In This Month's Issue:


From the Executive Director

I just returned from my first 100+ in-person conference since the start of the pandemic. My usual travel skills were rusty, and I felt a little uncomfortable at first to be so close to so many people. Those worries quickly dissipated, and I remembered what it was like to meet new people, catch up with old friends, and network with colleagues. Yes, those are all things that we can do virtually, but not as well. It was great to discover that in-person events can be held safely, and hotels and the travel industry are eager to prove they’re doing their part.

Which brings me to the Agricultural Equipment Technology Conference (AETC), which will be held in-person in Louisville, Kentucky, in about two weeks. If you’ve been hesitating about attending AETC because of public health concerns, I understand. ASABE and the Omni hotel share your concerns, and we are taking a variety of steps to ensure that AETC will be safe and productive for everyone.

The planning committee has developed an outstanding program. A highpoint of this year’s AETC will be the luncheon keynote by Marty Matlock on “Applying Life Cycle Assessment to Agricultural Sustainability and Circularity Strategies.” For some background on this topic, watch the presentation that Marty provided for the Council for Agricultural Science and Technology. If you have suggestions for future AETC programs or would like to join the planning committee, please let us know

I hope to see you, in person, in Louisville!

Darrin J. Drollinger
Executive Director

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ASABE Annual International Meeting

2022 Annual International Meeting
July 17-20
Marquis Marriott, Houston

Upcoming ASABE Conferences

February 14-16, 2022
Agricultural Equipment Technology Conference
Louisville, Kentucky 

Complete list of ASABE Events


2022 Leadership Balloting Continues

Porter portraitSelect your Society leadership and vote on a proposed constitutional change. Voting members were sent an email on January 4 from Intelliscan with instructions and your secure link to the balloting website. It you haven’t voted, check for your email message, click on the link, and vote. It’s that easy! Not seeing the email? Please check your junk file.

Thanks to those who have voted! Your vote validates the importance and worthiness of the work performed by these volunteer candidates, for you personally, and for ASABE. Contact Joann McQuone  (269/932-7022) with any questions or comments you may have about the process.

Balloting will close March 1, 2022.

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Thanks to Future City Volunteers!

Future City logoHere's a shoutout to all the generous ASABE members who participated this past month in Future City regional competitions. Your time and input have planted seeds of curiosity and confidence among a new generation of engineers. And just as importantly, you've helped advance the profession by enhancing public awareness of agricultural and biological engineering. So, thank you for lending your time and expertise to this year's competition.

Stay tuned as ASABE volunteers continue that work at the national finals, being held in just a couple of weeks. For that event, ASABE will this year present the award for circular principles, as well as the two that we customarily sponsor: for sustainable food systems and best use of renewable energy.

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PE Exam Mentors Wanted

Speaking of advancing the profession, are you interested in helping ag and bio engineers continue their professional advancement? If so, consider serving as a mentor for the professional engineering exam.

Ideal mentor candidates would have taken the exam within the last seven years. The mentor and mentee relationship varies, but the role of the mentor is to help provide support and insight that the mentee can use in preparation for the exam. Mentor and mentee pairings will be sent out in March.

If interested, please contact Jasper Cunningham for more details.

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AIM 2022: Registration Now Open 

July 17-20
Marriott Marquis, Houston, Texas

We are working hard to make 2022 AIM a welcome return to in-person meetings for ASABE. Houston has so much to offer, and we can't wait to see you all there!

Registration is open at Early Bird rates now through May 2. If you'll be presenting an abstract in one of our 115+ technical sessions, you'll want  to be registered by this date to confirm your presentation.

Meeting activities, CPDs, tours, and more will be added to the program in the spring. We will be posting all of those options with their descriptions on the website as soon as we can confirm them.

The AIM website has all of the information currently available from registration rates to hotel information, technical session listings, to the form to host a social, tour, or CPD.

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New Additions to the Technical Library

Recently posted to the ASABE Online Technical Library
with links to the abstract, full-text, and citation

Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health 28(1)

Table of Contents
or visit this journal's homepage

New Open-Access or introductions

Coupling a Pest and Disease Damage Module with CSM-NWheat: A Wheat Crop Simulation Model

Pixel-Based Calibration and Atmospheric Correction of a UAS-Mounted Thermal Camera for Land Surface Temperature Measurements

Comparative Life Cycle Assessment of Edible Vegetable Frying Oils

Validation and Development of Discharge Equations for 3D Printed Flumes for Flow Monitoring

Stage-Discharge Relationships of Drawdown Plates for Denitrifying Woodchip Bioreactors

An Empirical V-notch Weir Equation and Standard Procedure to Accurately Estimate Drainage Discharge

A Geographical Survey of Center Pivot Irrigation Systems in the Central and Southern High Plains Aquifer Region of the United States


New for ASABE Members: The ASABE Book Club

ASABE Book ClubAre you interested in networking and discussing engaging topics with your fellow ASABE members? Join the ASABE Book Club when it kicks off April 6, with a discussion of Grain by Grain: A Quest to Revive Ancient Wheat, Rural Jobs, and Healthy Food, by Bob Quinn and Liz Carlisle.

Registration is required. To participate, read the book, or listen to the audiobook, then join members in a discussion over Zoom on April 6 at 1:00 pm eastern. The first 100 ASABE member–registrants will be eligible for a $25 Amazon credit. The credit will be issued after you've participated in the April 6 Zoom.

The ASABE Book Club is supported by the ASABE Initiative Fund and sponsored by ASABE Young Professionals Community. For questions, contact Jasper Cunningham or Jason Schuster.

Choosing Amazon as your book source? Consider selecting the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers as your preferred charity in the AmazonSmile program and a portion of your eligible purchase will automatically be donated to the ASABE Foundation.

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Nominations Sought for Standards Award

Anyone who has ever led a standards-development project knows how much time and effort this important work requires.

ASABE Standards awards, presented annually, acknowledge and reward the significant efforts of those teams who devoted time and energy to revision and development of ASABE standards during the previous calendar year. To be considered for this year's awards, nominations must be submitted by the chair of the committee responsible for the standard by March 1.

For further information please contact Carla VanGilder.

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New Issue of Resource: Here's to the Winners!

The January/February 2022 issue of Resource profiles the winners of this year’s AE50 awards, ASABE’s long-running program that recognizes the latest innovations in ag engineering. The issue also includes the winning entries in the eleventh annual VisualChallenge, a popular, reader-driven competition that showcases the beauty of the profession. Vashti Campbell’s first-place entry in the Ethics Essay competition is presented as well.

All in all, a very rewarding issue!

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Literature-Review Service Offered

Save time and cite relevant articles from the Society's journals. To receive a free list of relevant articles, use this Google form. There is no obligation to incorporate suggested citations into your article.

Questions? Please contact Garey Fox, ASABE's editor in chief. We look forward to helping you publish your research.

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Special Collection: AI in Food Systems

Manuscripts are due June 1 for the upcoming special journal collection on artificial intelligence applied to agricultural and food systems.

This special collection will showcase the work of researchers, extension specialists, industry leaders, policymakers, and other pertinent stakeholders. It will encompass all aspects of AI in its application to systems in agricultural production and the food chain and to solutions for 2050 agricultural and food challenges.

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Journal of the ASABE: Flagship Journal Debuts New Name

Our peer-reviewed journal Transactions of the ASABE is now Journal of the ASABE.

The Journal Editorial Board considered a number of alternatives and made the selection with the goal of providing a clear reflection of the journal's peer-reviewed content. The new name eliminates any confusion created by the word transactions, which some interpret as meaning conference proceedings.

This change maintains the uniqueness of our Society’s primary journal in publishing peer reviewed engineering and scientific articles of importance to the broad field of agricultural and biological engineering.

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New Templates and Instructions for Journals and Papers

When preparing manuscripts for AIM, our journals, or other publications, be sure to use the latest template and latest Guide for Authors. These are usually updated at least once a year. Journal authors should review the instructions specific to journals.

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AETC—See You in Louisville! 

February 14-16, 2022
Omni Louisville Hotel

ASABE's Agricultural Equipment Technology Conference has been the premier specialty conference for over 25 years for a reason! High quality, technology-focused sessions, with outstanding guest speakers are just the start. Add in a determination to engage student membership, and plenty of time to network and make connections, makes this an exceptionally valuable experience.

February 7 will be your last opportunity to register online for the 22 AETC.  Program details, registration rates, and information on the hotel and surrounding area are available on our web page.

Highlights include:
  • Celebrating the 2022 AE50 award winners
  • Keynote presentation and lunch
  • Three continuing professional development courses
  • Distinguished Lecture Series

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Soil Erosion Research—Abstracts Due March 15


January 8-13, 2023
Punta Borinquen Resort, Puerto Rico

Last call for the Soil Erosion Research Symposium! March 15 is the last day to submit your abstract for consideration. Authors of accepted and presented abstracts will have the opportunity to submit a full paper or extended abstract to the proceedings or a full paper for a peer-reviewed publication in the Journal of the ASABE special collection.

Find instructions on submitting your abstract, the link to the submission portal, and all the deadlines at the symposium website.

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Persyn Named RESPEC Senior VP

PersynRussell Persyn has been named senior vice president for water and natural resources at RESPEC. Persyn has worked in RESPEC’s WNR unit since 2015 and provided water-resource engineering since 1998. Russell works alongside RESPEC’s other leaders to advance our company.

“The theme around my career has always been water – be it water resources and water quality or flood, storm, and wastewater management,” Russell said. “Each step professionally has built on itself, and the perspective it’s given me helps me thoughtfully address my clients’, colleagues’, and RESPEC’s needs.”

Jason Love, RESPEC’s President and former WNR Senior Vice President, knows Russell well. "I’ve enjoyed working alongside Russell to establish RESPEC in the Texas market. He leads with his heart to build and support RESPEC teams that exceed clients’ expectations.”

Persyn joined RESPEC in 2015, advanced to vice president in 2018, and became a senior vice president in 2022. Before joining RESPEC, Russell served as the watershed engineering manager at the San Antonio River Authority, where he managed 25 engineers and technical professionals who oversaw planning, modeling, engineering design, and construction projects. He has been instrumental in building RESPEC's $1M net revenue business in Texas, which serves clients from two offices in San Antonio and offices in Castroville, Austin, and Richardson.

Read full announcement

Persyn is a 28-year member of ASABE.

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Dolores Landeck - Editor
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