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801M1094 Advances in Soil Dynamics Volume 1 0929355520
801M0602 Advances in Soil Dynamics Volume 2 1892769824
801M0209 Advances in Soil Dynamics Volume 3 w/CD-ROM 1892769735
801M0894 Agricultural Safety and Health for Engineers 0929355512
801M0296 *Agricultural Buildings and Structures 0929355733
913C0604 Agricultural Implement Drivelines 1892769417
913C0306 Animal Agriculture and the Environment 1892769514
801M0892 Basics of Insect Modeling 0929355318
801M0506 CIGR Handbook: Information Technology VI 1892769034
801M1007 *Design and Operation of Farm Irrigation Systems 2nd ed. 1892769646
801M1086 *Design in Agricultural Engineering 0916150801
801M0310 *Designing Structural Components for Machines 189276976X
801M0704 *Engine and Tractor Power 4th ed. 1892769425
801M0206 *Engineering Principles of Agricultural Machines 2nd ed. 1892769506
801M1498 Engineering Properties of Foods and Other Biological Materials 189276900X
801M0390 *Environment Control for Animals and Plants 0929355083
913C0491 Flow Measuring Flumes 929355156
801M0804 Food and Process Engineering Technology 1892769433
801M0404 *Fundamentals of Electricity for Agriculture 3rd ed. 1892769395
913C0591 Instrumentation and Measurement for Environmental Sciences 3rd ed. 0916150488
801M0222OA *Introduction to Biosystems Engineering 9781949373936 (print)
801M0221OA *Irrigation Systems Management 9781940956428 (print)
801M0695 Landscape Irrigation Design 092935561X
801M0309 *Livestock Energetics and Thermal Environment Management 1892769743
801M0303 Looking Beneath the Surface of Agricultural Safety and Health 189276928X
801M0487 Mechanics of Cutting Plant Material 0916150860
801M0190 Management of Farm Irrigation Systems 0929355113
801M1481 Modifying Root Environment 0916150402
801M0103 *Off-Road Vehicle Engineering Principles 1892769263
801M0994 On-Farm Drying 0929355539
801M1003 *Pesticides in Domestic Wells 1892769298
801M0895 Physical Principles of the Plant Biosystem 0929355571
913C0189 Potato Storage Technology and Practice 0916150992
801M0297 *Principles of Process Engineering 0929355857
801M0598 Robotics for Bio-production 0929355946
801M0792 *Safety and Health for Production Agriculture 0929355326
801M0313 *Soil and Water Conservation Engineering 7th ed. 1892769867
915C0383 Status of Harvest Mechanization of Horticultural Crops 091615050X
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