Data as of April 2021.


Google Scholar Citations Web of Science Citations Title
All Time
8664 5136 Model evaluation guidelines for systematic quantification of accuracy in watershed simulations
3832 * Reference crop evapotranspiration from temperature
2920 1531 The soil and water assessment tool: historical development, applications, and future research directions
2054 1074 Estimation of soil water properties
1817 1090 SWAT: Model use, calibration, and validation
1684 813 Biodiesel production from oils and fats with high free fatty acids
*Web of Science does not list Hargreaves and Samani, 1985
Since 2010
1817 1090 SWAT: Model use, calibration, and validation
656 436 Hydrologic and water quality models: Performance measures and evaluation criteria
406 257 Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) model: Current developments and applications
341 219 SWAT ungauged: hydrological budget and crop yield predictions in the Upper Mississippi River Basin
209 140 EPIC and APEX: Model use, calibration, and validation
Since 2015
656 436 Hydrologic and water quality models: Performance measures and evaluation criteria
143 94 A recommended calibration and validation strategy for hydrologic and water quality models
115 94 Hydrological processes and model representation: Impact of soft data on calibration
80 59 Threshold effects in HRU definition of the soil and water assessment tool
81 43 The Potential of Controlled Traffic Farming to Mitigate Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Enhance Carbon Sequestration in Arable Land: A Critical Review
51 40 Uncertainty considerations in calibration and validation of hydrologic and water quality models
47 34 Parameterization Guidelines and Considerations for Hydrologic Models
Since 2018
19 13 Prediction of Aerial Spray Release from UAVs
16 12 Review and Development of ASABE Engineering Practice 621: “Guidelines for Calibrating, Validating, and Evaluating Hydrologic and Water Quality Models”
13 12 Impacts of Cover Crops on Soil Physical Properties: Field Capacity, Permanent Wilting Point, Soil-Water Holding Capacity, Bulk Density, Hydraulic Conductivity, and Infiltration
19 11 Detection of Surface and Subsurface Defects of Apples Using Structured-Illumination Reflectance Imaging with Machine Learning Algorithms
20 11 Design and Field Evaluation of a Robotic Apple Harvesting System with a 3D-printed Soft-Robotic End-Effector
13 10 Corn and Sorghum ET, E, Yield, and CWP as Affected by Irrigation Application Method: SDI versus Mid-Elevation Spray Irrigation
14 10 Carbon Quality of Four-Year-Old Woodchips in a Denitrification Bed Treating Agricultural Drainage Water
12 10 Structured illumination reflectance imaging for enhanced detection of subsurface tissue bruising in apples
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