December 2022


In This Month's Issue:


From the Executive Director

Darrin Drollinger HeadshotAs I reflect on 2022 and all the challenges we faced to put the pandemic in the rearview mirror, I’m filled with optimism and excitement for what 2023 has in store.

Thank you for your engagement with ASABE and warmest wishes in the New Year. Here’s my top ten list for what to participate in next year (in no particular order):
  • Podcast Series: President Keith Tinsey and I just recorded the inaugural podcast and the intent is to release a series focusing on Society activities and information. I’ll be thrilled if the podcasts reach anywhere the success of the Member Hour programs.    
  • "I wouldn’t be me without ASABE": President Tinsey reminds us all to tell our story, influence others, and raise the profile of the profession. I encourage you to watch Keith’s inspiring video and consider telling your #ASABEstory in 2023.
  • Agricultural Equipment Technology Conference (AETC) 2023AETC will be held in California for the first time, and the program offers a rich flavor of presentations on the crops and machinery unique to the West Coast.  Attendees will also have the chance to attend the World Ag Expo.  
  • ASABE’s new journal: We are launching the Journal of Natural Resources and Agricultural Ecosystemswhich is our first fully open-access and refereed journal. Please watch Community Editor Kati Migliaccio and Editor-in-Chief Garey Fox’s great video with all the details.    
  • Annual International Meeting (AIM) 2023: The next AIM will be held in Omaha, Nebraska and past president Maury Salz and the local organizing committee are lining up an incredible multi-day event you will not want miss. I believe it’s the first AIM with a video trailer
  • Circular Bioeconomy Systems (CBS) Day in Omaha: Jim Jones and the team are developing an outstanding program for a co-located event to take place just prior to AIM. Click here for details on submitting an abstract, impacting the program, and becoming a sponsor. 
  • Alliance to Modernize African Agrifood Systems: 2023 will be a breakout year for the AMAA work and its efforts to promote modernization of African agrifood value chains. See their webpage for details.  
  • Student Activities: We are looking forward to the student officers coming to ASABE headquarters soon as they make plans for the year. ASABE membership for undergraduate students is free and there are engagement opportunities with competitions, awards and the ability to participate in the AETC conference for free.
  • Young Professionals Community (YPC):  The YPC is celebrating its 20th anniversary in ‘23 and they have tremendous plans for education, networking and member growth. Learn more about YPC here, and there’s still time to contribute to the anniversary fundraising campaign.    
  • Engage: This fall we launched the Engage platform to serve as the communication hub for ASABE. If you have not experienced Engage yet, I encourage you to check out the quick tutorial videos on how to get started.
Darrin J. Drollinger
Executive Director

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Doug Otto Leads List of Nominees for Society Office

Doug Otto PortraitAs nominee for president, Doug Otto leads the list of candidates on the ballot for the 2023 election of Society officers.

Members with a valid email address will be sent balloting instructions on January 9 from Intelliscan. Voting will open electronically beginning January 11 with a personalized, secure link sent to your email, again from Intelliscan.

If you need special accommodations, please contact Joann McQuone (269/932-7022).

Balloting will close March 1, 2023.

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AE50 Award Winners Announced

AE50 Award logo

The American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers has announced the winners of the 2023 AE50 awards. 

The products will be featured in the January/February 2023 special issue of Resource. For a list of the winners, visit the AE50 webpage

ASABE's AE50 awards honor innovation in product development for agricultural, food, and biological systems. This year, 26 different companies received awards, some earning recognition for multiple products. 

The top ten winners, as determined by the blue-ribbon panel of international experts judging the entries, are now eligible for the prestigious Davidson Prize, presented jointly with the Association of Equipment Manufacturers.

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ASABE Engage


Committees have been transitioned to Engage 

All but a few committees have been transferred from the old collaboration platform over to Engage. Only a few standards committees remain on Forums while ballots draw to a close.

 If you haven’t already had the opportunity to explore the navigation and tools, we hope you’ll have a little time to do so over the holidays. Initial feedback from users has been very positive!
Get Familiar with New Email Addresses
Your groups now have a new email address. Please be sure to whitelist addresses from and then scrub any Forums addresses ( from your contact list.
For a limited time, we'll be monitoring attempts to use the old addresses; should you try to do so, we'll alert you with a reminder to use the new address through Engage.

And Be Sure to Set Your Email Preferences
One of the unique options available through Engage is being able to control the frequency with which you receive your committee messages. Setting your preferences is a simple process—it likely won’t take much more time than it takes to watch our 90-second
introductory video. Log in to, using your ASABE member credentials. You can then start setting up your profile and exploring.

We’re here to help! Contact for questions. 


Celebrate National Milk Day with January Member Hour

Did December's popular Member Hour on bourbon production leave you thirsting for more? Then come along with us, from Kentucky to Wisconsin, where we'll learn about current challenges and trends in operating a family-run dairy farm.

January's Member Hour, "Milk Production in Wisconsin," will be presented by ASABE member Brian Huenink, of John Deere and Huenink Seed and Dairy. The event will take place on National Milk Day, January 11, at 12 pm. 

This presentation is free to attend, but registration required. 

If you missed last month's presentation, it's available on our YouTube channel for viewing at your convenience. Likewise, the January presentation will be recorded and uploaded after its conclusion.

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Last Call for Student Survey

Here's a reminder to students that the student survey closes December 31.
This is your chance to express your vision for programming and opportunities for engagement in your professional society, and we want to hear from you!


The call for abstracts is open! This is your opportunity to be a presenter during our annual summer meeting. Watch for details to be posted at,
 where you will also find registration, sponsorship, and event information as it is confirmed.

Interested in hosting a social, tour, or CPD?
 Submit your proposal by February 1.


CBS Day Banner for #ASABE23


Educational Aids Blue Ribbon Award Entries Open

Here's a reminder that nominations for next year's Blue Ribbon Educational Aids awards are due January 25, 2023.

Blue Ribbon awards are presented each year by ASABE in recognition of outstanding effort and achievement in the development of noteworthy educational materials.

For more information, visit our website.

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Students: Apply Now for Scholarships, Competitions

Applications are now open for the Nye Graduate Fellowship, Adams Scholarship, and Foundation Engineering Scholarship, each of which is worth $2000 annually.

Entry deadline for all scholarships is March 15. Applicants must be ASABE student members. For more details on eligibility, please visit the scholarship websites:

John C. Nye Graduate Fellowship
William J. Adams Jr. and Marijane E. Adams Scholarship 
ASABE Foundation Engineering Scholarship

And be sure to take note of our student competition application deadlines. Participation alone provides excellent experience that will hone your hard and soft skills and make your resume stand out.

We've scheduled the deadlines to align with common semester-based timelines:

March 15
Boyd-Scott Graduate Research Competition:

April 14
Bioprocess Startup

April 15
Ethics Essay and Video
Fountain Wars

May 15
AGCO National Student Design Competition
KK Barnes Student Paper Competition 
Gunlogson Design Open Competition

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Featured Video
Listen as Keith Tinsey, ASABE president 2022–2023, shares how his involvement in ASABE has shaped and benefited his career, built lifelong relationships, and opened doors that led to personal and professional growth.

Tinsey invites you to share with the world your own



Resume Workshop Offered


Hey, grad students! Need a little coaching on your resume? Join the Young Professionals Community February 16 at 2 pm eastern for a helpful workshop that will help you develop a resume for pursuing positions outside of academia. Our expert, Lynda Spiegel, will discuss the different sections of a resume and how to organize your accomplishments to the maximum amount of attention.

Spiegel is a professional resume and LinkedIn profile writer whose HR background informs her work.

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New Additions to the Technical Library

Open Access Articles, Special Collection Articles, New Journal Issues


New Open-Access Journal Launched

We're pleased to announce that ASABE's newest refereed publication, Journal of Natural Resources and Agricultural Ecosystems (JNRAE) will launch in 2023. The publication is open access, and NRES Community Editor Kati Migliaccio will serve as the editor. Take a minute to consider their personal invitation to support and submit your manuscript to the new publication.

Like the other journals, you may now submit manuscripts to ScholarOne.

Watch for more details next month's newsletter, and on the ASABE home page

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Students, Volunteers Sought for Interview Prep Sessions

The job-interview process can be stressful, but practice and good preparation can build the confidence and ease necessary for a candidate to make a great impression. That's why the Young Professionals Community and the International Student Branch are teaming up to host two events for undergraduate and graduate students, and they're encouraging other ASABE members to support the effort.

Mock Interviews—February 2
A mock-interview workshop, February 2, will give students the opportunity to practice and obtain feedback. ASABE professionals (non-students) are needed to serve as Interviewers. The workshop will begin at 6 pm eastern. 

Interview Dos and Don'ts—January 26
Prior to the workshop, YPC will host a webinar for students, ‘Interviewing: Dos and Don’ts.” This webinar will provide tips, insights, and best practices to consider as you polish your interviewing skills. The webinar is scheduled for 1 pm eastern. 

Questions? Contact Jonah Bolin or Becca Kallal.

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New Special Collection on Autonomous-Ag Safety

A new special collection of peer-reviewed papers, Safety for Emerging Robotics and Autonomous Agriculture, will discuss current information; gaps in knowledge; and research needs that connect to issues such as risk, insurability, regulations and policy, workforce, and societal implications.

Authors that presented or participated in the 2022 Workshop Safety for Emerging Robotics and Autonomous Agriculture may submit their manuscripts.

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Did You Know. . .

In the Technical Library on each article abstract web page, a list of related articles is displayed below the social media icons. On the left are articles are from ASABE journals; on the right, articles from other journals. Follow this link for an example.

In turn, other participating journal websites will display our related content. This feature will help authors more quickly find what they need. The TrendMD widget is expected to increase total pageviews. You can get to the article abstract page by selecting the "Free Abstract" link in the search results.

ASABE Book Club

Next Discussion March 8

Invisible Women: Data Bias in a World Designed for Men
Caroline Criado Perez

Participants eligible for $25 Amazon gift card. Watch for additional details in coming months.

Central Illinois Section Lunch-n-Learn


ASABE's Central Illinois Section invites you to join them January 18 for Lunch-n-Learn with ASABE Fellow Ruth Book, PE, University of Illinois adjunct faculty, and retired state conservation engineer with the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service. Book will discuss engineering practices that help solve water quality issues associated with tile drainage of agricultural land. You’ll find out what all the excitement is about with drainage water management, denitrifying bioreactors, saturated buffers, and more!

The virtual event begins at 12 pm central, and all are welcome to attend. Register here.


Soil Erosion Research Symposium: Register Onsite

Soil Erosion Research under a Changing Climate Symposium
Punta Borinquen Aguadilla, Puerto Rico
January 8–13, 2023

Registration is available onsite for anyone able to attend last minute. It will be a very full week of sessions and invited speakers!

The registration link, program details, and other information is available on the event website. The program spans a full week beginning January 8.

Sunday—Welcome reception at 5:30 pm local time
Monday—Technical programming and lunch at the Punta Borinquen Resort. Keynote speaker: Jane Willenbring, Stanford University
Tuesday—All-day field trip to key erosion sites in western Puerto Rico
Wednesday—Technical programming and lunch at the University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez. Keynote speaker: Rafael Bras, Georgia Institute of Technology
Thursday—Technical programming, lunch, and dinner at the Punta Borinquen Resort. Keynote speaker: Robert Stallard, Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute
Friday—Technical programming and lunch at the Punta Borinquen Resort, closing the symposium by 2 pm local time. Keynote speaker: Grizelle Gonzalez, USDA-Forest Service

Find information on our speakers here.

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AETC 2023 Hits the Road for California

AETC 2023Agricultural Equipment Technology Conference
Fresno Convention & Entertainment Center
Fresno, California
February 12-14, 2023

Take a road trip with us as AETC heads to sunny California! A draft schedule and opportunity to be a sponsor or exhibitor is available at the website, as well as the reservation link to the DoubleTree by Hilton where there is a block of rooms available. ASABE student members have the opportunity to attend for free! Through the support of our sponsors, there are a limited number of registrations available to apply for. While there, take part in the Student Poster Session and Competition for a chance to win a Visa gift card.

Links to register, apply for sponsored registration, and to submit your abstract can all be found online.

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2nd Global Evapotranspiration Symposium: Call for Abstracts

Evapotranspiration Symposium 2023October 23-27, 2023
The Penn Stater Hotel
The Pennsylvania State University
University Park, PA, USA

Abstract submissions are now being accepted for The 2nd Global Evapotranspiration Symposium. The conference will be held in University Park, Pennsylvania in October 2023. A full list of session is available at the website.

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Recent Standards Activities

Standards press releases

Proposed Projects
  • X662, Moisture Relationship Equations and Moisture Based Calculations

  • ANSI/ASABE S648-3.1 DEC2022, Agricultural Field Equipment Braking — Part 3: Requirements for Self-Propelled and Special Self-Propelled Machines
  • ANSI/ASABE S648-5.2 DEC2022, Agricultural Field Equipment Braking — Part 5: Requirements for the Interface between Towing Vehicle and Towed Vehicles

Press Releases
  • December 19, 2022, ASABE Revises Braking Series Standards

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In Memoriam


Sammy Sadaka 

Sammy Sadaka, extension biosystems engineer for the University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture, died November 6 following a fatal highway collision. He was 62 years old.

Sadaka earned both BS and MS degrees in agricultural engineering from the University of Alexandria in Egypt in 1982 and 1988, respectively. In 1995, he earned a PhD in biological engineering and agricultural engineering jointly from the University of Alexandria and Dalhousie University in Nova Scotia, Canada. After more than a decade of post-doctoral research for several institutions in Canada and the United States, Sadaka joined the University of Arkansas's Division of Agriculture Cooperative Extension Service in 2007 as an associate professor and extension engineer. 

He was an ASABE member for 22 years and served as an associate editor and reviewer for ASABE journals.

Full obituary

Neil West

Quad City section member Neil West passed away December 19, in Bettendorf, Iowa. 

West obtained BS and MS. degrees in mechanical engineering from Ohio University, then began a 33-year career with the John Deere Harvester Works, where he made significant contributions in combine cooling-system design and rotary-combine development, efforts that led to 13 patents. An active ASABE member since 1967, Neil chaired the Quad City section in 1984–85 and had been an active member of ASABE’s grain harvesting technical committee, including serving as that committee’s chair. He was particularly active with the Deere Valley Antique Tractor Collector’s Club, serving as their chair and newsletter editor, and with the Antique Engine and Tractor Association (AETA), chairing their long-range planning committee, which initiated that organization’s new show grounds. West was a strong proponent of engaging youth in his love of antique farm machinery through youth activities at the annual AETA fall show and donating antique tractors to two local FFA chapters for restoration projects. He was also active in mentoring local FIRST robotics teams and serving as a judge for local STEM competitions. 

Full obituary

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Dolores Landeck - Editor
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