In This Month's Issue:


From the Executive Director

Just before the holiday weekend, we received the terrible news that ASABE Fellow Freddie Lamm passed away, on May 26. Freddie worked his entire career at the Kansas State University Northwest Research-Extension Center in Colby, Kansas. It’s impossible to briefly summarize the lasting impact he had on the irrigation community and ASABE. Freddie was engaged in every facet of the organization with publications, meetings, standards, awards, and recognitions. Quite simply, Freddie was a giant in the field of irrigation and will be deeply missed. Our thoughts and prayers go out to his wife Donna and all of Freddie’s family. His obituary and service details can be found here.
In a little over a month we will gather in Houston for the 2022 ASABE Annual International Meeting (AIM) and we are so excited to be back in person. We get to Texas with some regularity, having last been to Dallas in 2012; however, we have only met in Houston one other time, and that was back in 1951. That summer meeting was held at the historic Rice Hotel, which was once the “largest hotel in the South” and is now a high-end apartment complex called “The Rice.” The 2022 AIM will take place at the much newer Marriott Marquis, which has its own claim to fame with a state of Texas-shaped lazy river on the rooftop. I’m told there are still discounted rooms available under the ASABE block, but you will need to act fast.
Please see all the AIM information in this newsletter and I look forward to seeing you in Houston.  While in town, you might consider the ten-block walk from Marriott Marquis to check out the Rice.  Be sure to see the wonderfully restored Crystal Ballroom.   

Darrin J. Drollinger
Executive Director

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In this short video, AIM keynote speaker John Phipps offers an introduction to the remarks he will offer during the general session at this year's annual international meeting.

For nearly thirty years, Phipps has been adding humor and insights to the culture of American agriculture. Educated as a chemical engineer, trained as a naval submarine officer, and seasoned by 50 years of farming on his 2000-acre Illinois farm, Phipps brings a mix of insider and outsider perspectives to his observations. He writes in Farm Journal and Top Producer magazines, creates weekly video commentary for US Farm Report, and speaks to ag-related audiences across the nation, always endeavoring in unique ways to forge better communications links for the U.S. food chain.


Congratulations to the 2022 Class of Fellows

ASABE is honored to announce the 2022 Class of Fellows. These individuals will be inducted as ASABE Fellows during a ceremony during the Annual International Meeting. Details for the ceremony will be posted at

Ashim K. Datta
Steven R. Evett
Albert J. Heber, PE
Matt Helmers
Kevin W. King
Bradley P. Marks, PE
D. Raj Raman, PE
Kenneth C. Stone, PE
Keith R. Tinsey, PE
Earl Vories, PE

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ASABE Announces Major Award Recipients

ASABE is pleased to announce the 2022 Major Award recipients! Join us in congratulating the following individuals, who will be honored during a ceremony during the annual international meeting, in Houston, Texas. Details for the ceremony will be posted at

Pharos of Alexandria Global Learning—Ekramul Haque Ehite
Yoerger Preprofessional Engineer of the Year—Victoria Grace Augoustides
Robert E. Stewart Engineering-Humanities—Nicole Chapman
Gale A. Holloway Professional Development—Tiffany L. Messer
New Holland Young Researcher—M. Toufiq Reza
Larry W. Turner Young Extension Professional—Ehsan Ghane
A.W. Farrall Young Educator—Adam Watson
Sunkist Young Designer—Cary S. Hubner
Evelyn E. Rosentreter Standards—Michael S. DeSpain
James R. and Karen A. Gilley Academic Leadership—Kati W. Migliaccio, PE
IDEA Award—Janie McClurkin Moore
Kishida International—Hongwei Xin
Lalit and Aruna Verma Award for Excellence in Global Engagement—Rameshwar S. Kanwar
PEI Professional Engineer of the Year—Bryan W. Shaw, PE
Sukup Global Food Security Award—Timothy M. Harrigan
ADS/Hancor Soil and Water Engineering, Rabi H. Mohtar, PE
G.B. Gunlogson Countryside Engineering—Devendra Man Amatya, PE
SMV Technologies Ergonomics, Safety and Health—John M. Shutske
Mayfield Cotton Engineering—Harrison Ashley
Rain Bird Engineering Concept of the Year—Long He, Azlan Zahid, Paul Heinemann, Dana (Daeun) Choi, “Robotic Pruning System with Multiple Degrees of Freedom (DoF) Pruning End-Effector”
Advancement of Surface Irrigation—Michele L. Reba, PE
Heermann Sprinkler Irrigation—Thomas Marek, PE
International Food Engineering—Zhongli Pan
Netafim Microirrigation—Isaya Kisekka
Henry Giese Structures & Environment—Charles E. Sukup, PE
John Deere Gold Medal—Rafael Muñoz-Carpena, PE
Massey-Ferguson Educational Gold Medal—Amy Kaleita, PE
McCormick Case Gold Medal—Sreekala G. Bajwa

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New Name, Logo for Circularity Initiative; Plus, Workshop at AIM

CBS Logo
Circular Bioeconomy Systems is the new name for the initiative previously known as Transforming Food and Agriculture to Circular Systems. The new name, captured in the logo shown above, reflects the evolution and sharpened focus of the substantial volume of work that has taken place over the past three years.

As a member of the profession that has unique expertise in leading the transformation toward circularity, you are already engaging in this work. We invite you to help us grow that expertise and leadership. Join us at this year's annual meeting for a half-day workshop focusing on circular bioeconomy systems:

  • Learn how to analyze circular bioeconomy systems
  • Learn importance of systems thinking and approaches in CBS
  • Analyze selected bioeconomy value chains
  • Learn how to use LCA in creating more-circular bioeconomy systems
  • Share your own ideas
There is no charge for the workshop, but registration is strongly encouraged to facilitate workshop planning. Follow these links to learn more and register: 


Questions? Please contact Joe Sagues

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AMAA Programming at AIM Focuses on Ag Mechanization in Africa

You are encouraged be part of a movement poised to impact global food security and African economic development.

The Alliance for Modernizing African Agrifood Systems (AMAA) will be hosting two sessions on Tuesday, July 19, under E-2050, Global Engagement, at the 2022 annual international meeting.  

Join us at 9:30 am as the four AMAA pillar leads present their thoughts on issues such as Technology and Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Business Development, Capacity Building and Workforce Development, and Infrastructure and Policy Framework.  The afternoon session, starting at 2:30 pm, will have interactive breakout activities to set AMAA goals, action plans, and milestones. 

We look forward to seeing you there!

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AIM 2022: Early Bird Rates Extended

July 17-20
Marriott Marquis, Houston, Texas

The 2022 annual meeting website has been updated with new activities, committee meetings, and technical presentations. Update your registration to add these events to your schedule by using the "modify" button in your confirmation email.

Not registered yet? Good news! The Early Bird registration rates have been extended to June 22. Online registration closes after June 22, and the on-site rates will be higher, so take advantage of the extension!

The ASABE room block at the Marriott Marquis is filling up fast. The group rate is available until June 24 unless the block is filled before that date, to please don't delay in reserving your accommodations.

Visit for all of the details, from registration rates to hotel information, technical session listings, and other events happening at this year's AIM.

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New RISE Initiative under Development


Over the last eight months, an ad hoc committee working within E-05, Marketing and External Communications, has been working to develop an enhanced member communication and engagement strategy. The committee has named the initiative ASABE RISE (Reimagining Society Engagement) and believes this structure is important to manage future change. This initiative will enhance all members’ engagement in their Society in numerous ways. The initiative structure is set up to address five modules of improvement: Society core message, member value, member engagement, Society partner engagement, and non-member engagement.
Each module will contain multiple, coordinated projects with the intent to build on our Society’s strong base in standards development, meetings, and publications. RISE will be used to support change of our IT and Society processes while coordinating with other initiatives, such as Circular Bioeconomy Systems and the Alliance for Modernizing African Agriculture, as well as future Society partnership initiatives.
RISE’s structure is intended to coordinate, prioritize, and guide multiple projects over a multiple-year project landscape. It will give committees a clearer vision of the Society’s growth path in helping our members engage more effectively on their needed subject matter.

To understand this initial RISE structure (modules of change) and some of the new project ideas per module, you can download and review a slide presentation. The first RISE structure has been reviewed by Board of Trustees at their April 2022 meeting with the direction, “Keep running!” The process of refining RISE with multiple committees is just beginning.
We need and welcome your help. If you wish to participate in RISE, learn more

—Maury Salz, RISE Chair

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A Stellar Evening at Space Center Houston

ASABE Foundation Dinner
Tuesday, July 19,  7:00–10:00 pm
Add E#16 Foundation Dinner to your meeting registration
Get ready for a memorable evening during this year's annual meeting, as the ASABE Foundation invites you to its annual celebration event, taking place this year in the Main Plaza at the official visitor center of the NASA Johnson Space Center. Our group will enjoy sole access to the facility in this exclusive after-hours event.

The center places an educational emphasis on science, technology, engineering, and mathematics in a fun and engaging manner. Space exploration is the key that inspires innovation and exploration of any new frontier. Mingle through the exhibits, including Mission Mars, the International Space Station, Starship Gallery and the soon-to-open Artemis Moon Mission exhibit. 

Our three-course dinner will be served by the world-renowned Wolfgang Puck Catering, and afterward we’ll hear from the leaders of FIRST Robotics Competition’s Team 118 Robonauts, who are sponsored and mentored by NASA-JSC engineers. Regarded as a top team among the 4,000 that compete each year, the Robonauts will feature live demonstrations in their talk! 

Opportunities like this come around only once in a, ahem, blue moon. Don't miss out on what promises to be a wonderful event in celebration of your ASABE Foundation.

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New AIM Orientation Tool Launched


AIM Orientation ToolAre you thinking about attending the annual international meeting? Curious what events you should see as a first-time attendee, or maybe even as a veteran? Want to know what sessions should be a priority based on your interests? We have an app for that!

Check out the new AIM Orientation Tool. This tool is a way to get familiar with the AIM sessions and schedule prior to attending. User Disclaimer: This tool does not replace the AIM Program App that will be released right before the event, but to help you to prepare in the meantime.

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Nominees Sought for 2023 Leadership Ballot

With this year's elections behind us, and new officers prepared to take their positions in July, at the end of the annual international meeting, it is time to look ahead to the 2023 leadership ballot. Nominees are being sought for president-elect and three trustee positions. Nominating committee positions will also be filled for the following technical communities and districts, including ASE, ES, ITSC, MS, NRES, PRS, District 2, and District 4.

Members of the Nominating committee have the serious but rewarding task of securing candidates for the Society's annual election of officers, which include the president-elect, board trustees, and members of the Nominating committee itself. The slate they prepare is then presented in January for ballot by the general ("corporate") membership. The committee comprises representatives from each of the Society's technical and geographic units, as well as the international membership, who currently serve on staggered two-year terms.

Those wishing to put forth nominations are encouraged to submit names and supporting materials to the Nominating committee by July 1. Current committee members are as follows, with the group each represents shown in parentheses: Sue Nokes (chair), Joel Peterson (ASE), Amy Kaleita (EOPD), Catie Brewer (ES), Dee Jepsen (ESH), Ning Wang (ITSC), Noël Menard (MS), Tiffany Messer (NRES), Morgan Hayes (PAFS), Anthony Doss (PRS), Sreekala Bajwa (E-2050), Lara Beal Moody (District 1), Johnny Grace (District 2), Elizabeth Miller (District 3), Fadi Fathallah (District 4), Nahar Nurun (District 5).

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New Additions to the Technical Library

Open Access, Public Access, and Introductions to Collections
Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health 28(2)
Table of Contents
or visit the Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health home page

Biosecurity Education for the Next Generation


Highlight Your Program in Special Capstone Issue of Resource


Gain publicity for your program in a student-focused special issue of Resource magazine. We're offering advertising packages that include copies of the issue for recruitment purposes. This issue is only published every three years. See the previous issue as an example. The issue will mail in September 2022 and will illustrate the capstone experiences that integrate and synthesize what students have learned in agricultural and biological engineering programs. In addition to magazine subscribers, this issue is distributed via Engineers Week activities, the FFA National Convention, requests for career materials, and other outreach and is used for student recruitment purposes. If you plan to advertise, please reply to this email by June 15 and return this order form. Please provide the ad copy by July 15. Contact Jill Straub for information, phone 269-932-7004 or

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Discount Offered for Publishing Meeting Papers with ASABE


Convert your 2022 AIM presentation to a journal article and receive a page charge discount of $100, or 10% if over 10 pages, for the final layout. You must be registered for the 2022 annual meeting, present your work at the 2022 AIM, and submit your manuscript to ScholarOne by October 1, 2022. When uploading to ScholarOne, at the end of "Step 1: Type, Title, & Abstract", be sure to select the special collection "Annual International Meeting (AIM) Discount" and mention the discount in your cover letter your 2022 AIM paper number in your cover letter.

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Become a Certified ASABE Reviewer


P-515 Teaching and Learning Resources Meeting Pre-AIM


ASABE's Teaching and Learning Resources committee, P-515, will be meeting before the annual international meeting via Zoom.

If you would like to attend this pre-AIM meeting, please email The meeting will be held July 13, 3:30 to 5:00 pm Eastern time.

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Refer a Member, Earn Some (ASABE) Bucks!


Professional development and networking, access to technical publications and standards, opportunity to participate in transformative initiatives—the list of reasons to join ASABE keeps growing. We know our members are sharing that excitement with others and building the ASABE community. And now, to add incentive to your efforts, we're offering a $20 credit when you refer a new member.

To take advantage of this offer, simply ask your recruit to join online and enter your name as the referral source. Once the membership is processed, you'll receive an email with a $20 ASABE gift certificate that can be used for dues renewals, ASABE Foundation donations, or standards and publication purchases.

There is no limit to the number of referrals you can make in a year. Note, however, that the offer does not apply to student recruits nor to members recruited from low-income countries. 

Contact Jasper Cunningham with questions.

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Guide to Consultants Now Available

The 2022 Guide to Consultants, a supplement of Resource, is now available online and the print edition is included with the May/June issue. This concise reference helps you to find the right expertise for your project. An agricultural or biological engineering consultant offers years of experience, education, and, in most cases, professional engineering credentials. Download your copy here.

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Nominations Open for PAFS Community Editor

Jun Zhu will be completing his term as community editor and has decided to step down after many years of outstanding service, and his departure creates an opening for a new  editor for the Plant, Animal, and Facility Systems community.

The responsibilities of the community editor for journals include managing and overseeing an active pool of associate editors, serving on the P-511 Journal Editorial Board, screening manuscripts and assigning them to associate editors, making decisions on manuscripts relative to reviewers’ and associate editors’ recommendations, and communicating with the editor-in-chief and headquarters staff regarding publication issues.

For more information, see the full announcement.

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AIM + Bingo = AIMGO! 

Have a little fun and meet new friends while participating in events and activities at the 2022 ASABE Annual International Meeting.  Join us for AIM bingo—aka AIMGO!

For those who are new or inexperienced at AIM, especially students and young professionals, participating in this team activity will point you to numerous events throughout the meeting. Once you complete an event, you’ll receive a stamp to mark the corresponding square on your AIMGO game card. As in traditional bingo, you'll be rewarded with a prize when your team achieves an AIMGO, and with each AIMGO earned, your team has an opportunity to earn an even bigger prize! The entire activity is designed to help broaden your AIM experience and build your professional network.

Plan to meet at the registration table/membership booth immediately following the welcome reception on Sunday evening. Watch for additional details to come, and in the meantime contact Shane Williams or Jasper Cunningham with questions.

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YPC Seeking Industry Mentors at AIM


The Young Professionals Community is looking for 2022 annual meeting attendees who would be willing to serve as mentors by participating in our Industry Speed Networking event the evening of Sunday, July 17. This event will be an opportunity for early-career meeting attendees to learn more about working in Industry. Likewise, it's an opportunity for mentors to share their insights and wisdom, help build the workforce pipeline, and strengthen your Society as a career and networking hub.

If you are willing to be a mentor, please sign up.  

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YPC News and Events

Executive Committee Positions Nominations Opening Soon
The YPC Annual Business Meeting will be held on July 19. At this meeting we will be announcing four new officers for the Executive committee. 

  • Membership Development Council Representative (2-year term)
    Express the views and concerns of young professional members to the Membership Development Council and lead the YPC Outreach task force that develops community programming and outreach outside the annual meeting
  • Graduate Student Representative (2-year term)
    Express the views and concerns unique to graduate students to the EOPD-210 committee and lead the Graduate Student Involvement task force that develops programming and outreach to graduate students
  • Meetings Council Representative (2-year term)
    Express the views and concerns of young professional members to the Meetings Council and report council business back to the Executive committee and lead the AIM Planning task force that develops programming during the annual meeting
  • Promotional Communication Representative (2-year term)
    Express the views and concerns of young professional members to the E-05 and E-05/3 committees and lead the YPC “Graphics on Call” task force that develops social media content and promotional materials for YPC
  • Members at Large (1-year term)
    Serve as members of the Executive committee and express the views and concerns of community members in executive committee meetings

Nominations will officially open June 1, with nomination forms due by June 30. Look for a call for nominations email in your inbox.
Annual International Meeting YPC Events
YPC's AIM planning task force has put together this great lineup of social, networking, and professional-development events. Make sure to register for the meeting before June 22 to snag Early Bird rates! 

  • Social and Networking: Industry Speed Networking, YPC Bowling Social, Graduate Student Social, Fun Run/Walk
  • Learning and Professional Development: Engineering Ethics for Safety Conscious Design (CPD), Computer Vision and Machine Learning for Agricultural and Biological Engineers (CPD), Local Production Agriculture 101 Lunch and Learn, Local Agriculture Tour, Headshots at the Welcome Reception
  • Graduate Students: Department Head Meet and Greet, Graduate Student Professional Development Workshop
  • Professional Leadership: Guide to Professional Licensure, YPC Business Meeting, AIM Orientation Session

YPC Prepares to Celebrate 20 Years
YPC was formed at AIM in 2003 and we're preparing to celebrate our 20-year anniversary. We are working to gather memorabilia, memories, testimonials, and people willing to help plan campaigns and promotion throughout the next year. The goal is to kick off a year-long campaign at AIM this year culminating in a celebration at AIM 2023. If you have been involved with YPC and would like to provide information, pictures, or be involved in the planning, please fill out the online form.

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January 8-13, 2023, Punta Borinquen Resort, Puerto Rico

We are pleased to announce that the Soil Erosion Research symposium is teaming with the AgroEnviron 2020 in 2023 symposium.

The collection of abstracts for AgroEnviron is open until June 15; if you missed the Soil Erosion Research call for abstracts, consider submitting to theirs. This combined event will be held at the Punta Borinquen Resort, with presentations from both groups available for all in attendance. It is sure to be a successful and interesting week in Puerto Rico, join us! Registration will be announced soon!



Standards Updates

New Projects

  • X648-3.1, Agricultural Field Equipment Braking – Part 3: Requirements for Self-Propelled and Special Self-Propelled Machines
  • X648-5.2, Agricultural Field Equipment Braking – Part 5: Requirements for the Interface between Towing Vehicle and Towed Vehicles
  • ASABE/ICC 802-2020, Landscape Irrigation Sprinkler and Emitter Standard 
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Speaker Nominations Sought for Riley Memorial Lecture

The American Association for the Advancement of Science, the Charles Valentine Riley Memorial Foundation, and the World Food Prize Foundation invite nominations for the 2022 AAAS Charles Valentine Riley Memorial Lecture. Speakers will discuss emerging opportunities and challenges in agricultural pest management and technological innovations to support agricultural productivity and food security in the face of changing environmental conditions.

The AAAS Charles Valentine Riley Memorial Lecture carries a $5000 stipend and is an opportunity to explore the environmental and societal challenges through the lens of agricultural innovation and its applications in a global context.

Learn more.

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In Memoriam

David L. Cattron

David CattronDavid L. Cattron, 77, of Geneseo, Ill., passed away on May 2, 2022. 

Cattron was born on September 23, 1944, in Canton, Ill. He graduated from Cuba High School in 1962 and was active in FFA and 4-H. After high school he attended autobody repair school in Kansas City, Mo., and later graduated from the University of Illinois. He then began a career in education, first teaching high school vocational agriculture and later, after earning a master’s in education from the University of Illinois, in 1972, teaching agriculture mechanics at Joliet Junior College. He retired in 2002.

Cattron was very active in ag education initiatives such as state FFA, FCAE, and ILCAE. He was also a member of the Illinois Landscape Contractors Association, Joliet Antique Auto Club, Illinois Specialty Growers, AETA-Geneseo, Will County Threshermen’s Association, and Tea Leaf Ironstone China Club. He was also the driving force to move the one-room Cronin school house to the Joliet Junior College campus. The local children will remember him for his pumpkin patch.

Among his survivors are his wife, Carolyn, and two sisters. A funeral was held May 6. Memorials can be made in his name to Concordia Lutheran Academy.

Cattron was a 44-year member of ASABE.

Full obituary

Freddie R. Lamm

Freddie R. LammASABE Fellow Freddie R. Lamm, PE, passed away May 26, at the age of 67.

Lamm was born September 11, 1955, in Wooldridge, Mo., where he was raised on the family farm. He earned bachelor's and master's degrees in agricultural engineering from the University of Missouri, and later a PhD, from Kansas State University, also in agricultural engineering. Lamm spent more than 40 years working at the Kansas State University Northwest Research-Extension Center. He was always at the cutting edge of irrigation research and contributed to internationally recognized technologies: subsurface drip irrigation.

His contributions to irrigation research and technology were well recognized by his ASABE peers and others. Among his ASABE awards were the Heerman Sprinkler Irrigation award, presented last year, and the Netafim Award for Advancements in Microirrigation, in 2014. The Irrigation Association honored him in 2012 as Person of the Year. 

A 44-year member of the Society, Lamm was inducted an ASABE Fellow in 2014.

Lamm is survived by his wife, Donna, and four children. Services are to be held Tuesday, May 31.

Full obituary

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Dolores Landeck - Editor
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