From the Executive Director

It was an exciting and busy three days in Washington, DC, earlier this month when ASABE had a booth and actively participated in the Association of Equipment Manufacturers (AEM) “Celebration of Modern Agriculture on the National Mall.” AEM estimates more than 15,000 visitors stopped by to talk with the 25 equipment manufacturers and 30 organizations (including ASABE) representing a significant swath of agriculture, and to learn how modern technologies and innovations are engineering a sustainable future where all have the food, water, energy, fiber, and a safe environment needed to thrive.
Our presence was led by the current ASABE Presidential team (Dana Porter, Doug Otto, and Keith Tinsey), Foundation President-elect Maury Salz, and staff members Scott Cedarquist, Liz Metts and me. Visitors to the ASABE booth included both DC contacts we reached out to in advance as well as drop-in visits from various agency staff, other organizations, and general visitors. Some of the contacts we made: U.S. Agency for International Development, USDA, U.S. Department of Commerce, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, Foundation for Food & Agriculture Research, Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, OSHA, and the Science Societies.
Highlights for me included booth visits by past ASABE Presidents Don Erbach and Mary Leigh Wolfe, and a tour of the Capital including a VIP luncheon in the Senate dining room with Keith’s daughter Allison Tinsey (senior counsel to Senator Maggie Hassan of New Hampshire). Trust me, the Senate Bean Soup lives up to the folklore! ASABE will be reaping benefits from participating in the modern ag on the National Mall event for years to come.
Darrin J. Drollinger
Executive Director
ASABE took full advantage of the outreach opportunities presented by our participation in the Celebration of Modern Ag on the Mall. While in DC, staff and elected leadership spent the week talking with industry, organizational peers, policy makers, and other standards developers. ASABE members like Adam Barlow (center, photo below) helped out at our booth on the Mall and participated in panel discussions and helped staff at the ASABE booth. The events were hosted by the Association of Equipment Manufacturers.

An international delegation from the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) Tractor Test Codes planned a formal meeting with US Department of Commerce staff, ANSI Staff, and a US delegation consisting of representatives from Kubota, Deere, CNHi, AGCO, the Nebraska Tractor Test Lab, and ASABE staff. The goal of the OECD group was to learn how ISO agricultural machinery standards are developed in the US and to discuss autonomous tractors and how to develop test codes for these products.
Graduate Students Now Enjoy Voting Privileges
At its spring meeting, the Board of Trustees, guided by the E-02 Constitution and Bylaws committee, took decisive action to resolve a membership disparity within the framework of ASABE. Formerly, graduate student members had the choice to maintain their status as student members at a reduced dues rate until completing their graduate studies. However, this classification as student members left them ineligible to participate in the Society-wide elections or vie for elective positions, in contrast to their peers who had transitioned to employment upon graduation.
Recognizing the need for equitable representation, the Board voted to amend the Bylaws and Rules to ensure that all student members, upon obtaining their undergraduate degrees, are eligible for transfer to either Member or Member-Engineer status. This edit allows graduate students to take advantage of the reduced membership rate but enjoy the same privileges, including voting rights, enjoyed by their peers who transition to employment upon graduation.
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Finance Committee Seeks New Members
Do you have experience and interest in finance and budgets? Consider serving on the Society's Finance committee, E-20.
The Finance committee provides general fiscal oversight of the operating and reserve funds of the Society, and under its current leadership has shepherded the Society through some trying economic times due to the pandemic. We are eager to identify members who can continue the good stewardship of Society resources. Five-year terms start at the close of the annual meeting.
Learn more about E-20, and remember that the success of the committee depends on the full commitment of every committee member. Direct questions and nominations for membership to Joann McQuone, 269/932-7022.
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Call for 2025 Leadership Candidates
With the close of the 2024 elections and new officers prepared to take their positions in July at the end of the annual meeting, it's time to anticipate the 2025 leadership ballot. |
Nominees are being sought for president-elect and three trustee positions. Nominating committee positions to be filled include ASE, ES, ITSC, MS, NRES, PRS, District 2, and District 4. Those on the Nominating committee will be thoughtfully securing candidates for the slate presented in January 2025 for ballot by general membership. The committee comprises representatives for each of the Society's technical and geographic units, as well as the International membership. The staggered terms are for two years.
Those wishing to suggest nominations are encouraged to submit names and supporting material to a member of the Nominating committee by July 1.
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AIM 2024
2024 Annual International Meeting
Marriott Anaheim
Anaheim, California
Advance registration for the annual meeting continues to July 7.
Check out the #ASABE24 schedule. Everything, including the Foundation and YPC Dinner & Trivia event is available to add to your registration. Those events that do not require advanced registration are open door and will not be listed in the items available to add in your registration.
Add them before July 7, some have already reached capacity! Don't wait until you get to AIM to include activities you are interested in!
Keep in mind that these options will have minimum attendance requiements - if you don't register in advance, they may be canceled due to expected low participation.
Contact Jessica Bell with questions.
Tours and CPDs
Find complete details at
T#1 Angels Stadium Back of House Irrigation System Tour
T#2 Spouse/Guest Lunch to Downtown Orange for lunch and some unique shopping
T#3 Queen Mary Tour in Long Beach
T#4 Orange County Water District Facility Tour
T#5 Hunter Industries Manufacturing Facility Tour
All tours include transportation and admission when required. Add them to your registration before July 7, some do have limited space-they may sell out before then!
Continuing Professional Development
All sessions on Sunday, July 28
CPD1 Computer Vision and Machine Learning for Agricultural and Biological Engineers, 8am - 12pm
CPD2 Data Analytics using Python in Agricultural and Biological Engineering, 9am - 12pm
CPD3 Using Artificial Intelligence for Machinery Design, 12pm - 4pm
CPD4 Large Language Models and Foundation Models in Agriculture: Bridging Theory and Practice, 12pm - 4pm
CPD5 Reviewer Certification Training, 2pm - 4pm
Keynote Speaker Jenn Donohue
is as excited as we are!
Are you an AIM first-timer?
Or perhaps it's been a while and you need a refresher?
Check out our video tour!
And use our handy orientation tool to explore the program and find technical sessions, committee meetings, and social events that fit your interest!
The official ASABE Meeting App will launch shortly before the meeting.
Support the ASABE Foundation and YPC at the Annual Meeting
Last year's event was so much fun, we're doing it again!
Join us for a night of dinner and trivia in Anaheim.
Consult the 2024 meeting program for ticket details.
IQS Teams Compete This Weekend
"Will it play in Peoria?" If it's ASABE's Quarter-Scale Competition, it certainly will. This weekend in fact, rain or shine.
Meet us in Peoria for the 2024 International Quarter-Scale Tractor Student Design Competition. Twenty-two schools from across the US and Canada are set to participate in the event, which commences on Friday morning, May 31, at the Peoria Gardens Exposition Center.
We understand if you can't travel to Peoria, but that's not a problem! Competition organizers will be livestreaming the performance events and awards banquet. Follow along on the IQS YouTube channel.
Many thanks to the IQS Steering committee, volunteers, and sponsors for making this important event possible.
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Now Online: May/June Issue of Resource
Sit back and enjoy the May-June 2024 issue of Resource! It's chock-full of a diverse group of articles. Topics include data standards in agrifood systems, open-source software for ag engineering, regenerating pasture land with agroforestry, a wrap-up of the 2023 AMAA Conference, the 2024 Davidson Prize winners, and more!
Don’t miss Peter Livingston’s "Last Word," detailing why you should dream this summer and attend AIM in Anaheim. Last but not least, our annual Guide to Consultants is included in this issue!
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Call for Papers: Climate Change Impacts and Regenerative Agriculture
We invite you to contribute to our scholarly community by submitting manuscripts to our new open-access Journal of Natural Resources and Agricultural Ecosystems, as well as our other hybrid journals and special collections.
Consider also our special collections, manuscripts for which are due at the end of December.
Just follow our step-by-step submission instructions.
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New From ASABE Publications
Open Access Articles, Special Collection Articles, New Journal Issues
Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health 30(2)
Approved Projects
- X11684:2023, Tractors, machinery for agriculture and forestry, powered lawn and garden equipment — Safety labels — General principles
- X15077WD, withdrawal of ASABE/ISO 15077:2008 OCT2008, (R2024), Tractors and Self-Propelled Machinery for Agriculture — Operator Controls — Actuating Forces, Displacement, Location and Method of Operation
Press Releases
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2024 Class of Fellows Announced
Join us in congratulating this year's class of ASABE Fellows.
The eleven individuals named here will be inducted at a special ceremony held at the 2024 annual meeting. Consult the meeting program for event details.
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2024 Fellows
Evangelyn C. Alocilja
Daniël Berckmans, PE
Thomas J. Brumm
Ann D. Christy, PE
Kyle R. Mankin
Michelle L. Soupir
Steven J. Thomson
Erin G. Webb, PE
Paul Weckler, PE
Chad Yagow
Jun Zhu
Congratulations to This Year's Award Winners
The ASABE awards program is pleased to announce the 2024 Major Award recipients. These individuals will be honored during this year's annual meeting at a luncheon on Wednesday, July 31. Find event details at the 2024 annual meeting website.
Gold Medal Winners
John Deere Gold Medal
Dennis C. Flanagan
Massey-Ferguson Educational Gold Medal
Thomas J. Brumm
McCormick Case Gold Medal
John K. Schueller
Pharos of Alexandria Global Learning
Jaden Tatum
Yoerger Preprofessional Engineer of the Year
Paige Seibert
Robert E. Stewart Engineering-Humanities
Patrick John Sours
Gale A. Holloway Professional Development
Juliana Vasco-Correa
New Holland Young Researcher
Brendan T. Higgins
Larry W. Turner Young Extension Professional
Lori Duncan
A.W. Farrall Young Educator
Lucie Guertault
Sunkist Young Designer
Scott Clark
Evelyn E. Rosentreter Standards
John R. Fisher
James R. and Karen A. Gilley Academic Leadership
Dwayne R. Edwards, PE
IDEA Award
Jenny Keshwani
Kishida International
Chandra A. Madramootoo, PE
Lalit and Aruna Verma Award for Excellence in Global Engagement
Kevin M. Keener, PE
PEI Professional Engineer of the Year
Daniel C. Rutland, PE
Sukup Global Food Security Award
Peter G. McCornick, PE
ADS/Hancor Soil and Water Engineering
Matt Helmers
G.B. Gunlogson Countryside Engineering
Kenneth Hellevang, PE
SMV Technologies Ergonomics, Safety, and Health
Chris Schneider
Mayfield Cotton Engineering
Paul A. Funk
Rain Bird Engineering Concept of the Year
Jianwei (Tony) Qin, Kuanglin Chao, Insuck Baek, Diane E. Chan, Moon S. Kim
Advancement of Surface Irrigation
Christopher Garrett Henry, PE
International Food Engineering
Ali Demirci
Netafim Microirrigation
James E. Ayars, PE
Henry Giese Structures & Environment
Lingjuan Wang Li
Calendar of Deadlines for Student Recognitions
June 1
Agricultural Robotics Student Design Competition
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Join the Team! Call for YPC Nominations
Are you an ASABE young professional looking for a great way to make connections and an impact on your Society? The Young Professionals Community (YPC) is looking for you!
YPC will host is annual business meeting at the ASABE Annual International Meeting (AIM) on Tuesday, July 30, beginning at 5:15 pm. Consult the meeting program for location. Four new officers will be elected:
- Membership Development Council representative
- Meetings Council representative
- Graduate Student Involvement committee representative
- Promotional Communications representative
Volunteers for at-large members of the committee are also welcome, and up to nine of those will be selected in August 2024, following the annual meeting.
What's in it for you? And what are the obligations of these positions? Find answers to those questions in this at-a-glance summary. You'll also find a list of individuals currently serving, who can answer any questions you may have. Find complete position descriptions in the YPC Policies and Procedures.
If you think this is something you are passionate about and you're motivated to bring a change for good in the lives of young professionals, please submit your Candidate Biography Form to Sushant Mehan. Don't wait! Submissions are due by midnight (eastern) June 7.
If you have any questions about the positions or YPC, please email
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2024 Cohort of Student Leaders Coming to AIM
Join us in extending a warm welcome to the 2024 cohort of the Student Rally Network Leadership Program (SRNLP), who will be attending this year's annual meeting. These young leaders from the California/Nevada region, the Southeast region, and the Midwest region represent schools that will host the coming year’s rallies and schools with nascent student branches.
Selected students include Anslee Boyd, Ashley Butkus, Brigid Heller, Autumn Hilderbrand, Basma Laaribi, Jade Lau, Brandon Mar, Carson Lee Rossi, Skylar Joseph Rossi, Hudson Schneider, Tori Schutte, Reed Thorn, and Benjamin Williams.
A huge shout-out goes out to the 2025 regional rally host schools, Cal Poly SLO, Texas A&M, and University of Wisconsin–Madison, who are covering costs of their student leadership to attend the meeting. Students traveling from schools with emerging branches—University of California – Davis, Mississippi State, and Purdue—are being sponsored by the ASABE restricted reserve.
Now in its third year, the SRNLP aims to grow leadership among ASABE's student community by providing networking opportunities at the annual meeting. Students come away with a broader understanding of the profession, a greater appreciation of professional development opportunities within the Society, and promising ideas for energizing their home branches. Initially underwritten with a grant from the ASABE Initiative Fund, the program has since seen increasing university support.
Interested in learning more about the program? Attend the P-131 committee meeting during AIM for more information and to meet the 2024 SRLNP student leaders!
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PE Exam? Don't Lose Sleep over It

Is the thought of taking the ABE PE licensure exam keeping you up at night? We're here to help you get some ZZZs.
From live and recorded webinars to financial incentives, we have everything you need to succeed.
Check out our PE Exam resources!
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Looking for Some ASABE Merch?
Announcing the new ASABE Shop!
Show your Team ASABE pride with freshly branded merchandise from our new collection of apparel, gift items, and general merchandise. Find sweatshirts, polos, caps, water bottles, stickers, and more. Shop for yourself, for a friend, or for your next Section event.
Your shopping cart is waiting!
Help Us Keep in Touch
There's a lot going on in ASABE and we want to make sure we're using all the right channels to convey our news. Email? Engage? Newsletters? Social media? What works best for you?
We've put together a short questionnaire. Would you mind taking a look and giving us your honest feedback? Do so by the end of June and you could snag $50 in ASABE Bucks, to spend on merchandise, meeting registration, and more.
Take the survey.
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