In This Month's Issue:


From the Executive Director

In a little over a month, the Expo Garden Center in Peoria, Illinois, will roar with activity as ASABE’s International 1/4-Scale Tractor Student Design Competition returns as an in-person event. This year marks the 25th anniversary of the competition and, as a happy coincidence, 25 teams will vie for top honors. Special milestone events include an alumni tractor pull and an anniversary dinner. In addition to all the student interactions that make the competition such a unique learning experience, we’ll welcome the return of the awards banquet with a message from ASABE President Paul Heinemann. If you’ve never been to a 1/4-Scale Competition, come to Peoria and check it out. Our hearty thanks to all the sponsors, listed in the above link, who make the event possible.

Planning is kicking into high gear for our in-person annual international meeting in Houston, Texas. New events, sessions, socials, and meetings are being added daily to the AIM schedule. Keynote speaker John Phipps promises to get us thinking with his message "When Did We Become Cool? Farmer Perceptions of Engineers and Technology." Phipps was the long-time host of the U.S. Farm Report and regularly contributes Farm Journal video content with his "John's World" segments. His humor is particularly evident in his column on taxes and farmers, "Deep in the Heart of Taxes." 

The AIM can be a challenging conference to navigate, let alone visualize the “what’s in it for me” opportunities that it offers. That’s why we created the AIM Orientation Tool, which will debut soon. We hope this tool aids with your AIM journey. Please note, however, that the AIM Orientation Tool does not replace the conference app, which will be released just prior to the AIM and contains all the details on event times, locations, and any last-minute updates and messages.

I’m looking forward to seeing you at the AIM in Houston!

Darrin J. Drollinger
Executive Director

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John Phipps to Keynote AIM: When Did Engineers Become Cool?

We're pleased to announce that journalist John Phipps will be the keynote speaker at this year's annual international meeting, where he will present his insights on farmer perceptions of engineering and technology.

Over his career in farming, Phipps has noticed a remarkable change in how the education and experience of engineers are perceived by farmers. For example, there seems to be a sharp difference in appreciation between scientists and engineers. Using anecdotal data from his life between two worlds, as well as some surprising attitude surveys and research, Phipps will illustrate the evolution of our image, detail the positives and negatives of this almost unnoticed shift, and offer suggestions for exploiting the advantages and protecting this esteem. 

For nearly thirty years, Phipps has been adding humor and insights to the culture of American agriculture. Educated as a chemical engineer, trained as a naval submarine officer, and seasoned by 50 years of farming on his 2000-acre Illinois farm, Phipps brings a mix of insider and outsider perspectives to his observations. He writes in Farm Journal and Top Producer magazines, creates weekly video commentary for US Farm Report, and speaks to ag-related audiences across the nation, always endeavoring in unique ways to forge better communications links for the U.S. food chain.

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Nominees Sought for 2023 Leadership Ballot

With this year's elections behind us, and new officers prepared to take their positions in July, at the end of the annual international meeting, it is time to look ahead to the 2023 leadership ballot. Nominees are being sought for president-elect and three trustee positions. Nominating committee positions will also be filled for the following technical communities and districts, including ASE, ES, ITSC, MS, NRES, PRS, District 2, and District 4.

Members of the Nominating committee have the serious but rewarding task of securing candidates for the Society's annual election of officers, which include the president-elect, board trustees, and members of the Nominating committee itself. The slate they prepare is then presented in January for ballot by the general ("corporate") membership. The committee comprises representatives from each of the Society's technical and geographic units, as well as the international membership, who currently serve on staggered two-year terms.

Those wishing to put forth nominations are encouraged to submit names and supporting materials to the Nominating committee by July 1. Current committee members are as follows, with the group each represents shown in parentheses: Sue Nokes (chair), Joel Peterson (ASE), Amy Kaleita (EOPD), Catie Brewer (ES), Dee Jepsen (ESH), Ning Wang (ITSC), Noël Menard (MS), Tiffany Messer (NRES), Morgan Hayes (PAFS), Anthony Doss (PRS), Sreekala Bajwa (E-2050), Lara Beal Moody (District 1), Johnny Grace (District 2), Elizabeth Miller (District 3), Fadi Fathallah (District 4), Nahar Nurun (District 5).

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IQS to Mark 25th Anniversary with Alumni Pull

We're back on track—literally!

After hosting a virtual competition last year, the ASABE International ¼-Scale Tractor Student Design Competition is looking forward to celebrating the 25th anniversary of the competition in person! Twenty-five teams from across North America will travel to Peoria, Ill., for the competition June 2-5.

In celebration of the 25th year, the committee is planning an alumni pull and dinner on Saturday, June 4. All alumni are invited to come and enjoy. Please reach out to if you are interested in attending the dinner or if you have a tractor to enter into the alumni pull. 

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AIM 2022: Early Bird Rates End May 2

July 17-20
Marriott Marquis, Houston, Texas

Have you registered? Early Bird rates for the 2022 ASABE Annual International Meeting end May 2. And if you're presenting in one of our 115+ technical sessions, note that May 2 is also the cutoff date for inclusion in the program. Hop on over to the meeting site to make sure you're registered.

Ready to plan your #ASABE22 itinerary? The AIM website and registration site have been updated with details for CPDs, socials, tours, and more.

Visit for all of the details on registration rates to hotel information, technical session listings, and other events happening at this year's meeting. 


Ready to plan your AIM schedule? The AIM website and registration site have been updated with details for CPDs, socials, tours, and more. Early Bird rates end after May 2. Those presenting an abstract in one of the 115+ technical sessions will want to be registered by this date to be included in the program.

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New Additions to the Technical Library

Open Access, Public Access, and Introductions to Collections
Journal of the ASABE 65(2)
Table of Contents
or visit the journal homepage

Applied Engineering 38(2)
Table of Contents
or visit the journal homepage

Creating a Circular Nitrogen Bioeconomy in Agricultural Systems through Nutrient Recovery and Upcycling by Microalgae and Duckweed: Past Efforts and Future Trends

Frontier: Beyond Productivity—Recreating the Circles of Life to Deliver Multiple Benefits with Circular Systems

An Overview of the Effectiveness of Agricultural Conservation Practices for Water Quality Improvement

WebStart WEPS: WEPS with Remote Data Access and Cloud-Computing Functionality

Applications of the SWAT Model for Coastal Watersheds: Review and Recommendations

Agri-Food Waste Reduction and Utilization: A Sustainability Perspective

Body Leveling Control Model Establishment and Experiment Analysis

Research on Detection of Fertility of Group Hatching Eggs Based on Adaptive Image Segmentation

Whole Farm Performance of Centrifuge Extraction of Phosphorus from Dairy Manure


Become a Certified Reviewer for ASABE


Continuing Professional Development Session
July 17, 2022, 2:00 to 4:00 pm
ASABE Annual International Meeting, Houston
Cost: $0

One of the best ways of improving your ability to write peer-reviewed journal articles is to serve as a reviewer. This CPD will introduce participants to best practices and approaches. Come learn from experienced ASABE community editors and associate editors. Upon completion of the CPD, participants will earn the recognition of ASABE Certified Reviewer.

Who should attend?
This CPD will target graduate students as well as younger members who are interested in serving as reviewers for the ASABE journals, but the session will be of interest to any ASABE member who desires recognition as an ASABE Certified Reviewer.

For more information, please see our editors and reviewers page.

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Irrigation Textbook Instructor Kit Available


The Instructor Kit for the Irrigation Systems Management book is available for purchase. This downloadable kit comprises lecture notes, in-class problems, lab and homework assignments, keys, quizzes with keys, exams with keys, and course syllabus.

Contact Jill Straub for more information.

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YPC Seeking Industry Mentors at AIM


The Young Professionals Community is looking for 2022 annual meeting attendees who would be willing to serve as mentors by participating in our Industry Speed Networking event the evening of Sunday, July 17. This event will be an opportunity for early-career meeting attendees to learn more about working in Industry. Likewise, it's an opportunity for mentors to share their insights and wisdom, help build the workforce pipeline, and strengthen your Society as a career and networking hub.

If you are willing to be a mentor, please sign up.  

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Last Call for Bioprocess Competition Entries

BioprocessApril 29 is the final day to submit entries to ASABE's newest student contest, the Bioprocess Startup Competition. The contest invites student teams to develop a new product or process that utilizes a unique biological resource associated with the State of Texas.

Student teams will pitch their ideas to a group of industry representatives serving as judges in a simulated “shark tank” format at the ASABE Annual International Meeting (AIM). More information is available here.

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Donation Positively Impacts Underrepresented Minority PhD Students


As a tribute to their late father, and his desire to support the Society, the family of Glen Vanden Berg recently made a sizable contribution to the ASABE Foundation, specifically choosing the John C. Nye Graduate Fellowship for the gift.

The generosity of the Vanden Bergs augments that of the John Nye family and others in supporting and encouraging underrepresented minority PhD students, whose careers in agricultural and biological engineering bring diversity of experience and perspective to the discipline. 

Glen Vanden Berg was an active ASAE member from 1956 until his death in 2003. He was the 1979 recipient of the Cyrus Hall McCormick–Jerome Increase Case Gold Medal Award.

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YPC News and Events

Lightning Talks Co-Winners
Congratulations to our two co-winners of the Grad Student Lightning Talks held on March 30. Oluwatuyi Olowoyeye and Ehite Ekramul presented on “Modeling Soil Erosion in Perennial Ground Cover System” and “A Biomass Carol: Bioenergy for the Future,'' respectively. Their creative and engaging presentations earned each of them one year of free membership to ASABE. In photo: Olowoyeye (left) and Ekramul (right)
Executive Committee Positions Nominations Opening Soon
The YPC Annual Business Meeting will be held on July 19. At this meeting we will be announcing four new officers for the Executive committee. 

  • Membership Development Council Representative (2-year term)
    Express the views and concerns of young professional members to the Membership Development Council and lead the YPC Outreach task force that develops community programming and outreach outside the annual meeting
  • Graduate Student Representative (2-year term)
    Express the views and concerns unique to graduate students to the EOPD-210 committee and lead the Graduate Student Involvement task force that develops programming and outreach to graduate students
  • Meetings Council Representative (2-year term)
    Express the views and concerns of young professional members to the Meetings Council and report council business back to the Executive committee and lead the AIM Planning task force that develops programming during the annual meeting
  • Promotional Communication Representative (2-year term)
    Express the views and concerns of young professional members to the E-05 and E-05/3 committees and lead the YPC “Graphics on Call” task force that develops social media content and promotional materials for YPC
  • Members at Large (1-year term)
    Serve as members of the Executive committee and express the views and concerns of community members in executive committee meetings

Nominations will officially open June 1, with nomination forms due by June 30. Look for a call for nominations email in your inbox.
Annual International Meeting YPC Events
YPC's AIM planning task force has put together this great lineup of social, networking, and professional-development events. Make sure to register for the meeting before May 2 to snag Early Bird rates! 

  • Social and Networking: Industry Speed Networking, YPC Bowling Social, Graduate Student Social, Fun Run/Walk
  • Learning and Professional Development: Engineering Ethics for Safety Conscious Design (CPD), Computer Vision and Machine Learning for Agricultural and Biological Engineers (CPD), Local Production Agriculture 101 Lunch and Learn, Local Agriculture Tour, Headshots at the Welcome Reception
  • Graduate Students: Department Head Meet and Greet, Graduate Student Professional Development Workshop
  • Professional Leadership: Guide to Professional Licensure, YPC Business Meeting, AIM Orientation Session

YPC Prepares to Celebrate 20 Years
YPC was formed at AIM in 2003 and we're preparing to celebrate our 20-year anniversary. We are working to gather memorabilia, memories, testimonials, and people willing to help plan campaigns and promotion throughout the next year. The goal is to kick off a year-long campaign at AIM this year culminating in a celebration at AIM 2023. If you have been involved with YPC and would like to provide information, pictures, or be involved in the planning, please fill out the online form.

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Southeast Students Rally—In Person!

SE Rally participantsIn a return to in-person events, students from eight universities traveled to Virginia Tech’s campus earlier this month to participate in the 2022 ASABE Southeast Regional Student Rally. The Department of Biological Systems Engineering hosted the event, which drew more than 100 attendees for a weekend of networking, professional development, and fun.

The three-day rally included a design competition, scavenger hunt, officer elections, and a capstone banquet, and featured three ASABE members as keynote speakers: USDA Senior Advisor Marty Matlock, Virginia Tech alumnus Rusty Unterzuber, and ASABE President-Elect Keith Tinsey. 

The next Southeast Regional Student Rally will take place in 2023 and will be hosted by the University of Florida.

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ASABE Names Undergraduate Scholarship Winners

Congratulations to our four ASABE–CNH Industrial Undergraduate Scholarship winners: 

Natalie Larsson, Blacksburg, Virginia, a junior in biological systems engineering at Virginia Tech University
Katherine Skiles, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, a junior in biological engineering at the University of Arkansas
Carter West, Charles City, Iowa, a senior in agricultural engineering at Iowa State University
Jarvis Williams, Chicago, Illinois, a sophomore pursuing a degree in technical systems management/engineering technology at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Each student was awarded a scholarship worth $2500. Students were judged, in part, on responses to questions about the shared values of ASABE and CNH Industrial, and many pointed to the constant drive toward technology innovation within the context of sustainability. "Both organizations strive to find long-term, adaptable solutions which bridge the gap between global challenges and consumer needs," wrote Katherine Skiles.

"Our undergraduate members represent the future of the profession and will soon be making their individual and substantial contributions to a sustainable bioeconomy," says Darrin Drollinger, executive director of ASABE. "CNH Industrial has been a valued partner in developing that workforce pipeline, particularly through innovative collaborations that encourage and support its emerging leaders.”

The scholarships were made possible by the generous support of CNH Industrial. 

More here.

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Free Literature-Review Service

Use our free literature review service to save some time and cite relevant articles from the Society's journals. To receive a free list of relevant articles, use this Google form. There is no obligation to incorporate suggested citations into your article.

Questions? Please contact Garey Fox at We look forward to helping you publish your research!

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Tekeste Earns Iowa Section Honors

TekesteMehari Tekeste was recently named Engineer of the Year by the ASABE Iowa Section. Tekeste is a professor in the agricultural and biosystems engineering department at Iowa State University, where he conducts numerous research projects, spending much of his time at the Soil Machine Dynamics Laboratory in Ames, Iowa. He has published much of his research with ASABE, focusing on physical systems modeling biomass-machine interaction.

Tekeste is a 21-year member of ASABE.

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Standards Updates


  • ANSI/ASABE S620.1 APR2022, Safety for Anhydrous Ammonia Application Equipment

Press Releases

  • April 14, 2022, ASABE Publishes Update to Safety Standard for Anhydrous Ammonia Application Equipment (Press Release)
  • April 19, 2022, ASABE to Revise Braking Series Standards (Press Release)
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Dolores Landeck - Editor
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