To date, we've reached $26,250 of our $75,000 goal towards endowing the award fund. Thanks to the following donors!

Paul Burkner
Chris Butts
Manjeet Chinnan
Darrin J. Drollinger
Denny Heldman
Mary Maley
Sylvia Schonauer
R. Paul Singh
Sino-US Food and Agriculture Innovation Center
Litha Sivanandan
Juming Tang
Arthur Teixeira
Curt Weller 


Award History and Description
The Processing Systems (PRS) Technical Community (formally, Food Processing Engineering Institute or FPEI) of ASABE has conferred an “Outstanding Food Engineer Award”/“International Food Engineering Award” to a total of 30 recipients over the last 45 years. The Outstanding Food Engineer Award was initiated in 1972 with sponsorship from the Food Processing Suppliers Association Foundation to honor life-time achievements of established food engineers in odd years and recognize accomplishments of young food engineers in even years. That support ended in 2009. Between 2012 and 2017, with sponsorship from Nestle, the award was renamed the “International Food Engineering Award” and honors top food engineers worldwide. The recipient has never needed to be an ASABE member. ASABE’s PRS and the food engineering community wishes to continue this award as it has become an international hallmark for recognizing food engineering accomplishments around the world and has led to the distinction of the food engineering profession.

Past Recipients of the Award

Sponsor Benefits
As an organizational sponsor of this award, the option of having it named for your organization is possible. Sponsorship of this award will bring world-wide recognition of your commitment to and appreciation for excellence and distinction in the food engineering profession. Award recipients have also been recognized by other global professional food engineering societies at appropriate times, bringing increased recognition to your organization on a global scale. 

Award Funding Options
The current award honors the recipient with a plaque and a cash award of US$1,000.00, as well as help with travel expenses for the recipient to attend ASABE’s Annual International Meeting where the award is presented. The annual cost of administering the award is estimated as follows:

Cash Award: US$1,000
Travel Expenses up to US$1,400
Administration Costs Including Plaque: US$600
Total Annual Cost: US$3,000

Option #1 – Five-year Gift Commitment: US$15,000
Option #2 – Ten-year Gift Commitment: US$30,000
Option #3 – Full Endowment: US$75,000 donation would allow ASABE to endow the award to be given in perpetuity.

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