E-06 Foundation Liaison Committee

Established in 2016, the E-06 Foundation Liaison committee assists the ASABE Board of Trustees (BOT) by: 

  • Defining, developing, and prioritizing fundraising opportunities and needs for recommendation to the ASABE Foundation BOT; 
  • Appointing ad hoc committees, as needed, to manage funds not aligned with an existing committee; and
  • Conducting other liaison activities between the ASABE BOT and the Foundation BOT as needed. 

In other words, it collects, reviews, and recommends foci for fundraising efforts to the Foundation BOT, upon ASABE BOT approval.

E-06 fulfills its purpose by:

  • Gathering, defining, and prioritizing new, existing, or expanded opportunities for Foundation fundraising through outreach to the ASABE membership and structure, and then communicating these to the ASABE BOT for their consideration; 
  • Identifying prioritized fundraising projects supporting current ASABE Goals and Strategies
  • Communicating any prospective donor leads to the Foundation; and 
  • Communicating with the Foundation Development committee to understand current fundraising priorities and activities, and ensuring they align with current BOT-adopted goals and strategies.


How does this differ from ASABE's Initiative Fund?

Unlike Foundation funds, Initiative Funds derive from the Society's restricted reserve and are made available only on approval of the Board. Initiative funding provides seed money for new activities, programs, and pilot projects. Funds. Learn more here.

Have you identified a fundraising focus which you'd like to bring forward for consideration?

Complete the Fundraising Focus Proposal Form to start the process. You do not need to have all of the specifics nailed down. We want to hear your good ideas, so bring them forward, and we can work together to help flesh them out.


Please contact the ASABE Development Office.

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