November 2022


In This Month's Issue:


From the Executive Director

This week includes Giving Tuesday, a global day of giving, and I ask you to consider supporting the ASABE Foundation’s campaign to enhance the student competitions. Starting a few years back, the Foundation set the fundraising goal to equalize the prize money and support made available to each student competition. We have made great progress; however, we still need to raise more money to fully reach the goal. No gift is too small and you may give online, mail a check to Headquarters, or call in a donation.
Hopefully you saw Foundation President Lalit Verma’s Giving Tuesday message with the great news that contributions will be matched up to $50,000, thus doubling their impact. While we are encouraging giving to the student competitions, you are welcome to designate any Foundation fund or project of your choosing and still receive the match. If you make your donation online, be sure to click “+ If desired, designate a specific fund” if you give on-line and want to designate a specific fund or project. Additionally, there is a match available for those giving to the Young Professionals Community's 20th anniversary campaign, which is going on now.

Both the Foundation and ASABE are 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organizations, so contributions are fully tax deductible up to the extent of U.S. law.

Thank you for considering ASABE and the ASABE Foundation in your charitable giving.     

Darrin J. Drollinger
Executive Director

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ASABE Engage


It's nearly time to bid farewell to Forums


With the recent launch of ASABE Engage, our new networking and collaboration platform, we will soon be closing Forums. Many ASABE groups have already received welcome messages through the new platform; please continue to watch for those emails as committees, communities, and other groups are transitioned to Engage. Efforts are also underway to transfer Important committee documents, like bylaws, to Engage, and that work will continue over coming weeks.

Set Up Your Engage Profile

Verifying that you will receive your Engage emails is a simple process—it likely won’t take much more time than it takes to watch our 90-second introductory video. Log in to, using your ASABE member credentials. You can then start setting up your profile and exploring.

One of the unique options available through Engage is being able to control the frequency for which you receive each committee’s messages.

Are You on a Standards Committee?

Forthcoming standards ballots will be distributed through Engage. Of those ballots initiated through Forums, only a few remain open, and these will be complete by the end of December.


We’re here to help! Contact for questions. 


December Member Hour Promises a Barrel of Fun


Satisfy your thirst for knowledge. Mark your calendar for December 15, 1 pm eastern, and join us as we host the next installment of our new series of Member Hours, "The Producer Series." 

"Bourbon Production in Kentucky" will be presented by Tyler Barzee, of the University of Kentucky, who will give us an inside look at the process and factors that contribute to the state's distinctive spirit.

This presentation is free to attend, but registration required. 

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The call for abstracts is open! This is your opportunity to be a presenter during our annual summer meeting. Watch for details to be posted at This site is where you will also find registration, sponsorship, and event information as it is confirmed. Interested in hosting a social, tour, or CPD? There will be forms available at the site as well soon for submitting those.

 Interested in hosting a social, tour, or CPD? The submission forms are now available.

ASABE History Books Make Great Gifts

ASABE History Books—A Great Gift Idea!

Order a unique gift from our Amazon store quickly with Prime shipping.

Can’t find what you’re looking for? Call us at 800-695-2723.


Educational Aids Blue Ribbon Award Entries Open

Here's a reminder that nominations for next year's Blue Ribbon Educational Aids awards are due January 25, 2023.

Blue Ribbon awards are presented each year by ASABE in recognition of outstanding effort and achievement in the development of noteworthy educational materials.

For more information, visit our website.

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New Additions to the Technical Library

Open Access Articles, Special Collection Articles, New Journal Issues
Applied Engineering in Agriculture 38(5)
Table of Contents or visit the Journal homepage

Pre- and Post-anthesis Deficit Irrigation of Corn in the West Central Great Plains—Working with Less Water
Potential of Dimensional Measurements of Individual Pellets for Evaluating Feed Pellet Quality

Journal of the ASABE 65(6)
Table of Contents or visit the Journal homepage

Autonomous Driving Control of a Robotic Mower on Slopes Using a Low-Cost Two-Frequency GNSS Compass and an IMU
Development of an Automatic Airflow Control System for Precision Sprayers Based on Tree Canopy Density
Direct Greenhouse Gas Emissions From a Pilot-Scale Aquaponics System
Using Monte Carlo Simulations to Achieve the Best Response From Nitrogen on Grazed Pasture Under a Legislated Nitrogen Cap in New Zealand: A Review
Detection of Persimmon Posture by a Convolutional Neural Network for Fully Automating the Peeling Process


New Open-Access Journal to Launch in 2023

We're pleased to announce that ASABE's newest refereed publication, Journal of Natural Resources and Agricultural Ecosystems (JNRAE) will launch in 2023. The publication is open access, and NRES Community Editor Kati Migliaccio will serve as the editor. Like the other journals, you may now submit manuscripts to ScholarOne.

Watch for more details next month's newsletter, and on the ASABE home page.

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Current Resource Focuses on Bioeconomy

The November/December 2022 issue of Resource finishes out the year with an eye on our Circular Bioeconomy Systems Initiative by looking at why phosphorus matters for a circular bioeconomy.

This issue also offers a variety of topics, from standards to publications to YPC celebrating 20 years. You won’t want to miss ASABE President Keith Tinsey launching his “I wouldn’t be me without ASABE” theme for his presidency or ASABE member Kyle Mankin’s Last Word suggesting “A Win-Win” for the Society and you!

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Coming Soon!

Get involved. Be an influencer. 

Tell the world your #ASABEStory!


Students, Volunteers Sought for Interview Prep Sessions

The job-interview process can be stressful, but practice and good preparation can build the confidence and ease necessary for a candidate to make a great impression. That's why the Young Professionals Community and the International Student Branch are teaming up to host two events for undergraduate and graduate students, and they're encouraging other ASABE members to support the effort.

Mock Interviews—February 2
A mock-interview workshop, February 2, will give students the opportunity to practice and obtain feedback. ASABE professionals (non-students) are needed to serve as Interviewers. The workshop will begin at 6 pm eastern. 

Interview Dos and Don'ts—January 26
Prior to the workshop, YPC will host a webinar for students, ‘Interviewing: Dos and Don’ts.” This webinar will provide tips, insights, and best practices to consider as you polish your interviewing skills. The webinar is scheduled for 1 pm eastern. 

Questions? Contact Jonah Bolin or Becca Kallal.

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Using DOI to Link to Journal Articles

The best way to link to content in our Technical Library is using the DOI. Take the DOI for the journal article or meeting paper and append it to "" to create the link. That link goes to the article abstract page that has links to the full text, citation, citation information, social media links, and other suggested articles. For example:

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Did You Know. . .

On the journal article abstract page is a "Citations" icon next to the social media links. Click on the icon to see some of the articles that have cited it. For example:

ASABE Book Club

Next Discussion March 8

Invisible Women: Data Bias in a World Designed for Men
Caroline Criado Perez

Participants eligible for $25 Amazon gift card. Watch for additional details in coming months.

ASABE Quad City Section Continuing Education Seminar 

Virtual and In-Person Attendance Welcome

“Systems Engineering & Management” 

Tuesday, December 6, 2022

4:00–8:00 pm central

Mt. Joy CNHi Product Development Facility, Davenport, Iowa

$10 members/$15 non-members/ $5 virtual participation

This seminar will orient audience to methodology of systems engineering, including requirements, architecture, interface documentation, and project management, to generate awareness and interest in systems engineering and management principles.

Rick Hefner, Caltech Center for Technology and Management Education
Rob Day, John Deere

Register now through December 2 

A meeting invite will be sent to registered participants prior to the meeting

More information

Contact Scott Clark for any questions regarding the CE seminar.


Central Illinois Section Lunch-n-Learn


ASABE's Central Illinois Section invites you to join them January 18 for Lunch-n-Learn with ASABE Fellow Ruth Book, PE, University of Illinois adjunct faculty, and retired state conservation engineer with the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service. Book will discuss engineering practices that help solve water quality issues associated with tile drainage of agricultural land. You’ll find out what all the excitement is about with drainage water management, denitrifying bioreactors, saturated buffers, and more!

The virtual event begins at 12 pm central, and all are welcome to attend. Register here.


Soil Erosion Research Symposium: Early Bird Rates until December 14

Soil Erosion Research under a Changing Climate Symposium
Punta Borinquen Aguadilla, Puerto Rico
January 8–13, 2023

Registration is now open for all attendees. Register before December 14 to save over $100!

The registration link, program details, and other information is available on the event website. The program spans a full week beginning January 8.

Sunday—Welcome reception at 5:30 pm local time
Monday—Technical programming and lunch at the Punta Borinquen Resort. Keynote speaker: Jane Willenbring, Stanford University
Tuesday—All-day field trip to key erosion sites in western Puerto Rico
Wednesday—Technical programming and lunch at the University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez. Keynote speaker: Rafael Bras, Georgia Institute of Technology
Thursday—Technical programming, lunch, and dinner at the Punta Borinquen Resort. Keynote speaker: Robert Stallard, Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute
Friday—Technical programming and lunch at the Punta Borinquen Resort, closing the symposium by 2 pm local time. Keynote speaker: Grizelle Gonzalez, USDA-Forest Service

Find information on our speakers here.

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AETC 2023 Hits the Road for California

AETC 2023Agricultural Equipment Technology Conference
Fresno Convention & Entertainment Center
Fresno, California
February 12-14, 2023

Take a road trip with us as AETC heads to sunny California! A draft schedule and opportunity to be a sponsor or exhibitor is available at the website, as well as the reservation link to the DoubleTree by Hilton where there is a block of rooms available. More information will be posted as we have it confirmed.

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2nd Global Evapotranspiration Symposium: Call for Abstracts

Evapotranspiration Symposium 2023October 23-27, 2023
The Penn Stater Hotel
The Pennsylvania State University
University Park, PA, USA

Abstract submissions are now being accepted for The 2nd Global Evapotranspiration Symposium. The conference will be held in University Park, Pennsylvania in October 2023. A full list of session is available at the website.

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Recent Standards Activities

Standards press releases

Proposed Projects
  • X422.2, Mapping Symbols and Nomenclature for Erosion and Sediment Control Plans for Land Disturbing Activities
  • X21191, Equipment for crop protection – Closed transfer systems (CTS) – Performance specifications

  • ANSI/ASABE S627.1 OCT2022, Weather-based Landscape Irrigation Control Systems
  • ANSI/ASAE S318.19 OCT2022, Safety for Agricultural Field Equipment

Press Releases
  • November 15, 2022, ASABE Publishes Updated Standard to Evaluate Control Systems for Landscape Irrigation 
  • November 15, 2022, ASABE Revises Safety Standard for Agricultural Field Equipment 
  • November 16, 2022, ASABE to Adopt International Standard for Handling Crop-Protection Products 

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In Memoriam—Paul N. Exstrom


Paul N. Exstrom, of Dubuque, Iowa, died Tuesday, November 21, 2022, at the age of 97, following an enjoyable year at Oak Park Place, Dubuque. Born in Nebraska, he graduated in 1943 and enlisted in the Navy V-12 program at Doane College, Crete, Nebr. He attended Kearney State Teachers College, married his high school classmate Bernice (Du Temple) in August of 1945, and transferred to the University of Nebraska Engineering College graduating in June of 1948 with a BS in agricultural engineering. The family moved to Wayne, Mich., where he worked at Ford Motor Company for four years, then moved to East Petersburg, Pa., near Lancaster, where Exstrom worked at New Holland Machine Company for twelve years. His final move was in 1964 to Dubuque, Iowa, to work at John Deere Dubuque Works until his retirement.

Exstrom was a 74-year lifetime member of ASABE and also the Society of Automotive Engineers. 

Memorials may be made to ASABE, the Dubuque Arboretum and Botanical Gardens, or Camp Courageous.

Full obituary

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Dolores Landeck - Editor
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