January 2023


In This Month's Issue:


From the Executive Director

Darrin Drollinger HeadshotEarlier this month the Soil Erosion Symposium concluded a very successful event in Aguadilla, Puerto Rico. Huge congratulations and thank you to symposium leaders Dennis Flanagan, local organizer Megh Goyal, and the entire committee! The event attracted more than 130 registered attendees and 25 students, and was held after the pandemic extended the planning efforts to a record six years. Watch for more details on the outcome from this memorable symposium.
Congratulations to our latest CNH Industrial undergraduate scholarship winners! Riley, Laura, Savanah, and Tristan will each receive $2,500 from CNH Industrial as a result of their great work. See the item below for details on our winners.       
While I’m a tad biased, the well-attended ASABE Member Hour sessions seem to be getting better and better.  The “Producer” series developed by Member Hour champion Chuck Roth started last fall with the Thanksgiving-themed segment on producing turkeys, moved to bourbon and then milk. See the homepage describing the next session by Ed Barnes on cotton coming up on February 2. If you miss any of the sessions, be sure to catch them all on ASABE’s YouTube channel.     

Darrin J. Drollinger
Executive Director

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Society Elections Underway

Doug Otto PortraitChoose your Society leadership! Voting members were sent an email on January 11 from Intelliscan with instructions and your secure link to the balloting website. It you haven’t voted, check for your email message, click on the link, and vote. It’s that easy! Not seeing the email? Please check your junk file. Thanks to those who have voted! Your vote validates the importance and worthiness of the work performed by these volunteer candidates, for you personally, and for ASABE. Please contact Joann McQuone (269/932-7022) if you need special accommodations. Balloting will close March 1, 2023.

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NC Cotton Production Focus of Next Member Hour


Here's a friendly reminder to join us for "Producing Cotton in North Carolina" with Ed Barnes, senior director of agricultural and environmental research at Cotton Incorporated. Barnes will give us an inside look at the process of producing cotton.

This presentation is free to attend, but registration required. 

If you missed last month's presentation, it's available on our YouTube channel for viewing at your convenience. Likewise, the January presentation will be recorded and uploaded after its conclusion.

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Giving Tuesday Artwork

Your Giving Tuesday a Success!

After a match from the ASABE Foundation, nearly $30,000 is being allocated to the donors' selected ASABE Foundation funds. 
Many thanks to members and friends for giving so generously and growing the Foundation's impact!

#ASABE23 banner
The schedule is filling up for #ASABE23. Watch for details to be posted at www.asabemeetings.org for all the technical sessions, socials, tour options and more. This site is where you will also find registration and sponsorship opportunities.

Interested in hosting a social, tour, or CPD? Submit your proposal by February 1.



ASABE Accredited by Standards Council of Canada 

ASABE has been formally accredited as a Canadian Standards Developing Organization (SDO) by the Standards Council of Canada. As a Canadian SDO, ASABE may now develop and publish national standards of Canada. Being able to develop standards in both the US and Canada will allow harmonization in design and safety practices and will streamline international trade.

The accreditation was supported by a number of Canadian ASABE members after the Canadian committee responsible for the work disbanded. Our formal partner in the effort is the Agricultural Manufacturers of Canada. Other partners include:

  • Canadian Agricultural Safety Association/Association Canadienne de sécurité agricole
  • Canadian Society for Bioengineering/La Société Canadienne de Génie Agroalimentaire et de Bioingénierie 
  • Prairie Agricultural Machinery Institute 

The ASABE committee coordinating this effort is STC-03, Canadian Agricultural Systems Standards Oversight/Surveillance des normes des systèmes agricoles canadiens.

ASABE’s accreditation efforts were partially underwritten by initiative funds approved in 2019. Additional details can be found online.

If you are interested in participating in this work, please contact Walter Brace.

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Submit Your Abstract for CBS Day
Deadline March 15

CBS day banner


Four Awarded ASABE–CNH Industrial Scholarships 

ASABE–CNH Scholarship WinnersCongratulations to the four winners of the ASABE–CNH Industrial Undergraduate Scholarship. The students each will receive a scholarship worth $2500 to use toward their degrees in agricultural and biological engineering and related fields. 

The winners are:

Riley Eckhardt, University of Nebraska–Lincoln, agricultural engineering major
Laura Landis, Texas A&M University, biological and agricultural engineering major
Savannah Roth, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, biosystems engineering major
Tristan Their, Iowa State University, agricultural systems technology major

Students were judged, in part, on responses to questions about CNH Industrial, ASABE, and the benefit of membership in a professional organization.

Read more here.

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Register for February 16 Resume Workshop

Hey, grad students! Need a little coaching on your resume? Join the Young Professionals Community February 16 at 2 pm eastern for a helpful workshop that will help you develop a resume for pursuing positions outside of academia. Our expert, Lynda Spiegel, will discuss the different sections of a resume and how to organize your accomplishments to the maximum amount of attention.

Spiegel is a professional resume and LinkedIn profile writer whose HR background informs her work.

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A New Twist on New Faces

My #ASABEstory artworkWe love President Keith Tinsey's "ASABE Story," explaining how his membership in ASABE has benefited him personally and professionally throughout his career.
We’re betting you have an #ASABEstory of your own. Share it with us in this year’s New Faces of ASABE contest, and it could earn you some cash!
And because we know that some of the best stories may come from those with a longer ASABE history, this year we’re adding a second contest division, for those age 35 and up.

Get the full details here.

Our thanks to Deere & Company for their sponsorship of ASABE's New Faces program.

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AETC 2023: We're Ready to Roll!

AETC 2023Agricultural Equipment Technology Conference
Fresno Convention & Entertainment Center
Fresno, California
February 12-14, 2023

Take a road trip with us as AETC heads to sunny California! A draft schedule and opportunity to be a sponsor or exhibitor is available at the website, as well as the reservation link to the DoubleTree by Hilton where there is a block of rooms available. ASABE student members have the opportunity to attend for free! Through the support of our sponsors, there are a limited number of registrations available to apply for. While there, take part in the Student Poster Session and Competition for a chance to win a Visa gift card.

Links to register, apply for sponsored registration, and to submit your abstract can all be found online.

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Educational Aids Deadline Extended to February 22

The Educational Aids Blue Ribbon Competition has been updated for 2023 and the new deadline for applications is February 22, 2023. Visit us here

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Featured Video

Come with us to Omaha for #ASABE23 as we return to our roots!


Nominations Welcome for Standards Recognition

Each year, ASABE recognizes the significant efforts of those teams who devoted time and energy to revision and development of ASABE Standards during the previous calendar year. To be considered for this award, nominations must be submitted by the chair of the committee responsible for the standard by March 1, 2023.

For further information please contact Carla Companion.

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New Special Collection on Autonomous-Ag Safety

A new special collection of peer-reviewed papers, Safety for Emerging Robotics and Autonomous Agriculture, will discuss current information; gaps in knowledge; and research needs that connect to issues such as risk, insurability, regulations and policy, workforce, and societal implications.

Authors that presented or participated in the 2022 Workshop Safety for Emerging Robotics and Autonomous Agriculture may submit their manuscripts.

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New Additions to the Technical Library

Open Access Articles, Special Collection Articles, New Journal Issues



Students! Don't Miss the Mock Interviews 

Practice and good preparation can build the confidence and ease necessary to make a great impression at a job interview. Take advantage of the mock interview session, February 2. We promise you'll be grateful for the experience.

The workshop will begin at 6 pm eastern. Questions? Contact Jonah Bolin or Becca Kallal.


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Apply Now for Scholarships, Student Competitions

Applications are now open for the Nye Graduate Fellowship, Adams Scholarship, and Foundation Engineering Scholarship, each of which is worth $2000 annually.

Entry deadline for all scholarships is March 15. Applicants must be ASABE student members. For more details on eligibility, please visit the scholarship websites:

John C. Nye Graduate Fellowship
William J. Adams Jr. and Marijane E. Adams Scholarship 
ASABE Foundation Engineering Scholarship

And be sure to take note of our student competition application deadlines. Participation alone provides excellent experience that will hone your hard and soft skills and make your resume stand out.

We've scheduled the deadlines to align with common semester-based timelines:

March 15
Boyd-Scott Graduate Research Competition:

April 14
Bioprocess Startup

April 15
Ethics Essay and Video
Fountain Wars

May 15
AGCO National Student Design Competition
KK Barnes Student Paper Competition 
Gunlogson Design Open Competition

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Soil Erosion Research under a Changing Climate

More than 130 people from around the globe met in Aguadilla, Puerto Rico, earlier this month for the decennial specialty conference on soil erosion. We had a great week filled with interesting and knowledgeable guest speakers, technical sessions, a fantastic tour, and plenty of student interaction.

Thanks to all who made the symposium a success. We're already looking ahead to the next symposium in ten years!


Related Journal Articles in the Tech Library

In the Technical Library on each article "abstract" web page, a list of related articles is displayed below the social media icons. On the left, articles are from ASABE journals. On the right, articles from other journals. Follow this link for an example: https://doi.org/10.13031/jash.12453.

In turn, other participating journal websites will display our related content. This feature will help authors more quickly find what they need. The TrendMD widget is expected to increase total pageviews. You can get to the article abstract page by selecting the "Free Abstract" link in the search results.

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Resource Celebrates Winners in Current Issue

Sit back and enjoy the latest issue of Resource, where inspiration abounds in page after page of winners.

We profile the winners of this year’s AE50 awards, ASABE’s long-running program that recognizes the latest innovations in ag engineering. The issue also includes the winning entries in the 12th annual VisualChallenge, a popular, reader-driven competition that showcases the beauty of agriculture. Marali Kalra’s first place entry in the 2022 Ethics Essay competition is presented as well. All in all, a very informative issue!

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New Open-Access Journal Launched

We're pleased to announce that ASABE's newest refereed publication, Journal of Natural Resources and Agricultural Ecosystems (JNRAE) has launched. The publication is open access, and NRES Community Editor Kati Migliaccio will serve as the editor. Take a minute to consider their personal invitation to support and submit your manuscript to the new publication.

Like the other journals, you may now submit manuscripts to ScholarOne.

Watch for more details next month's newsletter, and on the ASABE home page

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What is a Journal Abstract Page?

The "abstract" page contains most of the basic metadata about a particular article such as the title, authors, DOI, and abstract. If you use a search engine, it may take you directly to the PDF of the full text and you do not see this page. If you know the DOI for an article, for example 10.13031/ja.15032, you can append it to "https://doi.org/" to get to this page, https://doi.org/10.13031/ja.15032 where you can also see a list of recommended related articles.

Social Media and Your Journal Article

When your article is finalized for publication, you may also provide promotional wording with tags for use with the ASABE social media accounts. In the email from staff with your invoice, there will be a link to a form that collects the information for use by our social media manager.


2nd Global Evapotranspiration Symposium: Call for Abstracts

Evapotranspiration Symposium 2023October 23-27, 2023
The Penn Stater Hotel
The Pennsylvania State University
University Park, PA, USA

Abstract submissions are now being accepted for The 2nd Global Evapotranspiration Symposium. The conference will be held in University Park, Pennsylvania in October 2023. A full list of session is available at the website.

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In Memoriam


clarence Johnson PortraitClarence Eugene Johnson

ASABE Fellow Clarence Eugene Johnson was born November 1, 1941, in Elk City, Okla., to Arthur and Lena Johnson. He passed away July 7, 2022, Elk City.
Johnson attended Oklahoma State University and graduated in 1963 with a bachelor of science in Engineering. He then pursued advanced degrees in agricultural engineering while serving as a graduate research assistant and instructor at Iowa State University. While there, he received his MS in and a PhD, in 1968 and 1969, respectively. He then accepted an associate professorship in agricultural engineering at South Dakota State University. His career took him to the USDA ARS, in Pendleton, Ore., where he was an engineering researcher, and then to Auburn University, where he became a professor of biosystems engineering, where he stayed until his retirement in 1998.
Elected an ASABE Fellow in 2000, Johnson was a 53-year member of the Society.

Full obituary.

Wilmot Irish PortraitWilmot Irish

Wilmot W. Irish, age 94, an emeritus professor of agricultural engineering at Cornell University, passed away peacefully November 20, 2022, at his residence in Shelburne, Vt.  Born July 15, 1928, he graduated from the University of Vermont in 1950, where he was active in ROTC. He served in the U.S. Army in Korea and was awarded the Bronze Star for actions on Sandbag Castle. After returning from Korea, he completed his MS at the University of Illinois in 1955, then worked at the University of Connecticut. In 1960 he joined the Department of Agricultural Engineering at Cornell, where he specialized in farm structures, with responsibilities for the Extension Plan Service and directing the formation of the Northeast Regional Agricultural Engineering Service. During his time at Cornell, he worked to improve dairy structures throughout New York state and designed facilities for loose cow housing at The William H. Miner Agricultural Research Institute in Chazy, N.Y. He was a registered professional engineer and was an active member in Rotary International.

During his 50 years of ASABE membership, he served as secretary-treasurer of NABEC.

Full obituary

Dale Marshall PortraitDale E. Marshall

Age 88, died on December 9, 2022 at his daughter’s home in Williamston, MI. He was born on August 13, 1934 in Pinckney, Mich. He graduated from Stockbridge High School, then went on to receive bachelor’s and master’s degrees from Michigan State University, specializing in agricultural engineering. 

Marshall was employed with the USDA for over 30 years, where he received several patents for harvesters as well as mechanical fruit and vegetable handling equipment. He worked with oranges, grapes, cucumbers, rhubarb, peppers and apples. He retired from USDA in 1998 in Athens, Ga. He loved the soil, agriculture, and everything mechanical.

Marshall was a 63-year member of the Society.

Full obituary.

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Dolores Landeck - Editor
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