engineering advancement and impact for the markets they serve. Awards are presented at ASABE's annual Agricultural Equipment Technology Conference. The award-winning products are also highlighted in a special issue of ASABE's Resource magazine.

AEM is once again teaming up with ASABE to present the prestigious Davidson Prize, an elite award presented to the best of the best within the AE50 winners. The top ten AE50 products will be judged by a second panel to determine the winners of the 2023 Davidson Prize. 

Entry deadline is September 25, 2022. For more details, see the guidelines and entry form online at www.asabe.org/AE50. If you have questions about the AE50 awards program or the Davidson Prize, please contact awards@asabe.org

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CBS Initiative is Focus of Field to Market Webinar


ASABE will be leading a webinar, hosted by Field to Market, on Circular Bioeconomy Systems. The event will take place September 27, 2022, at 1:00 pm eastern. The purpose of the webinar is to introduce fundamental concepts of circular bioeconomy and the work of ASABE's CBS initiative, and to identify interested stakeholder leaders from the entire value chain to form an advisory group for the CBS initiative.  

Registration and more details are available online.

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New Additions to the Technical Library

Open Access, Public Access, and Introductions to Collections


Orientation Webinar for Students: ASABE Competitions


Are you an undergraduate or graduate student? Are you looking for a way to get involved in ASABE, with the added bonus of winning some prize money?

Join us for a free webinar, September 15, 7 pm eastern, to learn about our wide array of competitions that will polish your hard and soft skills, boost your confidence and your resume, and give you a leg up in the job market. 

Now is the time to think about competing. Several competitions can build on projects or research you are already completing, others are hands-on competitions that challenge you to design and build.

There is no charge for this webinar, but you must be registered to attend. Sign up now!

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Major Awards Deadline

We'll begin accepting nominations for major awards September 1. All nominations must be submitted by October 31.

Find full details and a complete list of ASABE major awards online.

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Student Members Earn Awards, Scholarships

Congratulations to these teams and individuals for outstanding achievements in ASABE student competitions. Please visit our Student Competitions webpage for full details, winning papers, and information about participating in next year’s events.

Boyd-Scott Graduate Research Award
PhD Category
1st Place: Bijoychandra Takhellambam, Auburn University
2nd Place: Md Sultan Mahmud, Pennsylvania State University
3rd Place: Worasit Sangjan, Washington State University

K. K. Barnes Student Paper Award
1st Place: Ashley Sarkees, University of Florida
2nd Place: Autumn Sylvestri, North Carolina State University

AGCO National Student Design Competition
1st Place: Ohio State University, "Transpiration Control for Sustainable Deep Food Production," Emma Rand, Katelyn Sang, Lindsey Shimoda, Donald Smith
2nd Place: Texas A&M University, "Vibration Monitoring for Predictive Maintenance," Matthew Atkins and Michael Unterman
3rd Place: North Carolina State University, "The Incorporation of a Bird Deterrent System into Floating Bag Mariculture," Elizabeth Beyer, Camryn Darragh, and Jake Jennings

Robotics Student Design Competition

Beginner Division
1st Place: Clemson University, Clemson Agricultural Robotics Team
2nd Place: Cornell University, BEET

Advanced Division
1st Place: University of Nebraska - Lincoln, Husker Bots
2nd Place: North Dakota State University, Bison AgBot 3rd Place: University of Florida, UF ABE Robotics Team

Best Poster
1st Place: Cornell University, BEET
2nd Place: University of Nebraska - Lincoln, Husker Bots
3rd Place: Clemson University, Clemson Agricultural Robotics Team

Best Distance-Based Entry Best Overall
Zhejiang University, Team Vector

Best Video
Zhejiang University, Team Spark

Best Written Report
Zhejiang University, Team Tensor

G. B. Gunlogson Environmental Student Design Open Competition
1st Place: University of Arkansas, "Alternative Stormwater Design for a Residential Development in Rogers, AR," Nathan Bowman, Juliana Newman, Harrison Davis, Noah Olson
2nd Place: University of Arkansas, "Low-Impact Development for On-Campus Lot Remediation," Alexis Barber, Ellie Kuhn, Andrews Daniel, Aubin Payne
3rd Place: Virginia Tech, "Peters Creek Restoration Design Package," Nikki Borglin, Andy Steele, Brian Wilson, Kai Lawson

Fountain Wars Competition
1st Place and Best Build Plan: Oklahoma State University
2nd Place and Tallest Fountain Award: Iowa State University
3rd Place and Best Use of Bio Materials and Best Aesthetic Display: North Carolina State University

Ag & Bio Ethics Essay Competition
1st Place: Marali Kalra, Pennsylvania State University
2nd Place: Shelly Hunt, North Carolina State University
3rd Place: Md. Hamidul Haque, Pennsylvania State University

ASABE Scholarships
William J. Adams, Jr., and Marijane E. Adams Scholarship
Paul Schlotman, South Dakota State University
ASABE Foundation Engineering Scholarship Morgan Nordyke, Iowa State University

John C. Nye Graduate Fellowship
Ekramul Ehite, University of Tennessee
Oludare Durodola, University of Aberdeen

Student Honors Award
Sean Moran, University of Tennessee-Knoxville
Emory New, North Carolina State University

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ASABE CNH Industrial Undergraduate Scholarship


Students, could you use an extra $2,500 for your education expenses? Apply for the ASABE CNH Industrial Undergraduate Scholarship.

Deadline to apply is October 17, 2022.

Winners will be notified in mid December.

Find more details online.

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Presidential Citations Awarded


At the 2022 Annual International Meeting, in Houston, President Paul Heinemann recognized the following individuals for extraordinary service and invaluable contributions to the Society. 

Shane Williams
For his leadership in organizing and running the AETC meeting after the in-person hiatus due to Covid

Chuck Roth
For his profound leadership in the Member Hour initiative

Shane Williams and Brady Lewis
For leading the Student Engagement Task force and managing the immense workload behind it

Peg McCann
For her countless hours of help with the Ag/Bio Supplied Reference Handbook for the PE exam

David Bohnhoff 
For longstanding and tenacious support of the ASABE post-frame building design standards

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AIM Papers Posted; Presenters Receive Publishing Discount


The papers submitted to us before the annual meeting have been posted online. You may still submit your paper to Jill Straub.

And remember that if you presented a paper at the annual meeting, you can convert that presentation to a journal article and receive a page charge discount of $100, or 10% if over 10 pages, for the final layout. You must submit your manuscript to ScholarOne by October 1, 2022.

When uploading to ScholarOne, at the end of "Step 1: Type, Title, & Abstract," be sure to select the special collection "Annual International Meeting (AIM) Discount" and mention the discount and your 2022 AIM paper number in your cover letter.

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Did You Know?

We now list the Community Editor and Associate Editor in the article notes section of the ASABE journals.


Note Deadlines for Special Collection Manuscripts

Contributing to one of our upcoming journal special collections? Make note of the following deadlines:

For Agricultural Conservation Practice Effectiveness II, manuscripts are due December 31.

Manuscripts for the Digital Water: Computing Tools, Technologies, and Trends are due September 1, 2023.

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Certified Reviewer Session Well Attended

Our first-ever training to be an Certified ASABE Journal Reviewer was well attended with over 80 participants. This continuing professional development session was facilitated by Monica Gray, Kati Migliaccio, and Garey Fox at the ASABE Annual International Meeting. We look forward to working with everyone!

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Registration is Open—Join Us in Costa Rica!

ASABE Sustainable Energy Conference logoSustainable Energy for a Sustainable Future
San José, Costa Rica
October 24-26, 2022

Registration is open!

Authors that submitted their abstract must be registered by September 14 to guarantee their submission remains in the program.

Program details and registration are now available at the website.


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Erosion Research Symposium Registration Open

Soil Erosion Research Symposium

Soil Erosion Research under a Changing Climate Symposium with AgroEnviron 2020 in 2023
Punta Borinquen Aguadilla, Puerto Rico
January 8–13, 2023

Registration is now open for presenters and all attendees. Reminder that presenting authors must be registered by October 1 to confirm your talk or poster in the program. Register before December 14 to save over $100!

The registration link, program details, and other information is available on the event website. The program spans a full week beginning January 8.

Sunday—Welcome reception at 5:30 pm local time
Monday—Technical programming and lunch at the Punta Borinquen Resort. Keynote speaker: Jane Willenbring, Stanford University
Tuesday—All-day field trip to key erosion sites in western Puerto Rico
Wednesday—Technical programming and lunch at the University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez. Keynote speaker: Rafael Bras, Georgia Institute of Technology
Thursday—Technical programming, lunch, and dinner at the Punta Borinquen Resort. Keynote speaker: Robert Stallard, Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute
Friday—Technical programming and lunch at the Punta Borinquen Resort, closing the symposium by 2 pm local time. Keynote speaker: Grizelle Gonzalez, USDA-Forest Service

Find information on our speakers here.

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ASABE Members Enjoy a Discount! 

The Resilient Harvests Conference brings together multidisciplinary leaders interested in a resource-efficient future for controlled environment agriculture to build consensus on government regulations, utility and efficiency program support, and technology integration.

ASABE members qualify for a registration discount.

More here

Jefferson Science Fellowships: Call for Applications

The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine is pleased to announce a call for applications for the 2023 Jefferson Science Fellowships (JSF). Established by the Secretary of State in 2003, these fellowships engage the American academic science, technology, engineering, and medical communities in U.S. foreign policy and international development.

Fellowships are open to tenured, or similarly ranked, faculty from U.S. institutions of higher learning, who are U.S. citizens. After successfully obtaining a security clearance, Fellows will spend one year on assignment at the U.S. Department of State or the U.S. Agency for International Development, serving as advisers on issues of foreign policy and international development.

Applications will be accepted from August 1 through October 18, 2022

Learn more and apply

The JSFs are administered by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine and supported by the U.S. Department of State and USAID.


Dolores Landeck - Editor
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