In This Month's Issue:


From the Executive Director

Congratulations to AETC chair Shane Williams and the entire conference planning team for holding such a successful event in Louisville! This year’s AETC was our first large in-person event since the start of the pandemic, and the nearly 190 attendees were excited to get back to face-to-face meetings. It’s not too early to start planning for next year, and we are excited that the 2023 AETC will be held in Fresno, Calif., on the eve of the World Ag Expo show. The western venue will provide a showcase for ag technologies that are very different from traditional midwest applications. If you are interested in joining the 2023 AETC planning committee, contact ASABE’s Jessica Bell.

Time is running out to cast your vote in this year’s ASABE Leadership Ballot. All ballots must be received by March 1. If you have not yet responded, search your inbox for an email from Exercise your right to vote, and consider supporting the student voting measure.

On a final note, ASABE’s TFACS leaders are working with the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association (AAEA) and other groups to hold an invitation-only workshop to mentor mid-career professionals who are interested in interdisciplinary research on approaches to transform food and agriculture toward circular systems. See the later article in this newsletter for details about this workshop. Applications to participate must be submitted to AAEA by March 15, 2022.
Darrin J. Drollinger
Executive Director

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Last Days to Cast Your Ballot in Leadership Election

Porter portrait Balloting is well underway for Society leadership and a proposed constitutional change—and your vote matters. If you haven’t voted, check your email for a message and a personal link from Intelliscan. Balloting closes March 1.

Thanks to those who have supported the work of the Society and candidates by voting. Contact Joann McQuone  (269/932-7022) with any questions or comments you may have about the process.

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Fellows Nominations Now Open


“A Fellow shall be an engineer of unusual professional distinction, with outstanding and extraordinary qualifications and experience in, or related to, the field of agricultural, food or biological engineering.”

Do you know of someone worthy of this prestigious honor? If so, and if the individual has been a member of ASABE for at least 20 years and has actively practiced in, or related to the profession of engineering, the teaching of engineering, or the teaching of an engineering related curriculum for at least 20 years, consider nominating for Fellow of ASABE for 2023.

For nominating instructions and eligibility requirements, please visit

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AIM 2022: Registration Continues 

July 17-20
Marriott Marquis, Houston, Texas

We are working hard to make 2022 AIM a welcome return to in-person meetings for ASABE. Houston has so much to offer, we can't wait to see you all there!

Registration is open at Early Bird rates now through May 2. Those attending that will also be presenting an abstract in one of our 115+ technical sessions will want to ensure to be registered by this date to confirm their presentation. Meeting activities, CPDs, tours, and more will be added in the spring. We will be posting all of those options with their descriptions on the website as soon as we can confirm them.

The AIM website has all of the information currently available from registration rates to hotel information, technical session listings, to the form to host a social, tour, or CPD.


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PE Webinar Hosts Sought


EOPD-414, Engineering Licensure committee, is updating the Professional Engineering exam test resources and is looking for members to help develop and present webinars for specific study areas for the exam. An honorarium will be offered to volunteers, thanks to ASABE Initiative funding.

Speakers are asked to develop a presentation on one of several topics and provide practice problems to work through during the webinar. Each 60- to 90-minute webinar will be conducted live via Zoom and recorded for future viewing. 

If you are interested in developing a webinar, please sign up here.

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New Additions to the Technical Library


AIM Paper Upload Deadline May 2


Presenting at the ASABE 2022 Annual International Meeting? Be sure to use the 2022 paper template and read the FAQ for instructions. If your paper is not submitted by May 2 (midnight eastern time), it will not be added to our Online Technical Library until after the meeting.

Email with questions.

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AETC a Welcome Return to In-Person Events


Thanks to all who attended and to the planners who made our return to in-person events informative and enjoyable.

The 2022 Agricultural Equipment Technology Conference was held in-person at the Omni Louisville earlier this month with great success! Our 2022 planning committee did an outstanding job of lining up speakers for sessions through the months leading up to the conference with the challenges that were before them.

The 2020 AETC was the last in-person event that was held before we shifted to virtual meetings, it was fitting that 2022 AETC was the first conference to be back face to face!

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AETC Distinguished Lecture Published


The latest addition to the ASABE Distinguished Lecture Series, a highlight of the 2022 Agricultural Equipment Technology Conference, is now available in the ASABE Online Technical Library.

Considerations in Tractor Chassis Design was presented by Dennis A. Bowman, John Deere Product Engineering Center, Waterloo, Iowa. The Lecture Series was developed by ASABE's Machinery Systems committee (MS-47) to provide in-depth design resource information for engineers in the agricultural industry. Topics are related to the power plant, power train, hydraulic system, and chassis components such as operator environment, tires, and electrical equipment for agricultural or industrial tractors or self-propelled agricultural equipment.

ASABE is grateful to Deere & Company for sponsoring the ASABE Distinguished Lecture Series. Access the current and previous series by going to the ASABE Online Technical Library

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March 15 Scholarship, Fellowship Deadlines


William J. Adams, Jr. and Marijane E. Adams Scholarship - $2,000

ASABE Foundation Engineering Scholarship - $2,000

PhD Students
John C. Nye Graduate Fellowship - $2,000


Call for Papers: Agricultural Conservation Practice Effectiveness II 


Part two of our collection on agricultural conservation practices (ACPs) will expand on those  covered in part one. These articles will provide a comprehensive review and evaluation of the performance and cost effectiveness of ACPs on nutrient and sediment reduction.

See the call for papers for more details. It will be published in our peer reviewed Journal of the ASABE.

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AIM Presenters Enjoy Publishing Discount


Convert your 2022 AIM presentation to a journal article and receive a page charge discount of $100, or 10%, if over 10 pages for the final layout. You must be registered for the 2022 Annual International Meeting, present your work at the 2022 AIM, and submit your manuscript to ScholarOne by October 1, 2022.

When uploading to ScholarOne, at the end of Step 1: Type, Title, & Abstract, be sure to select the special collection "Annual International Meeting (AIM) Discount" and include in your cover letter your 2022 AIM paper number.

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Advertise Your Expertise in Guide to Consultants 

Advertise in our Guide to Consultants, published as a supplement to the May/June issue of Resource magazine. Engineering consultants can provide invaluable assistance with complex issues and this Guide is a great way to get the word out about your expertise.

Deadline is March 7 to submit the order form.

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New! Student Competition Encourages Innovative Thinking

The Bioprocess Startup Competition invites student teams to develop a new product or process that utilizes a unique biological resource associated with the State of Texas.

Student teams will pitch their ideas to a group of industry representatives serving as judges in a simulated “shark tank” format at the ASABE Annual International Meeting (AIM). More information is available here.

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YPC News and Events


Sign up to Present (or Just Enjoy!) Lightning Talks
Wednesday, March 30, 5:00 pm (eastern)

The Young Professionals Community (YPC) and Graduate Student Group are pleased to introduce Lightning Talks, a fun competition that challenges graduate students to efficiently communicate their research and its significance to a lay audience. Presenters will prepare a single slide and have three minutes in which to describe an element of their research. Prizes will be awarded for top finishers. Don't wait to sign up! The session is limited to the first fifteen presenters, and registration deadline is March 23. Contact Sarah Weyer with questions.
Learn more/Register

FE/PE Kickoff Webinar
April 13, 1:00 pm (eastern)

Join YPC and ASABE's Professional Engineers Institute in a kickoff session for those preparing for the Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) and Professional Engineering (PE) exams. We will walk through some study techniques for the computer-based test and ASABE exam preparation resources. This is an opportunity to talk to past test takers and network with ASABE professional engineers and engineers in training. ASABE members that participate in this webinar and register to take either the FE or PE exam will be sent a participation gift.

Looking for AIM Buddies
Rolling out for the 2022 ASABE Annual International Meeting will be a new AIM Orientation Tool, funded by Initiative Funds. Included in this application will be a list of buddies, or mentors, that novice attendees can reach out to before or during the event. Sign up by March 14 to be a part of this list included within the app.

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Nominations Sought for Standards Award

March 1 is the deadline for Standards award nominations.

Anyone who has ever led a standards-development project knows how much time and effort this important work requires.

ASABE Standards awards, presented annually, acknowledge and reward the significant efforts of those teams who devoted time and energy to revision and development of ASABE standards during the previous calendar year. To be considered for this year's awards, nominations must be submitted by the chair of the committee responsible for the standard by March 1.

For further information please contact Carla VanGilder.

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Literature-Review Service Offered

Save time and cite relevant articles from the Society's journals. To receive a free list of relevant articles, use this Google form. There is no obligation to incorporate suggested citations into your article.

Questions? Please contact Garey Fox, ASABE's editor in chief. We look forward to helping you publish your research.

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Members Earn National Academies Recognition

Three ASABE members were recently tapped by the National Academy of Engineering for recognition.

H. Allen Myers and Vijay Singh have been elected members of the NAE, one of the highest professional distinctions an engineer can achieve. They will be inducted in a ceremony to take place in October.

Myers is president and founder of Ag Leader Technology, Ames, Iowa. He was elected for "inventing and bringing to market technology that is the foundation of precision agriculture." He is a 50-year member of ASABE.

Singh was elected for "his contributions to wave modeling and the development of entropy-based theories of hydrologic processes and hydroclimatic extremes." He is in the Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering at Texas A & M University. He is a 10-year member of the Society.

Bruno Basso and Marty Matlock have been elected to the Board of Agriculture and Natural Resources (BANR) for the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. BANR responds to requests for studies, workshops, experts and other activities from the public, government, policy makers and the private sector on a broad range of issues related to agricultural production and natural resource stewardship. Matlock, a 28-year member of ASABE, is a professor in the biological and agricultural engineering department at the University of Arkansas and is also serving as a senior program advisor with the USDA. Basso is with Michigan State University University's earth and environmental sciences department and the W.K. Kellogg Biological Station. He joined ASABE in 2020.

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Circular Economies Mentoring Workshop for Mid-Career Researchers

The Agricultural and Applied Economics Association (AAEA) is hosting a two-day mentoring workshop in Kansas City June 6-8, 2022, for mid-career professionals interested in interdisciplinary research for developing circular biomass-based economy. Attendance is by application only. ASABE's TFACS (Transforming Food and Agriculture to Circular Systems) leadership is working with AAEA, Council for Food, Agricultural and Resource Economics, the American Society of Agronomy, the Crop Science Society of America, and the Soil Science Society of America to organize this event.
Applications are due March 15, 2022.  Cost of hotel and meals will be covered, and partial transportation cost will be provided to selected candidates. Participants are expected to be members of one of the organizing professional associations listed above, including ASABE. The workshop is supported by NIFA and the AAEA Trust.

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Central Illinois Section to Host Annual Meeting

Join us for the Central Illinois Section Annual Meeting. During this meeting we will get an update on CIS events and planning for the year.

Register now!

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Soil Erosion Research—Abstracts Due March 15


January 8-13, 2023
Punta Borinquen Resort, Puerto Rico

March 15 is the final deadline for the call for abstracts for the Soil Erosion Research Symposium. Authors of accepted and presented abstracts will have the opportunity to submit a full paper or extended abstract to the proceedings or a full paper for a peer-reviewed publication in the Journal of the ASABE special collection.

Find instructions on submitting your abstract, the link to the submission portal, and all the deadlines at the symposium website.

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Standards Updates


  • ANSI/ASAE S390.7 (ISO 12934:2021) JAN2022, Tractors and machinery for agriculture and forestry — Basic types — Vocabulary
  • ASAE S582.1 JAN2022, Cotton Gins - Method of Utilizing Emission Factors in Determining Emission Parameters
  • ASABE S615.2 FEB2022, Cotton Module Cover Material Performance

Press Releases

  • January 21, 2022, ASABE Adopts New Version of ISO Standard on Agricultural Machinery (Press Release)
  • February 15, 2022, ASABE Revises Standard on Cotton Gin Emission Analysis (Press Release)
  • February 24, 2022, ASABE Adds Cylindrical Cotton Module Cover Testing to Performance Standard (Press Release)
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In Memoriam—Donald Hartwig


DonaldHartwigDonald R. Hartwig, 96, of Rock Island, Ill., passed away December 31, 2021.

Hartwig was born January 6, 1925, in Rock Island and graduated from Rock Island High School. He attended St. Ambrose College in Davenport and graduated with a mechanical engineering degree from Iowa State University. He was employed as a product design engineer at John Deere Plow Planter Works in Moline for over 32 years.

Hartwig served overseas during World War II as an Army PFC in 2nd Armored Division.

He loved playing tennis and coached boys and girls tennis at Alleman, United Township, and Rock Island High Schools. He also helped coach basketball and volunteered with Boy Scouts. While tennis was his passion, he also enjoyed golfing, fishing, and playing cards. He was a member of the In-Fisherman Club for over 40 years. He was active at St. Pius X Catholic Church, Rock Island, where he was a founding member.

Memorials may be made to Alleman High School or St. Pius X Catholic Church, Rock Island.

Hartwig was a 71-year member of ASABE.

Full obituary 

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Dolores Landeck - Editor
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